[Sigkm-l] CFP SIG KM Workshop

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Mon Jul 25 09:22:31 EDT 2011

SIG KM Workshop on
Knowledge Management of Social Networks
Associated to the
74th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

Of course, people do not want to release to the world information about themselves that is meant to be private. They may be professional scientists and not amateurs about information, as compared to movie stars or politicians who accidentally send the wrong photos on Twitter. But are they sure they know how to manage their image and information on the web? What is their profile now? Is there more than one person with their first and last name? When exploring the accessible data and information publicly available about oneself does it involve more than starting a browser, such as a criminal review, or credit check? Does one want to manage information so they can begin to have a knowledgeable way to present how the public sees them, and share appropriately with friends and family the personal details that define who they are holistically.

This half-day workshop, “Knowledge Management of Social Networks,” is accepting papers, posters, panels and discussion groups that provide hands-on training and/or conceptual understanding of knowledge management (KM) of personal information. Attendees will first search and investigate online data and information about themselves. Then individual presenters will provide various points-of-view about dealing with and managing personal data. Selected papers and information from the workshop will be included in an upcoming Special Issue of the ASIST Bulletin. The workshop will close with a summary discussion involving all presenters.

Paper and presentation submissions should address personal knowledge management in terms techniques, concepts, and community relationships. Therefore, your submission should explore any tools for sharing information and the structural requirements of web-based repositories. Specific focus should be about personal information in social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. Formal repositories of text, videos, and graphics about individuals, such as YouTube, Flickr and del.icio.us, can be reviewed and/or critiqued. Attendees are requested to bring laptops or smart phones to the workshop for optional, hands-on interaction.

The focus of the workshop is on how to use social networks to manage knowledge and relationships. How KM techniques and practices can be applied to social network organization will be discussed. Presenters will deal with information extraction including important aspects of designing and structuring the extracted data and creating knowledge chunks into databases and conceptual repositories. KM can also be used in information systems and specific, application-tailored archives for phone apps and websites.
Topics can include but are not limited to:
 Knowledge management of social network data including tagging, metadata, and sharing;
 Knowledge management technologies that enable interoperability of data repositories and data exchange formats;
 Tools for exploring extracted data from multiple domains of texts;
 Integrated knowledge representation (KR) and management of scientific and clinical free-text data, such as OWL, RDF, and Annotation Schemas;
 KR formalisms that enable the creation of machine-processable descriptions of web resources;
 Health-related informatics data sources and how to manage the knowledge and control for privacy.
Important dates:
 Submission deadline: 15 August 2011
 Notification of acceptance: 22 August 2011
 Final copy due from authors: 29 August 2011
 Workshop: one half-day October 12, 2011 (afternoon)

Submission instructions: Papers are limited to 10 pages as PDF or Word, and should be submitted by email to hdp at cs.nmsu.edu or heatherdpfeiffer at comcast.net. Note: If a paper is accepted for the ASIST Bulletin, the format may be slightly changed.
Descriptions of posters, panels, discussion groups and other media are limited to 4 pages in PDF or Word, and should be submitted by email to hdp at cs.nmsu.edu or heatherdpfeiffer at comcast.net.
Review and multiple submission policy

All submissions will be reviewed by 2 members of the review committee made up of submitting authors. Authors of accepted papers will receive guidelines regarding how to format their papers for inclusion in the conference proceedings flashdrive and the Special Issue for the ASIST Bulletin. Authors may submit in more than one media, such as video, text, audio, podcasts, etc.

Organizing committee:
Heather D. Pfeiffer, New Mexico State University, USA
Deborah E. Swain, North Carolina Central University, USA
Review committee: All workshop presenters.

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
rhill at asis.org
(301) 495-0900
rhill at asis.org

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