[SigLT-L] CFP: Workshop on New Frontiers in Service-Oriented Computing

Youakim Badr youakim.badr at insa-lyon.fr
Thu Mar 18 03:48:25 EDT 2010

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

                                -- CALL FOR PAPERS --

             Workshop on New Frontiers in Service-Oriented Computing

                                  In conjunction with
                         The Fifth International Conference on
                  P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud, and Internet Computing

                           November 4-6, 2010, Fukuoka, Japan


The widespread use of Internet technologies has an important impact on  
the way organizations deal with their partners and customers. To  
remain competitive, organizations are under pressure to take advantage  
of the information revolution that the Internet and the Web have  
brought about.
  Most organizations are adopting Web-based approaches for more  
automation, efficient business  processes, personalization, and  
worldwide visibility.

Service-Oriented Computing design principles and their implementation  
technologies such as Web services, JBI, and SCA could help  
organizations to become more Web-oriented. This should result in  
building interoperable business applications that can cross  
organizational boundaries.
  The development of different industry standards, products and tools  
for supporting service-based  system design and development is  
advancing at a very rapid rate. Despite all the efforts that  are put  
into Service-Oriented Computing research and development, many  
organizations still struggle  with how to make their core business  
operations comply with Service-Oriented Computing principles.

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the recent and significant  
developments in the field of  Service-Oriented Computing. The workshop  
will provide a forum for articles that tackle challenges  related to  
specification, modeling, design, development and deployment of  
Service-Oriented Computing-based  solutions.

Topics of interest for each of the main research tracks of the 2009  
conference edition include, but are not limited to:
   * Foundations of Services Computing
        Formal methods for services computing
        Services composition
        Services delivery
        Services discovery
        Services modeling
        Services science

   * Service-centric Computing Models
        Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
        SOA industry solutions
        SOA industry standards
        SOA solution stack

   * Service Computing Management
	 Service Governance
	 Service Monitoring
	 Trust and Security
	 Risk assessment and Mitigation
	 Performance and Evaluation

   * Service Applications
	 Software as a Service
          Business, Educational and finance Services
   	 Application integration services
          Service computing process modeling
          Service transformation and integration
          Service level automation and orchestration
          Software architecture development and deployment

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers.  
All submissions should comply with  the IEEE 8.5 two-column format.  
Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be evaluated for   
originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and will be  
reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
  All papers are to be submitted in PDF electronically via the  
workshop Web site and will be peer-reviewed  by members of the  
international program committee.

Paper Submission: April 30, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: June 31, 2010 Camera-Ready Submission:  
September 15, 2010 Conference days: November 4-6, 2010

Youakim Badr, INSA de Lyon, France
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Zhongjie Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

For more information about FSOC please visit the workshop home page at  

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