[SigLT-L] SIG-LT announcement and meeting notes

Colleen Cuddy cuddy at library.med.nyu.edu
Thu Dec 12 14:26:27 EST 2002

Below are the notes from the SIG-LAN Planning Meeting held at the annual 
conference in November. It was the last ever meeting of SIG-LAN. ... I am 
happy to report that both our name and mission changes have been 
approved.  We are now SIG-LT (Library Technologies)!!!

More news soon as we plan ways to showcase this change and present panels 
at next year's conference that reflect our new mission.  A new SIG-LT 
website will go live in the near year and this listserv will also have a 
name change. So stay tuned. Its looks like we will have a lot going on in 2003!


SIG-LAN Planning meeting
Nov. 19, 2002
Salon A
Wyndham Hotel, Philadelphia, PA

In attendance:
Janet Arth
Cindy Campbell
Colleen Cuddy (Chair)
Ann Eagan
Mark Needleman
Liz Perlman (Recorder)

I. Discussion of officer slate
         Colleen discussed the officer slate.  At the beginning of the 
meeting, the Secretary and Chair-elect positions were still vacant.  Ann 
Eagan was elected   secretary, and Mark Needleman as chair-elect. It was 
noted that Meg Rheingold and Janet Arth were rotating out of their 
positions. Many thanks to Meg, Janet,  Lydia Ievins and Scott Stevens for 
serving on committees in the past year and to Lydia for putting together 
the web petition for our name change.

The officers for 2003 are:

Chair-- Colleen Cuddy
Chair-elect-- Mark Needleman
Secretary-- Anne Eagan
Email List Manager-- Ranti Janus
Web Manager for Communication-- Cindy Campbell

II. Review of past year and proposals for coming year

         Colleen discussed the past year's activates and possibilities for 
the upcoming year.  We discussed why our SIG is so inactive. It is a very 
large SIG with very few active members.  We need to figure out ways to get 
more involvement from our members.  Very few members were at the annual 
meeting, which may also have been smaller overall; we didn't yet have the 
official numbers. Virtual meetings are one possibility.  Some people 
present were not receiving listserv messages.

         The SIG cabinet approved name change to SIG-LT.  Pending approval 
from the board the name change would be official. Colleen briefly talked 
about the name change rationale and new mission statement.

III. Annual meeting discussion
         Colleen mentioned the sessions that we sponsored at this 
conference there were 2 sessions sponsored solely by SIG-LAN and several 
that were co-sponsored with other groups.  There was a discussion of panels 
that we should organize for the next meeting.   Mark mentioned that the 
ASIST Standards Committee would like to co-sponsor a session with 
us.  Possibilities include:
                         Virtual Reference standard for interoperability

Other options discussed for SIG-LAN organization are:
E-commerce within the library (paying fines, purchasing photos)
                 "Information Commons" model
                 Vendor panel to discuss databases and/or OPACs
                 Authentication and proxy servers
                 Internet 2
                 Open source
                 BI on the Web
                 Wireless in libraries

Session proposals are due by Jan. 28.  The members in attendance will try 
to flesh out suggestions and look for speakers.

Ann Eagan will work on an E-Commerce panel
Cindy Campbell will look into an Information Commons Panel
Mark to follow up with Standards on a panel

Input and suggestions from members not present should be solicited via the 
listserv.  Colleen will attend the all SIG Planning Session to discuss our 
ideas with other SIGs and see if there are possibilities for joint planning.

The idea of a social event to promote our new identity was discussed. 
Volunteers to work on this will be solicited.

IV. New business

V. Colleen suggested that all members look at the Website and make 
suggestions. It will be revised to reflect our name change.  What else 
should we make available via the site?

Submitted by Elizabeth Perlman, Nov. 26, 2002

Colleen Cuddy
Chair, SIG-LAN
cuddy at library.med.nyu.edu

Systems Librarian
Ehrman Medical Library
New York University School of Medicine          phone 212-263-6990
550 First Ave.                                  fax   212-263-6534
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