From richard.chbeir at Fri Apr 10 10:21:48 2015 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 16:21:48 +0200 Subject: [SigLT-L] ACM MEDES 2015: Call for papers/tracks/workshops/tutorials (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Message-ID: * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * The 7th International ACM Conference on Management of computational and collective Intelligence in Digital EcoSystems (MEDES 2015) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 October 25-29, 2015 Caraguatatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International ACM Conference on Management of computational and collective IntElligence in Digital EcoSystems (MEDES) aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. Topics ------- MEDES 2015 seeks contributions in the following areas: 1. Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure 2. Green computing 3. Computational and Collective Intelligence 4. Services 5. Trust, Security & Privacy 6. Data & Knowledge Management 7. Internet of Things and Intelligent Web 8. Human-Computer Interaction 9. Networks and Protocols 10. Open Source Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Workshop Proposal Submission ---------------------------- Proposals for Workshops that examine emerging, innovative, or otherwise provocative issues within the conference area are encouraged. Workshop proposals should include a 1-2 page summary of the topic and the names and affiliations of 3-4 chairs and program committee members who have made a commitment to participate. A mix of industry and academic panel members is recommended. In the page summary, the organizers should present clearly: - the motivation of the workshop and its relatedness to the topics of MEDES 2015, - the specific topics covered and possible application areas, - the reviewing process, and the expected number of participants, - if the same workshop has been organized before in MEDES or related conferences and why its continuation is needed. Special Track Proposal Submission --------------------------------- Special Track proposals for MEDES 2015 should include: - The title and brief technical description of the special track, specifying its goals and motivation. - A brief discussion of why the topic is of particular interest at this time. - A brief description of why and to whom the track is of interest, the special track audience, as well as the expected number of participants. - A list of (potential) members of the program committee (at least 50% have to be known and confirmed at the time of the proposal). Important Dates ---------------- - Paper Submission Deadline: May 15th, 2015 - Workshop and track proposal deadline: April 25th, 2015 - Notification of Acceptance: June 26th, 2015 - Camera Ready: July 03rd, 2015 - Paper Registration: July 09th, 2015 - Conference Dates: 25-29 October 2015 Keynote speakers ---------------- Nivio Ziviani, CEO, Zunnit Technologies, Brazil Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, UNICAMP, Brazil Mario A. Nascimento, University of Alberta, Canada Conference Chairs ---------------- Victor Pellegrini Mammana, CTI, Brazil Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Eduado Antonio Mondena, IFSP, Brazil Program Chairs ---------------- Agma Traina, Sao Paolo University, Brazil Oscar Salviano, CTI, Brazil Youakim Badr, INSA de Lyon, France Frederic Andres, NII, Japan International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From richard.chbeir at Sat Apr 11 10:30:12 2015 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 16:30:12 +0200 Subject: [SigLT-L] CFP (Deadline Approaching): 11th Int. Conf. on AI Applications and Innovations (Biarritz-France) Message-ID: * Sorry for cross-posting * ************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS ************************************************* The 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI'15) September 14-17, 2015 Bayonne/Biarritz - France Description and Objectives --------------------------- The importance of Artificial Intelligence is underlined by the fact that it is nowadays being embraced by a vast majority of research fields across different disciplines, from Engineering Sciences to Economics and Medicine, as a means to tackle highly complicated and challenging computational as well as cognitive problems. Being one of the main streams of information processing, Artificial Intelligence may now offer solutions to such problems using advances and innovations from a wide range of sub-areas that induce thinking and reasoning in models and systems. The Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Conference (AIAI) is a major technical event in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The 11th AIAI Conference will be held in Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne (BAB) in France, from September 14th to 17th 2015. Its general focus is to present different perspectives on how Artificial Intelligence may be applied and offer solutions to real world problems, serving the study, analysis and modelling of theoretical and practical issues. The primary target of AIAI is to present highly novel research papers describing innovative algorithms, systems, tools and techniques, as well as proposing advanced prototypes in the area of Artificial Intelligence. General survey papers indicating future directions and professional work-in-progress reports are of equal interest. Acceptance will be based on quality, originality and practical merit of the work. AIAI is supported and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Topics ------- AIAI 2015 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Theoretical Advances Machine Learning Adaptive Control Data Fusion Reasoning Methods Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Planning and Scheduling Artificial Neural Networks Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic and Systems Genetic Algorithms and Programming Particle Swarm Optimisation Bayesian Models - Knowledge Engineering