[Sigiii-l] Welcome to 2005-2006 SIG-III officers

Nadia Caidi nadia.caidi at utoronto.ca
Mon Aug 22 21:41:19 EDT 2005

Dear SIG-III members,

It is my great pleasure to introduce to you the slate of officers for 
2005-2006. As you will see, the committee is truly international and we 
look forward to a great year serving the SIG-III and ASIST community.

Below is the list of SIG-III officers with their contact information, so 
that you can reach them if need be.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please take a few minutes to look at the list. Unless 
there is a majority expressing disagreement with one appointement, the 
list of officers will be considered approved.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of us.
We are also always interested in volunteers for this coming year as well 
as in anyone interested in holding a specific position for the following 

Finally, if you have any ideas for new projects and initiatives that you 
would like SIG-III sponsor, please let us know.

We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting in Charlotte.

Nadia Caidi

LIST OF 2005-2006 SIG-III officers:

Nadia Caidi, Canada (nadia.caidi at utoronto.ca)

Co-Chair (Outside US/Canada):
Miriam Vieira da Cunha, Brazil (miriamcunha at brturbo.com.br)

Duncan Omole, USA (domole at worldbank.org)

Co-Chair-Elect (Outside US):
Ifeanyichukwu (Ify) Njoku, Nigeria (iphienjoku at yahoo.co.uk)

Immediate Past Chair:
Yin Zhang, USA (yinzhang at slis.kent.edu)

Cabinet Representative:
Toni Carbo, USA (tcarbo at mail.sis.pitt.edu)

Alternate Representative:
Yin Zhang, USA (yinzhang at slis.kent.edu)

Secretary: N/A

Bahaa El Hadidy, USA (elhadidy at cas.usf.edu)

Communications Officers:
Jonathan Levitt, UK (j.levitt at ucl.ac.uk) and Yin Zhang (mentor)

ASIST Program Chair:
Catherine (Kate) Johnson, USA (caj3 at uwm.edu)

Caryn Anderson,USA (caryn.anderson at simmons.edu) and Sue Johnson, USA 
(sueojohnson at hotmail.com)
***InfoShare is a program sponsored by SIG III, which awards one-year 
ASIST memberships to information professionals in developing countries 
for whom the cost of membership would be a financial burden***

International Paper Contest:
Chair (Duncan Omole);
Co-Chair (Jonathan Levitt);
Marketing and Fundraising (Ozy Orji, Nigeria (ozyorji at hotmail.com))

Yunfei Du, USA (yunfei at wayne.edu);
Nathalie Leroy, USA (leroyn at un.org);
Sue o'Neill Johnson, USA (sueojohnson at hotmail.com);
Michel Menou, France (michel.menou at wanadoo.fr);
Yin Zhang, USA (yinzhang at slis.kent.edu);
Liwen Vaughn, Canada (lvaughan at uwo.ca)

-ROTATING JURY MEMBERS: (TBA) ***We are looking for volunteers, if you 
are interested in reviewing papers, please let Duncan Omole know***

***ASIST and SIG-III have co-sponsored the International Paper Contest 
for the past six years. Only papers by a principal author who is a 
citizen of, and resides in a developing country are eligible. The papers 
are original and unpublished. English is preferred, but submissions in 
French or Spanish are accepted. We encourage submissions from 
librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved 
in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, 
delivery, and use of digital information***

SIG III Advisory Board:
Sue O'Neill Johnson USA (sueojohnson at hotmail.com);
Michel Menou, France (michel.menou at wanadoo.fr);
Norman Horrocks, Canada (nhorrock at dal.ca)
Toni Carbo, , USA (tcarbo at mail.sis.pitt.edu)
Julian Warner, UK (j.warner at qub.ac.uk)
Shivanti Weerasinghe, Sri Lanka (librarian at boc.lk)

Student Representatives:
Danielle Allard, Canada (allard at fis.utoronto.ca);
Imma Subirats Coll, Spain (imma.subirats at gmail.com);
Mabrouka El Hachani, France (hachani at enssib.fr);
Susan MacDonald, Canada (susan.macdonald at utoronto.ca);
Aaron Bowen , USA (asb01 at u.washington.edu)

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