[Sigkm-l] CIKM 2011 Reminder - Online Registration Ends Soon
Donald Metzler
metzler at isi.edu
Tue Sep 20 01:27:24 EDT 2011
Call for Participation
CIKM 2011 - 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
24-28 October 2011 Glasgow, Scotland
** Regular (online) registration ends 30th September **
The CIKM conference series brings together leading researchers and
developers from the database, information retrieval, and knowledge
management communities to identify research challenges facing the
development of knowledge and information systems, and to shape future
research directions through the publication of high quality, applied and
theoretical research findings.
CIKM 2011 offers an exciting research programme which includes:
* Keynote presentations from David Karger, MIT, Maurizio Lenzerini,
Università di Roma La Sapienza, and Justin Zobel, University of Melbourne
* 410 full, short and poster papers describing the latest research in
information retrieval, knowledge management and database research
* A dedicated Industry Event featuring presentations from John Giannandrea,
Google, Jeff Hammerbacher, Cloudera, Khalid Al-Kofahi, Thomson Reuters and
Stephen Robertson, Microsoft Research
* 14 workshops on cutting-edge topics (http://www.cikm2011.org/workshops)
* 10 tutorials from leading researchers (http://www.cikm2011.org/tutorials)
* Demonstration sessions offering to opportunity to interact with prototype
research systems (http://www.cikm2011.org/demos)
* Panel on Collaborative and Social Search
CIKM 2011 will take place in Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow is Scotland's
largest city and one of the most visited cities in Europe. A cosmopolitan
metropolis, Glasgow is a culturally rich, vibrant night time city with a
long history at the forefront of socio-economic and political change in
Scotland and the UK, offering everything one would expect from a great
British city but with a Scottish flare.
Registration includes admission to main conference sessions, electronic
proceedings, lunches and coffee breaks, civic reception hosted by Glasgow
City Council and conference Banquet at Glasgow¹s Kelvingrove Art Gallery and
The conference will be held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Our accommodation
booking system (http://www.cikm2011.org/accomm) offers special rates at this
hotel and others in the local area.
CIKM 2011 is sponsored by: ACM SIGIR, ACM SIGWEB, EMC2, Google, SAP,
Microsoft, Yahoo! Labs, Yandex, CrossRef, Cambridge University Press, IBM
Research, Ebay, and Springer and organised by:
Iadh Ounis, University of Glasgow, and Ian Ruthven, University of
Strathclyde (General Chairs)
Bettina Berendt, K.U. Leuven, Wenfei Fan, University of Edinburgh, and Arjen
de Vries, CWI (Program chairs)
Craig Macdonald, University of Glasgow (Workshops Chair)
Jon Ritchie (Local arrangements Chair)
Gianni Amati, FUB (Posters Chair)
Daniel Tunkelang, LinkedIn, and Tony Russell-Rose, Endeca (Industry Event
Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam, and Fabrizio Silvestri, ISTI-CNR
(Tutorial Chairs)
Omar Alonso, Microsoft (Demos Chair)
Jeremy Pickens, Catalyst Repository Systems, (Panel Chair)
Don Metzler, University of Southern California (Publicity Chair)
You can email CIKM2011 on questions{at}cikm2011.org, or tweet us at
We hope to welcome you to CIKM 2011 in Glasgow!
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