[SigLT-L] Call for program ideas and workers

Ann Eagan Ann.Eagan at NAU.EDU
Sun Nov 6 17:37:31 EST 2005

On Wednesday, November 2, 2005, the All SIG Planning meeting took 
place.  Ann Eagan presented the SIG-LT program ideas and received the 
feedback below.  If you have any additional ideas or wish to work on one of 
these program ideas, please contact Rafal Kasprowski, rkasprowski at uh.edu, 
SIG-LT Chair.

Link Resolvers - implementation, technical aspects; Rafal will take the 
lead on creating the program proposal.  Pascal Calarco suggested speakers 
for this session: David Walker from California on RSS and SFX and Mark 
Dehmlow, Electronic Resources Librarian, Notre Dame on SFX MarcIt! And SFX 
and IEEE Proceedings work.  Pascal also indicated he would be willing to help.

Metasearch Tools – implementation, how well are they doing in practice; 
Need someone to create proposal.

Open Source Software (such as Shibboleth); Need someone to create proposal.

Search result visualization via OPACs and browsers (such as Grokker, 
AquaBrowser); Need someone to create proposal.  Diane Neal, SIG-VIS 
Co-chair, dneal at mail.twu.edu, indicated VIS would be interested in 
co-sponsoring this program.

SIG-MED presented an idea for a program on Resources on PDAs for 
Practitioners.  Ann indicated that SIG-LT would be interested in co-sponsoring.

Ann Eagan
ann.eagan at nau.edu
Head, Reference Services
Team Leader, Engineering and Natural Sciences Team
Cline Library
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 6022
Flagstaff, AZ  86011-6022
(928) 523-0340 Fax: (928) 523-9180
Library.ENSTeam at nau.edu 

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