[Sigiii-l] Fwd: IFIP Newsletter(IIMA)-November Issue

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Sun Nov 6 04:57:57 EST 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	IFIP Newsletter(IIMA)-November Issue
Date: 	Sat, 5 Nov 2011 13:37:49 +0530
From: 	IFIP News Letter <ifipnewsletter at iimahd.ernet.in>

Dear Subscriber,

Warm Greetings! The November 2011 issue of ?Information Technology in Developing Countries? is now available at: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/egov/ifip/current.htm

The current issue of ?Information Technology in Developing Countries? carries articles that discusses the varied facets of ICT. ?ICT- a Tool, not a cause of Protest? authored by Kentaro Toyama is a very thought provoking article in which he has cited situations where ICT has been used as a tool to propagate and create awareness or instigate disturbances. The article ?Learning Language through Satellite Communication? discusses how English language can be interestingly taught through their program on SATCOM (Satellite Communication). This is developed as a pilot project for tribal schools of Gujarat. The paper, ?Relationship between ICT penetration rate and socio-economic variables, in the Asian countries: a dynamic panel data approach? highlights the slow growth of the socio economic development compared to the penetration rate of internet and cellular?s. The article, ?Experiences of using Satellite Supported Networks for strengthening quality of school education? shares the experience   of the authors who have successfully taken quality elementary education to remote areas. The article, Importance of I in information and communication management (ICM) for agriculture talks about how ICT has transformed the process of generating, storing and sharing information for agricultural activities.

In the article ?ICT- a Tool, not a cause of Protest? Kentaro Toyama has made it clear that ICT is a tool and cannot act without human intervention. This is followed by an article from UNNATI Organisations, which envisioned and developed the SATCOM program as a support to the English language teachers in the tribal areas. This program aims at bridging the widening gap of learning English language at the secondary level of the tribal and non-tribal areas and shares, the other challenges in program Orientation and Monitoring  under the title ?Learning Language through Satellite Communication? A pilot project for tribal schools of Gujarat.?   The article, ?Relationship between ICT penetration rate and socio-economic variables, in the Asian countries: a dynamic panel data approach? discusses how the socio-economic development and the rate of ICT penetration in the Asian countries especially education and health does not follow the same trend. In this paper, Ibrahim KHOLILUL Rohman has identified the causes and suggested some policies to increase the rate of socio economic development. The next article by  Prof. Masood Parveez and Dr. UC Pandey titled ?Experiences of using Satellite Supported Networks for strengthening quality of school education? the authors have very vividly shared their experiences; the issues and challenges faced right from the conceptualisation to the implementation stage of the Rajiv Gandhi Project for EduSat Supported Elementary Education (RGPEEE) project in the seven Hindi speaking states of India encouraging primary /elementary education in the rural schools which are geographically  difficult to access with poor communication and transport network and no electrification. The project framework, strategies developed, its impact and future prospects have also been put together, enriching our knowledge on the subject. The fifth article emphasizes the points that contribute to rural development which is through agricultural research and innovation. Access to these research outputs is another major concern discussed in the article titled ?Importance of ?I? in Information and Communication Management (ICM) for Agriculture. ?

The issue  also carries Conference announcements which include   International Conference on Informatics for Development 2011, Second Annual Global Cloud Computing Conference: UP 2011, and  the International Conference on ICT and Robotics in Agricultural Applications (ICTRA ? 2012).

We hope you will find this issue interesting and we look forward to receiving your feedback on the same. We welcome your contributions for the forthcoming issue of the IFIP WG 9.4 Newsletter. Interested contributors are requested to refer to the guidelines for authors available at: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/egov/ifip/guidelines.htm or may mail us at: ifipnewsletter at iimahd.ernet.in

The November 2011 Issue can be directly accessed at: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/egov/ifip/nov2011/nov2011.htm.
A downloadable PDF version of this Issue is also available on our website (URL: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/egov/ifip/nov2011/nov2011.pdf  to ease access and facilitate printing.

With Best Regards,

Editorial Team, IFIP WG 9.4 Newsletter.
Centre for Electronic Governance,
Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad - 380 015, India
Tel.: +91 79 6632 4128, URL: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/egov/ifip/wg.htm

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