[Sigkm-l] SIG Officers and Correction

Deborah Swain swainham at msn.com
Sat Dec 10 08:11:39 EST 2005

SIG Friends:
I had a finger flub/typo yesterday. Anne Rogers has a great idea about a 
high tech presentation with interesting demos and designs (#2). Her correct 
email, however, is anne_rogers at cargill.com. I know she would like to hear 
from you. Also special thanks to Anne for taking on the job of keeping our 
ListServ going. Thank you, Anne. And thanks to everyone who agreed to be a 
SIG officer. Don't hesitate to let me know if YOU want to be an officer!

Our officers for the new year are:

Chair (2006) and SIG KM Contact:
Deborah Swain, swainham at msn.com or dswain at nccu.edu
School of Library and Information Sciences, NC Central University
Home Office: 919-833-9028  Campus: 919-530-7502

Chair Elect (2007):
Kelly Green, kgreen at vrs.state.va.us
Virginia Retirement System

Michael Smith, michaelsmith at tamu.edu
Texas A and M University

Mary Durham, mary.durham at genzyme.com

ListServ Owner:
Anne Rogers, anne_rogers at cargill.com

Qiping Zhang, qiping at drexel.edu
Drexel University

Frank Exner, Little Bear: fexner at yahoo.com
NC Central University

2006 Panel Suggestions (with correction):

1) “Virtual Communities & Social Networks: Three Approaches to KM” (to 
underscore the following 3 KM topic areas proposed for a KM at ASIST):
·	Knowledge Sharing and Social Networks (with domains as topic)
·	Social Network Analysis (method of studying unofficial networks)
·	Social Software (Blogs and Wikis as tools)
Proposer/Moderator: Qiping Zhang, qiping at drexel.edu

2) “KM as Management of Ideas and Innovations” (panel discussing how 
companies are using KM techniques to manage these creative processes and may 
include white papers/demos from businesses or consultants as well as 
research reports; goal is to emphasize KM innovations)
Note: Because “the medium is the message” panel might use video technology 
and other high tech presentation tools to underscore the real possibilities 
of future digital tools (conference theme).
Proposer/Moderator: Anne Rogers, anne_rogers at cargill.com

3) “Knowledge Realities: Emergency Management / Disaster Recovery” (Apply 
conference theme to real threats to public health and agriculture, such as, 
food contamination. Examine the capture and sharing of information/knowledge 
dealing with preparedness, recovery, society and global issues. How KM and 
SI can use digital resources to lessen effects of real dangers?)
Note: Possible joint panel proposal with SIG SI (Social Informatics), 
formerly SIG TIS (Technology, Information, and Society)
Proposer/Moderator: Claire McInerney, clairemc at scils.rutgers.edu
Call for Papers: Michael Smith, michaelsmith at tamu.edu (research at Texas A& 
Call for Papers: Kelly Green, kgreen at vrs.state.va.us (future global and 
government issues)

4) “Collaboration in the Design and Development of Knowledge Management 
(focus on access systems that support biotechnology, medical informatics, 
educational resources, and communities of practice (CoP) in public health). 
Theme: How Collaboration Can Shape the Future. Possible issues related to 
HIPPA compliance, MESH, Med-Line, NSF, NSDL, and
Proposer/Moderator: Deborah Swain, swainham at msn.com

5) “Digital Libraries as Knowledge Repositories “
Possible joint panel proposal with SIG DL (Digital Libraries) on the purpose 
of maintaining digital data, for example, for future transformation into 
information that can be stored in knowledge bases for decision making.
Co-Proposer/Moderator: Luz Quiroga, lquiroga at hawaii.edu
Co-Proposer/Moderator: Kelly Green, kgreen at vrs.state.va.us

Best wishes to you and yours for a safe holiday season,
Dr. Deborah Swain
NC Central University

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