[SigLT-L] June 10 NISO Webinar: Taking Your Website Wherever You Go

NISO Announce niso-announce at niso.org
Fri May 22 11:44:59 EDT 2015

*NISO Webinar: **Taking Your Website Wherever You Go: *
*Delivering Great User Experience across Multiple Form Factors*

*Date: *June 10, 2015

*Time: *1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Eastern time

*Event webpage:* *http://www.niso.org/news/events/2015/webinars/responsive/*

*About the Webinar*

The increased utilization of mobile devices for content consumption places
demands on publishers to be more adept at engaging on mobile devices. As
the device market has changed, size, capability, and usability of the
devices continue to evolve rapidly. The capability of the web sites needs
to keep pace with the changing market both in terms of rendering content on
devices and managing the access to the content.

One of the first waves of design called for using custom Apps for mobile
devices. Many of the early adopters learned quickly that App maintenance
consumed more resources that anyone had predicted.

Access management is another consideration for the mobile experience.
Simply put, publishers want be sure that users are authorized to have
access to content. In the academic environment, the task is particularly
troublesome because students are transient and very mobile. Rather than
setting up onerous, session based manual login processes, content
providers, usually enabled by hosting companies, have developed techniques
to “pair” devices with authentication systems to ensure that access is
available when requested, but not extended past a designated time frame.
Management of this capability should be transparent intermediaries, such as
librarians, but available for management should the need arise.

In this NISO Webinar, speakers will discuss multiple form factors including
responsive web design and responsive design with server side components,
that help institutions deliver a great experience to their users.

Topics and speakers are:

• *RESS*: *Responsive Web Design + Server Side Components - **Marty Picco*,
Vice President of Product Management, Atypon

• *Providing Information across Multiple Devices to the Public Health
Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities - Hathy Simpson*, MPH, Public
Health Information Specialist, Project Coordinator, Public Health Partners
Website Project, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England
Region (NN/LM NER), University of Massachusetts Medical School and *Lisa
Sedlar*, Librarian, National Information Center for Health Services
Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR), National Library of Medicine

• *User Experience (UX) and User Centered Design -* *Bobby Foster*,
Director of User Experience & Design, Health Learning, Research & Practice,
Wolters Kluwer


Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm
Eastern on May 13. Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG members and

NISO Library Standards Alliance (LSA) members receive one free connection
as part of membership and do not need to register. (The LSA member webinar
contact will automatically receive the login information. Members are
listed here: www.niso.org/about/roster/#library_standards_alliance  If you
would like to become an LSA member and receive the entire year’s webinars
as part of membership, information on joining is listed here:

All webinar registrants and LSA webinar contacts receive access to the
recorded version for one year. Visit the event webpage to register and for
more information: http://www.niso.org/news/events/2015/webinars/software/

# # #
Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
E: jwood at niso.org
P: 301.654.2512
F: 410.685.5278
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