[Sigiii-l] Update on SIG III activities in Long Beach

Sue O. Johnson sueojohnson at msn.com
Tue Sep 2 20:55:17 EDT 2003

Dear SIG III Members,
     We have been busy preparing for the Annual Meeting in Long Beach California October 19-22. We hope you're planning to attend the Conference. Here are some details:

Through the Eugene Garfield Travel Fund and the Digital Scholars Fund SIG III has offered travel grants to the following eight information professionals to attend the conference:

Dr Subbiah Arunchalam, India, second place winner International Paper Contest, 2002 (has visa)
Dr PR Goswami , India,(partial support from SIG III, SIG III Board member) (waiting for visa)
Mr Tariq Ashraf, India, third place winner of International Paper Contest 2003 (waiting for visa)
Mr PK Jain, India, winner of Eugene Garfield Travel Grant 2002 (waiting for visa)
Ms Ifeanyichukwu F. Njoku, Nigeria, winner of the International Paper Contest, 2003 (waiting for visa)
Ms Wathmanel Seneviratne, Sri Lanka, Second place winner of International Paper Contest 2003 (waiting for visa)
Dr Tran Ngoc Ca, Vietnam, winner of Eugene Garfield Travel Grant 2002 (has visa)
Dr Wang Jun, China, winner of Eugene Garfield Travel Grant 2002 (has visa)

Getting visas is no easy matter, and ASIST Headquarters has done a great deal of work sending letters of invitation which are used to obtain visas. We already know that two Travel Grant winners, from Nigeria and Nicaragua were unable to get visas, and we quickly offered the travel opportunity to winners of the International Paper Contest.  We hope you will greet these foreign visitors with enthusiasm, friendliness, and help in getting the most out of the Conference. Most have never been in the U.S. 

Support for travel and hotel expenses, has been provided primarily from Eugene Garfield in a fund established for last year's Conference, and from Elsevier Publishers. In addition, SIG MGT and SIG Information Policy have provided some support for Subbiah Arunchalam (Arun) and PK Jain, who will be giving papers in joint sessions with SIG III (see below). The PVC Chapter held a joint fund raiser with SIG III and raised a substantial sum to contribute to this support; the LA Chapter, Chicago Chapter, Florida Chapter, and Basch Subscriptions also contributed important support.

There are eight SIG III sessions at the Conference. Here they are, in brief:

Monday Oct 20: (SIG III and IFP) Transborder data flow; (SIG III and IFP) Public domain under pressure (Subbiah Arunchalam is one of the speakers); (Sig III and IFP) The Second Global Information Village Plaza, a huge undertaking by SIG III leaders Nadia Caidi and Michel Menou. 

Tuesday Oct 21: (SIG III and SIG MGT) Sharing and accessing Internet resources across barriers of nation, language and collection; (SIG III and SIG MGT. New information models for rural populations in developing countries (PK Jain, PR Goswami, and Ifeanyichukwu Njoku are scheduled to speak); (SIG III) World summit on the information society (Tran Ngoc Ca is one of the speakers) 

Wednesday Oct 22: (SIG III) Cultural variations of internet development. 

And finally we will be sending you very soon, by e-mail,  a ballot for SIG III's slate of officers for the coming year. Please be sure and vote.

Sincerely Sue O'Neill Johnson, SIG III Chair Nov. 2002-Oct. 2003

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