Data Mining and Information Retrieval Decision Support Systems Knowledge Management for e-Learning and Enterprise Portals Intelligent Information Systems Web- and Knowledge-Based Information Systems Ontologies - Multimedia, Graphics and Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Computing Multimedia Ontologies Smart Graphics Colour/Image Analysis Speech Synthesis - Signal Processing Techniques and Knowledge Extraction Computer Vision Human-Machine Interaction / Presence Learning and Adaptive Systems Pattern Recognition Signal and Image Processing Speech and Natural Language Processing - Artificial Intelligence Applications eBusiness, eCommerce, eHealth, eLearning Engineering and Industry Environmental Modelling Finance Telecommunications - Transportation Crisis and Risk Management Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Political Decision Making Natural Language Processing Planning and Resource Management Project Management Emerging Applications Forensic Science - Trends in Computing Accessibility and Computers Affective Computing Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Autonomous and Ubiquitous Computing Distributed AI Systems and Architectures Grid-Based Computing Intelligent Profiling and Personalisation Robotics and Virtual Reality - Other AI and Ethical Issues Evaluation of AI Systems Social Impact of AI Paper Submission ---------------- Authors are invited to electronically submit original, English-language research contributions no longer than 10 pages formatted according to the well known LNCS Springer style, or experience reports. Submitted papers must present unpublished work, not being considered for publication in other journals or conferences. Paper submission deadline is April 26th, 2015. Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the proceedings, which will be published by SPRINGER and they will be available on site. At least, one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper. Proceedings will be published by Springer in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series and indexed by major indexes. Paper submission is available online via: EasyChair for AIAI 2015 website. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: April 26th, 2015 - Notification of Acceptance: May 29th, 2015 - Camera Ready: June 15th, 2015 - Paper Registration: June 17th, 2015 - Conference Dates: 14-17 September 2015 Special issues and Journal Publication --------------------------------------- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in several peer reviewed journals, such as: - Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering - International Journal of Neural Systems General Chairs --------------------- - Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France - Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Program Chairs ----------------------- - Ilias Maglogiannis, University of the Piraeus, Greece - Reda ElHajj, University of Calgary, Canada International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From niso-announce at Thu Apr 9 10:06:45 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 10:06:45 -0400 Subject: [SigLT-L] April 29 NISO Virtual Conference: Expanding the Assessment Toolbox: Blending the Old and New Assessment Practices Message-ID: *NISO Virtual Conference: Expanding the Assessment Toolbox: Blending the Old and New Assessment Practices* Virtual conferences are 5-6 hour conferences held online in webinar-like formats, with occasional breaks in the schedule for participants. The longer length allows the depth of coverage of a conference coupled with the convenience of a webinar. *Date:* April 29, 2015 *Time: *11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern *Event webpage: * ** *ABOUT THE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE* Every day libraries and publishers are asked to demonstrate the value of the content they provide through quantitative metrics and assessments. Existing metrics, such as the Journal Impact Factor, and tools, such as COUNTER and SUSHI, have proven their worth in providing useful data. But as both the forms of content and the way content is used evolves, alternative forms of assessment are also needed. Data at the container level, e.g., the journal, is no longer sufficient. Downloading full text in a PDF file is no longer the only (or even primary) way that users access content. Citation alone is not sufficient to capture all the new social media ways that content is shared. Traditional assessment techniques are being modified, completely new measures are being developed, and both old and new need to be blended in a meaningful way that creates a trusted system. Both the creation of these new or blended metrics and the information the metrics provide are generating new services and products. This Virtual Conference will examine some of the innovative ideas and techniques that are being employed in the never-ending struggle to measure how content is accessed and used. It will include discussions related to usage statistics, altmetrics, gaming the numbers, and open access. NISO's Alternative Assessment Metrics Initiative will also be discussed. *NEW: Training Thursday!* All registrants to this virtual conference will receive a login to the associated Training Thursday on *Implementing SUSHI/COUNTER at Your Institution* to be held on *May 7 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)*. (Separate registration to the training event only is also available.) If you are unable to attend the Training Thursday in person, you can view the recording of the session. *TOPICS AND SPEAKERS* - *Keynote Address ? **Megan Oakleaf, *Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, iSchool at Syracuse University - *Value in numbers: A Shared Approach to Measuring Usage and Impact **?