[SigLT-L] SIG_LT meeting

Mark Needleman markn@sirsi.com
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 11:31:43 -0500


I just want to introduce myself. I am the incoming chair of SIG-LT
(Library Technology). I want to invite everyone who is interested to
attend out business meeting in Long Beach which is scheduled for 5PM on
October 21st (check the agenda for exact meeting room). We will be
discussing things the IG should be doing over the next year and ways we
can help out the membership with issues relating to Library Technology.
This could include programs we might want to put on at upcoming meetings
( or cosponsor with other IG's), articles for the Bulletin of JASIST,
email discussions, and anything else we think might be useful. I
certainly encourage anyone who has thoughts on this to come to the
meeting and participate in the work of the IG. We are also looking for a
volunteer to take on the role of Chair-Elect and then become the new
chair next year.

We are also putting on 3 sessions at this meeting:

New Standards for Networked Reference Services - Monday October 20 at

E-Commerce in Libraries - Tuesday October 21 at 8:30AM

The Bibliomining Process: Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Libraries
- Wednesday October 22 at 10:30AM

I encourage everyone to attend these sessions ( in the interest of full
disclosure I have to say that I am one of the presenters at the New
Standards for Networked Reference Services)

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Long Beach and if you have any
ideas for what SIG-LT should be doing I look forward to hearing them
either at the meeting or at anytime you wish to contact us

Mark Needleman - Chair-Elect/Incoming Chair SIG-LT
Sirsi Corporation

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