From richard.chbeir at Sat Sep 5 09:40:20 2015 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 15:40:20 +0200 Subject: [SigLT-L] IEEE SITIS'15 (extended deadline): CFP WeCA (Web Computing and Application), Bangkok-Thailand Message-ID: <> ****** Extended submission deadline ****** Apologies for multiple diffusion CALL FOR PAPERS ===================================================================== Track on WEB COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (WeCA) The 11th IEEE International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET-BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS 15) Bangkok, Thailand, 23-27, November 2015 In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter ====================================================================== The WeCA (Web Computing and Application) track will focus on emerging and novel concepts, architectures and methodologies for information management. The Internet and the related technologies have created an interconnected world in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance. Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging application requires solutions that address new issues and challenges. Novel architectures are being proposed to allow resource sharing and distributed processing of linked data and devices. Peer to peer computing, mobile information systems, semantic based applications, linked data systems, Internet of things etc. are a few examples. Topics of interest include, but not limited, to: ---------------------------------------------- * Data semantics * Web-Centric Systems * Semantic Web * Social media and networking * Big Data * Information System Interoperability * Digital Libraries * Cloud Computing * Integrated, Virtualized and Distributed Information Systems * Multimedia and application * Information security * Service Based Systems Submission and publication -------------------------- SITIS'15 WeCa Track invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above. Allsubmitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for potential publication journals. Important dates --------------- * Paper Submission (extended): September 21, 2015 * Acceptance/Reject notification: October 15, 2015 * Camera ready: October 22, 2015 * Author registration: October 22, 2015 Track Chairs ------------ Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France From niso-announce at Wed Sep 9 11:07:30 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 11:07:30 -0400 Subject: [SigLT-L] September 23 NISO Virtual Conference: Scholarly Communication Models: Evolution or Revolution? Message-ID: *NISO September Virtual Conference: **Scholarly Communication Models: Evolution or Revolution? * Virtual conferences are 5-6 hour conferences held online in webinar-like formats, with occasional breaks in the schedule for participants. The longer length allows the depth of coverage of a conference coupled with the convenience of a webinar. *Date:* September 23, 2015 *Time: *11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern *Event webpage: * *ABOUT THE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE* Scholarly communication deals with the systems and processes involved in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Scholars can?t help but have to navigate the complex issues around author rights, access, costs, new models of publishing, peer-review, and compliance with research funder policies. These scholarly communication components are continually evolving along with changes in technical infrastructure, the economics of publishing, knowledge preservation, and social practice. Learn how scholarly communication models are evolving from the authors?, publishers?, and libraries? perspectives. The presenters would share and discuss their approach in adapting and navigating the issues surrounding this topic. *NEW: **Training Thursday**!* All registrants to this virtual conference will receive a login to the associated Training Thursday on *Using Alerting Systems to Ensure OA Policy Compliance* to be held on October 1 *from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)*. (Separate registration to the training event only is also available.) If you are unable to attend the Training Thursday in person, you can view the recording of the session. *TOPICS AND SPEAKERS* *? Keynote Address: Ten Simple Rules for Changing how Scholars Communicate - Philip E. Bourne, *Ph.D., FACMI, Associate Director for Data Science (ADDS), Founding Editor in Chief PLOS Computational Biology, National Institutes of Health *? Open: Much more than a different business model - Lars Bj?rnshauge, *Managing Director, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and SPARC Europe Director of European Library Relations *? Whose job is it anyway? Changing roles and responsibilities for research communication - Melinda Kenneway, *Executive Director, Kudos *? The role of annotations in scholarly communications - Dan Whaley, * Founder, ? The Responsibilities (not Roles) of Repositories and Non-traditional Outlets* - Gregg Gordon, *President and CEO, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) *? Libraries as Partners in Sustainable Campus-Based Publishing and Scholarly Communications - Sarah Kalikman Lippincott, *Program Director, Educopia Institute, Library Publishing Coalition *? Use Modern Metrics to Tell the Stories of Your Research - Andrea Michalek, *President & Co-Founder, Plum Analytics *? So Now What? Some Concluding Thoughts on Takeaways and Themes - Charles Watkinson, *Associate University Librarian, Publishing; Director, University of Michigan Press, University of Michigan Library *? Roundtable Discussion - **Moderated by: Todd Carpenter, *Executive Director, NISO *REGISTRATION* Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 4:00 pm Eastern on September 22, 2015 (the day before the virtual conference). Discounts are available for NISO members and students. All virtual conference registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Can't make it on the day of the virtual conference? All registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Take advantage of the Virtual Conference subscription package ( ) for all six of the 2015 Virtual Conferences and save 33%. (Previously held 2014 virtual conferences available in recorded versions.) For more information and to register, visit the event webpage: # # # Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager National Information Standards Organization (NISO) 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302 Baltimore, Maryland 21211 E: jwood at P: 301.654.2512 F: 410.685.5278 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ecorrado at Tue Sep 15 17:59:52 2015 From: ecorrado at (Edward M. Corrado) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 16:59:52 -0500 Subject: [SigLT-L] *Extended Deadline* Survey on embedded metadata in digital objects Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, You are invited to participate in a survey designed to collect information on the practice of embedding metadata into digital objects. The purpose of the survey is to explore the cost and benefit of embedding additional (i.e. LAM-generated) metadata into digital objects, to the end of evaluating current practice and defining best practices. The survey consists of a mix of closed and open ended questions. Participation should take between 15? 