* *Jo Lambert*, Project Manager, Jisc - *Dismantling a Single-Discipline Journal Bundle: A Triangulation Method for Assessment - **Diane Dawson MSc, MLIS*, Science Liaison Librarian, Science Library, University of Saskatchewan - *E-Journal Metrics: Exploring Disciplinary Differences - **Katherine Chew*, Research/Outreach Services Librarian, Health Sciences Libraries & *Mary Schoenborn*, Subject Liaison Librarian, Humphrey School of Public Affairs and the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota - *Brace for Impact: Using Assessment Evidence to Communicate the Value of Your Library SERs - **Amanda B. Albert*, Distance Learning Librarian, Horace W. Sturgis Library, Kennesaw State University - *?Good Enough?: Applying a Holistic Approach for Practical, Systematic Collection Assessment - **Madeline Kelly*, Head of Collection Development, University Libraries, George Mason University - *Gamification in Assessment - **Kyle Felker*, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Grand Valley State University Libraries - *NISO Altmetrics Project: Update from 3 Project Working Groups* - *Mike Showalter, Product Manager, Plum Analytics* - *Mike Taylor, Senior Product Manager, Informetrics, Elsevier * - *Martin Fenner, Technical Lead PLOS Article-Level Metrics, PLoS * - *Roundtable Discussion* *REGISTRATION* Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 4:00 pm Eastern on April 28, 2015 (the day before the virtual conference). Discounts are available for NISO members and students. All virtual conference registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Can't make it on the day of the virtual conference? All registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Take advantage of the Virtual Conference subscription package ( ) for all six of the 2015 Virtual Conferences and save 33%. (Previously held 2014 virtual conferences available in recorded versions.) For more information and to register, visit the event webpage: # # # Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager National Information Standards Organization (NISO) 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302 Baltimore, Maryland 21211 E: jwood at P: 301.654.2512 F: 410.685.5278 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Fri Apr 10 09:56:57 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO) Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 09:56:57 -0400 Subject: [SigLT-L] NISO's Spring issue of Information Standards Quarterly available in open access Message-ID: <005e01d07396$37d24480$a776cd80$@org> NISO has published the Spring issue of Information Standards Quarterly in open access on the website at: INFORMATION STANDARDS QUARTERLY, Spring 2015, Table of Contents Letter from the Publisher by Todd A. Carpenter FEATURES NISO 2014 Year in Review by Nettie Lagace TC46 2014 Year in Review by Cynthia Hodgson NISO REPORTS Future of Library Discovery Systems by Marshall Breeding NOTEWORTHY Recommended Practice on Metadata Indicators for Accessibility and Licensing of E-Content Published Mellon Grant Awarded to NISO to Explore Patron Privacy in Library and Publisher Systems UKSG Transfer Code of Practice to be Maintained by NISO Bowker to Include ISNI in ONIX 2.1 Linked Data Platform 1.0 is a W3C Recommendation NDSA Publishes 2015 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship STATE of the STANDARDS, January 31, 2015 ISQ is also available in print by subscription or in print on demand. Cynthia Hodgson ISQ Managing Editor National Information Standards Organization hodgsonca at 301-654-2512 From richard.chbeir at Fri Apr 24 12:12:07 2015 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:12:07 +0200 Subject: [SigLT-L] CFP (Extended Deadline): 11th Int. Conf. on AI Applications and Innovations (Biarritz-France) Message-ID: * Sorry for cross-posting * Due to several requests, the submission deadline has been extended to May 10th, 2015. ************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS ************************************************* The 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI'15) September 14-17, 2015 Bayonne/Biarritz - France Description and Objectives --------------------------- The importance of Artificial Intelligence is underlined by the fact that it is nowadays being embraced by a vast majority of research fields across different disciplines, from Engineering Sciences to Economics and Medicine, as a means to tackle highly complicated and challenging computational as well as cognitive problems. Being one of the main streams of information processing, Artificial Intelligence may now offer solutions to such problems using advances and innovations from a wide range of sub-areas that induce thinking and reasoning in models and systems. The Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Conference (AIAI) is a major technical event in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The 11th AIAI Conference will be held in Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne (BAB) in France, from September 14th to 17th 2015. Its general focus is to present different perspectives on how Artificial Intelligence may be applied and offer solutions to real world problems, serving the study, analysis and modelling of theoretical and practical issues. The primary target of AIAI is to present highly novel research papers describing innovative algorithms, systems, tools and techniques, as well as proposing advanced prototypes in the area of Artificial Intelligence. General survey papers indicating future directions and professional work-in-progress reports are of equal interest. Acceptance will be based on quality, originality and practical merit of the work. AIAI is supported and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Topics ------- AIAI 2015 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Theoretical Advances Machine Learning Adaptive Control Data Fusion Reasoning Methods Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Planning and Scheduling Artificial Neural Networks Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic and Systems Genetic Algorithms and Programming Particle Swarm Optimisation Bayesian Models - Knowledge Engineering Data Mining and