[SigLT-L] Wanted: Beta Testers for Wondir

Richard Hill rhill@asis.org
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 12:17:14 -0500

[The message below is forwarded=2E  This could be an excellent opportunity=
 To publicize ASIST or ASIST Lists as a source of knoweldgeand advice=2E =20=

As Matt Koll says, in part "Special note for ASIST members: =2E=2E=2E cred=
entialed authorities and service organizations will be a very important pa=
rt of the service=2E  So, I hope you do chose to become a registered membe=
r of Wondir=2E=20
Dick Hill]

From: "Matthew Koll" <mkoll@wondir=2Eorg>=20

The Wondir Foundation is looking for beta testers=2E  =20
wondir=2Eorg is a place where you can get instant answers to your question=
s=2E  The Question Ticker can put your question in front of thousands of e=
yeballs instantly=2E  And you can see what other people are asking right n=
ow=2E  Ask or answer any question by instant messaging (or by posting or b=
y email)=2E =20

Get help with homework, life problems, or anything else on your mind=2E  H=
elp others with their questions=2E  Share your knowledge, experience and i=
nterests=2E  Or just watch the stream of questions!

Wondir is a free site run by a nonprofit organization=2E  Our goal is to h=
ave a big open place where people can ask and answer questions easily=2E  =
You don=92t even have to register to use it=2E  Although, if you decide to=
 register, you might receive some tips ($$$) from people you help

We are just starting beta testing, so please come to www=2Ewondir=2Eorg an=
d check it out=2E  You can leave the ticker up while you=92re doing other =
stuff=2E  Ask questions if you have them=2E  Answer questions if you are s=
o inclined=2E  And tell us what you think=2E

The power of Wondir grows with the number of people using it=2E  So please=
 check back often, and tell your friends about it=2E =20

Special note for ASIST members:  While the focus of our testing at the mom=
ent is on the open, real-time interaction built around a live stream of qu=
estions, credentialed authorities and service organizations will be a very=
 important part of the service=2E  So, I hope you do chose to become a reg=
istered member of Wondir=2E  If and when you do, if you would like to high=
light your affiliation with ASIST, enter: 5LrIJMXY, as your organization c=
ode=2E [Note: that is a capitol i after the r=2E  RH]

Thanks, and hope to see you on Wondir=2E  And please feel free to contact =
me with any questions or comments=2E
Matthew Koll

Chairman, The Wondir Foundation


Richard Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
FAX: (301) 495-0900
VOICE: (301) 495-0900