20 minutes. *Please follow this link to complete the survey:* Rachel Jaffe, Metadata Librarian, UC Santa Cruz and Edward Corrado, Associate Dean, Library Technology Planning and Policy, University of Alabama are conducting this survey. *Participation is voluntary; participants will have the right to discontinue the survey at any point without penalty.* Information obtained from the online survey will be collected in a manner that human subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subject. Data will be made available to the profession; along with analysis of current practice and possibilities for future research. The University of California, Santa Cruz Institutional Review Board has determined that this survey qualifies as exempt from full IRB oversight. No human subjects harm is expected to occur during the online survey. *Extended deadline for completing the survey is September 30, 2015. * Contact Rachel Jaffe at 831?502?7291 or jaffer at, or Edward Corrado at 205?348?0266 or emcorrado at with questions or concerns about this study. If you have questions about your rights as a participant in this research, please contact the University of California, Santa Cruz Office of Research Compliance Administration, at 831?459?1473 or orca at Regards, Rachel Jaffe Metadata Librarian Metadata Services, University Library University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (831) 502?7291 jaffer at Edward M. Corrado Associate Dean Library Technology Planning and Policy, University Libraries University of Alabama Box 870266 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487?0266 (205) 348?0266 emcorrado at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Thu Sep 17 10:28:40 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 10:28:40 -0400 Subject: [SigLT-L] Still time to Register for the September 23 NISO Virtual Conference! Message-ID: *NISO September Virtual Conference: **Scholarly Communication Models: Evolution or Revolution? * Virtual conferences are 5-6 hour conferences held online in webinar-like formats, with occasional breaks in the schedule for participants. The longer length allows the depth of coverage of a conference coupled with the convenience of a webinar. *Date:* September 23, 2015 *Time: *11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern *Event webpage: * *ABOUT THE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE* Scholarly communication deals with the systems and processes involved in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Scholars can?t help but have to navigate the complex issues around author rights, access, costs, new models of publishing, peer-review, and compliance with research funder policies. These scholarly communication components are continually evolving along with changes in technical infrastructure, the economics of publishing, knowledge preservation, and social practice. Learn how scholarly communication models are evolving from the authors?, publishers?, and libraries? perspectives. The presenters will share and discuss their approach in adapting and navigating the issues surrounding this topic. *TOPICS AND SPEAKERS* - *Keynote Address: Ten Simple Rules for Changing how Scholars Communicate* *?* *Philip E. Bourne*, Ph.D., FACMI, Associate Director for Data Science (ADDS), Founding Editor in Chief PLOS Computational Biology, National Institutes of Health - *Open: Much more than A Different Business Model ? Lars Bj?rnshauge*, Managing Director, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and SPARC Europe Director of European Library Relations - *Whose job is it anyway? Changing roles and responsibilities for research communication* *?* *Melinda Kenneway*, Executive Director, Kudos - *The role of annotations in scholarly communications* *?* *Dan Whaley*, Founder, - *The Responsibilities (Not R**oles) of Repositories and Non-Traditional Outputs* *?* *Gregg Gordon*, President and CEO, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) - *Sustainable Publishing and Scholarly Communications* *?* *Sarah Kalikman Lippincott*, Program Director, Educopia Institute, Library Publishing Coalition - *Use Modern Metrics to Tell the Stories of Your Research ? Andrea Michalek*, Co-Founder & President, Plum Analytics - *So Now What? Some Concluding Thoughts on Takeaways and Themes* *? **Charles Watkinson*, Associate University Librarian, Publishing; Director, University of Michigan Press, University of Michigan Library - *Roundtable Discussion* *NEW: Training Thursday!* All registrants to this virtual conference will receive a login to the associated *NISO Training Thursday, Using Alerting Systems to Ensure OA Policy Compliance* to be held on *October 1 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)*. Confirmed presenters are *Howard Rattner*, Executive Director, CHORUS and *Erin Braswell, *Lead Developer of SHARE at the Center for Open Science. (Separate registration to the training event only is also available.) If you are unable to attend the Training Thursday in person, you can view the recording of the session. *REGISTRATION* Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 4:00 pm Eastern on September 22, 2015 (the day before the virtual conference). Discounts are available for NISO members and students. All virtual conference registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Can't make it on the day of the virtual conference? All registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Take advantage of the Virtual Conference subscription package ( ) for all six of the 2015 Virtual Conferences and save 33%. For more information and to register, visit the event webpage: # # # -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: