[SigLT-L] Online call for chair-elect nomination

Junus, Ranti junus at mail.lib.msu.edu
Thu Dec 1 17:59:27 EST 2005

If you are interested in getting involved in ASIS&T, especially SIG-LT, this is your opportunity!

Nominations are being accepted for chair-elect for SIG-LT.   The chair-elect, who automatically becomes chair in the following year, works closely with SIG-LT chair in planning and executing SIG programs.  The position of chair-elect require meeting attendance. Therefore, planning to attend the next ASIST Annual meeting would be a prerequisite.  Feel free to nominate yourself or a colleague (provided he/she is interested in serving the term).

Please don't hesitate to contact SIG-LT chair, Rafal Kasprowski (rkasprowski at uh.edu), if you are interested in serving as chair-elect SIG-LT or have any questions about the position.

Ranti Junus - list manager.

Ranti Junus - Web Services
 100 Main Library W441
 Michigan State University
 East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
 +1.517.432.6123 ext. 231
 +1.517.432.8374 (fax)

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