[Sigkm-l] IFLA-TISS International Workshop on Capacity Building in the Knowledge Environment: Primary Workshop to Train Library and Information Professionals in India in Information Literacy Skills
Puna Das
puna_05 at yahoo.co.in
Thu Oct 29 11:11:45 EDT 2009
IFLA-TISS International Workshop on Capacity Building in the Knowledge Environment: Primary Workshop to Train Library and Information Professionals in India in Information Literacy Skills
18-19 December 2009
Venue: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
About the Workshop
Libraries are one of the most important components of the information age as they are becoming agile, learning-oriented information centers. It needs no more emphasis that the present knowledge society understands the value and contributions of libraries, particularly in the areas of organizing, preserving and providing access to information.
It was deeply felt that the gap between the info-rich and info-poor societies is increasing day by day. However, a critical thinking and research done into this revealed that even if the information is made available to the societies, the use of it for the betterment of ones own life is still limited because of various reasons like infrastructure and connectivity. And, one most prominent reason appears to be the inability of users at all levels to effectively access even the available information.
It is precisely to address this situation, Sir Dorabji Tata memorial Library, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai is organizing a two day Primary workshop in collaboration with International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) to train library and information professionals in information literacy skills.
This primary workshop will be followed up by another Five supplementary One day workshops at different locations in India.
Primary and supplementary workshops are aimed at capacity building of librarians, information professionals, educators and activists who would go back to their respective states and utilize their new skills to promote and advocate the benefits of libraries and their services to the society and work to influence organizations, government agencies involved in promoting library development and information literacy skills.
Workshop Objectives
1. Participants will understand and be able to express the relationship between effective information literacy skills and knowledge society.
2. Participants will understand and appreciate the role of library and information professionals in creating awareness about information literacy skills.
3. Participants will understand and be able to involve the various funding agencies in promoting information literacy programmes.
4. Preparation Indian National Library Services Charter for Information Literacy jointly by Indian Library Association and Tata Institute of Social Sciences and share it with all stake holders in the LIS field.
5. Participants will understand and develop skills on how to garner support and raise funds needed for conducting user education and information literacy skills training on a consistence basis.
Workshop Schedule
The project involves planning and implementing a two-day primary workshop in Mumbai, which is designed to train library and information professionals in the public library and academic library system, library association leaders, educators, activists and policy makers in information literacy skills. Follow-up training workshops will be conducted three months after the first workshop.
The Registration, Boarding and lodging is FREE for the selected participants.
Preparation of a national Library Services Charter on Information Literacy for India would be an outcome of this two day primary workshop. This charter will act as guideline for chief Librarians of Public Libraries, Academic librarians and policy makers at government agencies involved in the library services. It is expected that this type of charter will have a far reaching effects in developing otherwise neglected area of information literacy skills.
Resource Persons
The workshop has some of the eminent personalities from Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India who have worked extensively in the area of information literacy.
Sessions for the Primary Workshop on 18- 19 December 2009 at TISS, Mumbai
* Information Literacy Skills and Knowledge Society
* National Library Services Charter for Information Literacy
* Raising Funds for Information Literacy: Challenges and Opportunities
* Promoting Information Literacy in Public Libraries
* Promoting Information Literacy in Academic and Research Libraries
* Role of Library Associations in promoting Information Literacy
Who Should Attend
The target group of the primary workshop will be library and information professionals in the public library and academic library system, library association leaders, educators, activists and policy makers.
Based on the experience gained at the workshops, the participants will be able to initiate further the information literacy advocacy, policy development and skills training activities in their respective districts. Significantly, they will also be able to conduct similar training workshops in their respective districts
The Registration, Boarding and Lodging for this Two Day International Workshop is Free. However, the participants will have to make their own travel arrangements. Participants will be provided moderate accommodations in Guest House, Food, Refreshments and Workshop Kit along with Study Material in CD Form.
Please note that limited accommodation is available to few participants on first come first served basis.
Workshop Dates: 18-19 December 2009 (Friday and Saturday)
Last date for Registration: Friday 30th November 2009
Download Registration Form: http://iflatiss.googlepages.com/RegstrationForm.doc
Further Details: http://sites.google.com/site/iflatiss/home
Anup Kumar Das
New Delhi, India
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