[SigLT-L] 2nd Researh Data Access and Preservation Summit

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Tue Feb 15 10:09:01 EST 2011

[Apologies for multiple postings]

The 2nd Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) Summit 
Denver, CO  |  Hyatt Regency  |  March 31-April 1, 2011 

http://www.asis.org/Conferences/RDAP11/  Early Registration deadline is on or before 2/18/2011

In cooperation with the Coalition for Networked Information 
The second Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) summit will take place on March 31-April 1, 2011 
in Denver at the Hyatt Regency Denver. 

The RDAP summit will focus the state of institutional repositories in the 
academy and government agencies and efforts toward interoperability across these emerging systems. 

Clifford Lynch will keynote the meeting and the summit will include panels that focus on different 
approaches to building and operating IRs, efforts to support national (e.g., NSF’s data stewardship requirements) 
and scholarly (e.g., open and commercial publishers) linkages to IRs, and open discussions 
about the future of IRs and digital libraries.  
Submit Posters by Feb. 28:  http://www.softconf.com/asis/RDAP-2011/ 
Tentative Program
Clifford Lynch, CNI: Institutional Repositories Today and Tomorrow 

  Panel 1  Institutional Repository Case Studies: Erin O'Meara, UNC: Organizer/Moderator 
  Panel 2  NSF Data Management Plan Case Studies: Michael Giarlo, Penn State: Organizer/Moderator 
  Panel 3  Data Publication Repositories: From Small to Large Data Joe Hourcle, NASA: Organizer/Moderator 
  Panel 4.  Data Archives in Federal Agencies: Bill Anderson, UT Austin, Oranizer/Moderator

  Panel 5.  Policy-based Data Management Reagan Moore, UNC-RENCI: Organizer/Moderator

  Panel 6 Future of Digital Libraries: Gary Marchionini, UNC Organizer/Moderator
Group activity and discussion: Main challenge in your institution; main challenge to field
Submit Posters to ASIST by February 28: http://www.softconf.com/asis/RDAP-2011/ 
Invited participants 
Monica Omodei, Australian National Data Service 
Steve Hughes, Planetary Data System 
Ruth Duerr, National Snow and Ice Data Center 
Phil Bourne, Protein Database 
MacKenzie Smith, MIT 
Rob Pennington, NSF 
Kevin Ashley, director of Digital Curation Centre at University of Edinburgh 
Sayeed Choudhary, Data Conservancy 

Dick Hill

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
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Silver Spring, MD  20910
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