[Sigiii-l] Fwd.: Call for Papers - Indigenous Peoples Knowledge, Society: Transformations and Challenges

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Sun Aug 5 08:55:50 EDT 2007

Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2007 16:27:07 +0200
From: "Philipp Budka" <philbu at gmx.net>
Subject: [Air-L] Call for Papers - Indigenous Peoples Knowledge
	Society: Transformations and Challenges
To: "Association of Internet Researchers " <air-l at aoir.org>

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention the following event and call for

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity, and Transformation of Societies
Vienna, Austria, 6 to 9 December 2007

Call for Papers for the section:

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge Society: Transformations and Challenges /
Indigene in der Wissensgesellschaft: Transformationen und Herausforderungen


Of the more than 300 Million Indigenous Peoples recognized by the United
Nations, a growing minority is actively shaping indigenous visions of a
knowledge-based society. These visions are not simply indigenous
responses to global mainstream debates over post-industrial development
or techno-scientific culture, etc. More importantly, they articulate the
actual deployment of new media and information communications
technologies (ICTs) by indigenous communities to forward their own
policies and practices. They frame how indigenous communities are
mobilizing over the internet and on the Web to communicate their lived
experiences and extend their local networks to global audiences,
including and especially, a global indigenous audience.

For academics in the field, online indigenous communities are opening up
spaces of inquiry beyond the digital divide by actively co-creating
virtual communities and transforming their cultural experience through
ICTs (i.e., real life in cyberspace). Questions about resources,
knowledge/power and access continue to be important, but they have
become more complicated by issues of networking and social life, virtual
reproduction, and information policy. These new social, political, and
cultural forms of indigeneity will be discussed within this section.

Details on Submission:

You are invited to submit abstracts (250 words, English) till the 24th
of August 2007. Please include your contact details (name, affiliation,
email, and a brief bio). Successful candidates will be notified by the
end of August. Full paper submissions should be about 4.000 words long,
formatted according to the APA guidelines (e.g.
http://www-distance.syr.edu/apa5th.html), and submitted by the 16th of
November. Accepted papers will be published in TRANS ? Internet Journal
for Cultural Sciences (http://www.inst.at/trans/index.htm) and included
in a book project (full text on CD-ROM, more info at:

Please note that the conference organizers are unable to fund travel or
hotel costs for conference attendees.

Please send abstracts to the section leads Adam Fiser (University of
Toronto) adam.fiser at gmail.com and Philipp Budka (University of Vienna)
ph.budka at philbu.net

Abstracts should address one or more themes reflected in the following
research questions:

?    How can/should social sciences describe and explain local
indigenous knowledge production in a potentially global knowledge
system? What are the socio-cultural and political inter-linkages between
local and global?
?    How do indigenous communities integrate new media practices and
ICTs into processes of local media production and networking to
participate in socio-cultural life, political movements, economic
development, healthcare, education, and so forth?
?    How might indigenous communities? uses of new media and ICTs
reflect challenges for diversity, conflict, global ethics, pluralism,
gender, youth and heritage?
?    What best practices have indigenous organizations developed around
the inter-linkages of knowledge production, new media, ICTs, and
local/global community networks (that could inform practitioners and

All the best,


-- Philipp Budka philbu at gmx.net Dreyhausenstra?e 18/7 A-1140 Wien,
Austria http://www.philbu.net -- Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX
MultiMessenger geh?rt? Der kanns mit allen:
Dr. Michel J. Menou
Visiting Professor, SLAIS, University College London, U.K.
Consultant in ICT policies and Knowledge & Information Management
Chair ASIS&T International Relations Committee http://www.asis.org/irc.html
Adviser of Somos at Telecentros board http://www.tele-centros.org
Member of the founding steering committee of
Telecenters of the Americas Partnership http://www.tele-centers.net/
B.P. 15
F-49350 Les Rosiers sur Loire, France
Email: micheljmenou[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone: +33 (0)2 41511043

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