[SigLT-L] Digital Directions - July 21-23 - Ann Arbor, MI - Join Us!

Julie Martin jmartin at nedcc.org
Wed Jun 26 12:26:38 EDT 2013

Reminder - Deadline approaching...

Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections
July 21-23, 2013
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Presented by: Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

MAKE CONNECTIONS - GAIN CONFIDENCE - GATHER THE INFORMATION you need to create sustainable digital collections. Take advantage of this opportunity to interact with experts in the field and share experiences with colleagues from a wide variety of cultural institutions. Whether you are just beginning to plan a digital project or are well underway, this comprehensive conference can answer your questions and keep you up-to-date on current standards and practices. This year's two and a half day schedule allows for easy travel and the Sunday start-time eases the burden on limited staff.

FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER: www.nedcc.org<http://www.nedcc.org>

Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, MA
Preserving Cultural Heritage Collections Since 1973

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