[SigLT-L] Free Live-Stream Invitation: NISO Patron Privacy Project

NISO Announce niso-announce at niso.org
Wed Jun 10 10:50:07 EDT 2015

*NISO Patron Privacy Project *
*Live-Stream Invitation: Monday, June 29 - Tuesday, June 30, 2015  *
*The Firehouse at the Fort Mason Center* <http://www.fortmason.org/>
*San Francisco, CA*

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the National Information
Standards Organization a grant to develop a *Consensus Framework to Support
Patron Privacy in Digital Library and Information Systems*. The grant will
support a series of community discussions on how libraries, publishers and
information systems providers can build better privacy protection into
their operations and the subsequent formulation of a framework document on
the privacy of patron data in these systems.

Each of the discussion sessions are three-hour web-based session designed
to lay the groundwork for a productive in-person meeting at the conclusion
of the American Library Association meeting in San Francisco, CA on Monday
and Tuesday, June 29-30, 2015.

*FREE LIVE-STREAM AVAILABLE:* For those interested in this work, NISO will
be live-streaming the day and a half in-person event. Credentials for login
will be provided closer to the event date; please make sure to designate
your attendance as "virtual" in the RSVP form
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XXGW8TF> so that we may be sure
to communicate that information to you. *For planning purposes, please RSVP
by **Thursday, June 25**.*

Following the in-person meeting, a Framework document will be completed
detailing the privacy principles and recommendations agreed to by the
participants, and then circulated for public comment and finalization. More
information, including a version of the project proposal and virtual
meeting output, is available on the NISO website at:

Thank you for your interest in this important topic that faces the library
and information communities!

Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
E: jwood at niso.org
P: 301.654.2512
F: 410.685.5278
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