[Sigkm-l] InfoMapper

David Riecks david at riecks.com
Tue Dec 30 22:31:22 EST 2003

 >Good luck with the new SIG.  I look forward eagerly to seeing how the 
Knowledge Management idea evolves.  I have no idea if the SIG would be 
interested in any of the aforementioned InfoMapper details, but I thought I 
would at least mention this to you.  Feel free to send this message to
 >Sigkm-l if you wish.
 >Woody Horton (whorton at nclis.gov)
 >* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * *
 >Thanks Woody, I for one would love to hear a little more about
 >InfoMapper. maybe someone out there on the list would be interested in
 >working with Woody to convert the software.
 >Michael Smith

Michael / Woody:

I'm not familiar with the Infomapper software, but it's description reminds 
me of some software that I've been using to keyword images. It's based on 
the IPTC standard and allows embedding metadata into the headers of TIFF 
and Jpeg images.

The integrated "keyword catalog" as it's developer calls it, allows you to 
create a hierarchy of words with synonyms clustered around any term in the 
hierarchy. For instance, I have created a catalog where one of the top 
items is "animals" under that are designations for: livestock, pets, 
wildlife and laboratory animals. Beneath each of those are finer divisions, 
such as cattle, goat, horse, pig, poultry, and sheep, and beneath those 
finer divisions such as breeds names, etc.

Each of these terms can have one or more "synonyms", so that the word, 
"pig" has the word "swine" as well as "piggies." Dragging the the keyword 
"pig" transfers all of the higher level terms, so that you get: animal, 
animals, creature, creatures, livestock, pig, piggies, pigs, swine and 
zoology as a set of keywords that define that subject.

There's a fully functioning demo on the site 
(http://www.imageinfotoolkit.com/), though it will time out after 10 uses, 
with the option to save the results in an image up to 10 times per session.

Is this similar to what the infomapper software would allow?


David Riecks (that's "i" before "e", but the "e" is silent)
david at riecks.com  http://www.riecks.com/
Midwest/Chicago ASMP  *   ph/fax 877-646-5375


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