[SigLT-L] Livestream Option Available for NISO E-book Renaissance Forum October 18-19, 2012

Cynthia Hodgson chodgson at niso.org
Wed Sep 19 10:33:18 EDT 2012

NISO has added a remote livestream option for The E-book Renaissance Forum
to be held on October 18-19, 2012 in Boston, MA. If you are unable to
livestream during all or part of the live forum, a recorded version will be
available following the forum. Both livestream and in-person attendees will
receive access to the recorded version.


E-books have existed in the library landscape for over a decade, but it is
only in the last few years that their use has shifted to finally become the
game-changer that all have anticipated for so long. Availability,
distribution, licensing, discoverability, current and future access, and
usage of e-books all require content providers and libraries to change many
of their existing processes and develop new ways to do business. Amidst this
confusion is a wealth of opportunities for new collaborations and

The NISO Forum, The E-Book Renaissance, Part II: Challenges and
Opportunities will probe the key issues surrounding e-books from a variety
of industry, library, scholarly, and consumer viewpoints. Participate in the
community discussion for advancing e-book development, distribution, and


• Keynote Presentation by Nick Montfort, Associate Professor of Digital
Media, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

• Panel discussion: Running with the Bulls: Publisher Perspectives on
Managing E-book Growth
Moderator: Brian O'Leary, Magellan Media Consultant Partners
Panelists include: Ken Brooks, SVP, Global Production & Manufacturing
Services, Cengage Learning; and Ania Wieckowski, Managing Editor, HBR Press.
• Library Perspectives
o Licensing, Access, and Related Issues -- Chuck Hamaker, Associate
University Librarian for Collection Development & Electronic Resources,
University of North Carolina Charlotte
o Landscape Discussion -- Suzanne M. Ward, Head, Collection Management,
Professor of Library Science, Purdue University Libraries
o Managing E-Books for a Consortium – Alan Darnell, Director, Scholars
Portal, Ontario Consortium of University Libraries

• NISO E-book Special Interest Group: New Initiative on Demand Driven
Acquisitions -- Michael Levine-Clark, Associate Dean for Scholarly
Communication and Collections Services, Penrose Library, University of

• Books in Browser: End User Tools – Richard Nash, Vice President of
Community and Content of Small Demons

• Panel discussion: Aggregators and Platform Providers 
Moderator: Sue Polanka, Head of Reference & Instruction, Wright State
University Libraries
Panelists include: Ken Breen, Senior Director, eBook Products, EBSCO
Publishing; Terry Ehling, Associate Director, Content Development and
Publisher Relations, Project MUSE; Carol Helton, Vice President, Worldwide
Sales & Marketing, Credo Reference; Heather McCormack, Collection
Development Manager, 3M Cloud Library; and Rebecca Seger, Director,
Institutional Sales, Americas, Oxford University Press

• Born Accessible: Making E-books Fully Inclusive from Day One -- Larry
Goldberg, Director, Media Access Group Director at WGBH and The Carl and
Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM); and Geoff
Freed, Director of Technology Projects and Web Media Standards, The Carl and
Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media NCAM

• Devices: E-book Hardware -- Jenn Vail, Senior Marketing Manager, E-Ink

• Rights, Digital Management, and Piracy  -- Skott Klebe, Manager, Special
Initiatives and Information Security, Copyright Clearance Center

• Digitize, Democratize: Libraries and the Future of Books -- Robert
Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the
Harvard University Library; Member, Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Steering Committee


An early bird registration discount for in-person attendees is available
through October 5, 2012. There are separate registration links on the
webpage for in-person and live streaming registrations. Live streaming
registration is per site (access for one computer). Discounts for both
in-person and livestream are available to NISO members and students. All
registrants, in-person and livestream, will receive access to the recorded
version of the forum for one year. 

Visit the event webpage for more information and to register:
www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ebooks/. If you have additional questions
about the forum or the livestream, please contact nisohq at niso.org.

Note: Live streaming success is dependent on many factors, some of which are
outside NISO's control. We are not anticipating any particular issues with
the live streaming technology for this event, but if problems occur and the
Forum is inaccessible for the streaming attendee(s), we will communicate a
schedule for refunds, based on the circumstances.

Cynthia Hodgson
Technical Editor / Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
chodgson at niso.org

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