Information Retrieval Decision Support Systems Knowledge Management for e-Learning and Enterprise Portals Intelligent Information Systems Web- and Knowledge-Based Information Systems Ontologies - Multimedia, Graphics and Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Computing Multimedia Ontologies Smart Graphics Colour/Image Analysis Speech Synthesis - Signal Processing Techniques and Knowledge Extraction Computer Vision Human-Machine Interaction / Presence Learning and Adaptive Systems Pattern Recognition Signal and Image Processing Speech and Natural Language Processing - Artificial Intelligence Applications eBusiness, eCommerce, eHealth, eLearning Engineering and Industry Environmental Modelling Finance Telecommunications - Transportation Crisis and Risk Management Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Political Decision Making Natural Language Processing Planning and Resource Management Project Management Emerging Applications Forensic Science - Trends in Computing Accessibility and Computers Affective Computing Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Autonomous and Ubiquitous Computing Distributed AI Systems and Architectures Grid-Based Computing Intelligent Profiling and Personalisation Robotics and Virtual Reality - Other AI and Ethical Issues Evaluation of AI Systems Social Impact of AI Paper Submission ---------------- Authors are invited to electronically submit original, English-language research contributions no longer than 10 pages formatted according to the well known LNCS Springer style, or experience reports. Submitted papers must present unpublished work, not being considered for publication in other journals or conferences. Paper submission deadline is April 26th, 2015. Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the proceedings, which will be published by SPRINGER and they will be available on site. At least, one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper. Proceedings will be published by Springer in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series and indexed by major indexes. Paper submission is available online via: EasyChair for AIAI 2015 website. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: May 10th, 2015 - Notification of Acceptance: June 05th, 2015 - Camera Ready: June 15th, 2015 - Paper Registration: June 17th, 2015 - Conference Dates: 14-17 September 2015 Special issues and Journal Publication --------------------------------------- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in several peer reviewed journals, such as: - Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering - International Journal of Neural Systems General Chairs --------------------- - Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France - Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Program Chairs ----------------------- - Ilias Maglogiannis, University of the Piraeus, Greece - Reda ElHajj, University of Calgary, Canada International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From niso-announce at Tue Apr 28 09:49:42 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 09:49:42 -0400 Subject: [SigLT-L] May 13 NISO Webinar: Software Preservation and Use: I Saved the Files But Can I Run Them? Message-ID: *NISO Webinar: Software Preservation and Use: I Saved the Files But Can I Run Them?* *Date: *May 13, 2015 *Time: *1:00 ? 2:30 p.m. Eastern time *Event webpage:* ** =============================================================== *ABOUT THE WEBINAR* The digitization of resources can provide expanded access to information as well as a preservation mechanism for now-fragile materials. Preserving the digital copy of the resource is an issue now being addressed, but what about the software used to create digital files? How can software on media which can no longer be read -- or no longer be read easily -- be preserved? If that software can?t be accessed, what happens to the material created by, and only read by, that software? Progress has been made in formulating standards for the preservation and description of digital materials and a framework for addressing digital item preservation has been proposed. Despite, however, meetings such as the Library of Congress? ?Preserving.exe: Toward a National Strategy for Preserving Software ,? no formal standard or framework yet exists for software digitization and preservation. This webinar will feature three presenters who will speak on aspects of software digitization and preservation, including a how-to approach (technical aspects), a metadata component, and observations from the field as part of the continuing discussion on the state of the field and the need for standardization. Topics and speakers are: ? *Software artifacts: Migration and Emulation* ? *Michael Lesk*, Professor of Library and Information Science, Rutgers University ? *Emulation in practice: Emulation as a Service at Yale University Library: Lessons learnt and plans for the future *? *Euan Cochrane*, Digital Preservation Manager, Yale University Library *REGISTRATION* *Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm Eastern on May 13*. Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG members and students. NISO Library Standards Alliance (LSA) members receive one free connection as part of membership and do not need to register. (The LSA member webinar contact will automatically receive the login information. Members are listed here: . If you would like to become an LSA member and receive the entire year?s webinars as part of membership, information on joining is listed here: All webinar registrants and LSA webinar contacts receive access to the recorded version for one year. Visit the event webpage to register and for more information: # # # Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager National Information Standards Organization (NISO) 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302 Baltimore, Maryland 21211 E: jwood at P: 301.654.2512 F: 410.685.5278 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: