[Sigiii-l] Room available for international SIG-III traveler in Philadelphia

Sue O. Johnson SueOJohnson at msn.com
Tue Nov 5 22:47:08 EST 2002

To Sig-III international member coming to the Conference:
I have one and possibly more rooms available at the Hilton Garden Hotel in Philadelphia, already prepaid. They are prepaid at $372.00 from Sunday night through Thurs. morning (4 nights), all taxes and fees included. I reserved rooms for 14 international visitors who received grants to come to the Conference. Right now it looks as if one, maybe two rooms that were reserved for them will not be taken, as they have been unable to get visas to enter the U.S. We are waiting to hear if anyone else cannot get a visa. Other SIG III members are staying there also, including myself, who have been working on the travel grant program. Let me know if you want a room, and you can also include a roommate for the same price.  The way we will work it is I will substitute your name for the name of the person for whom we have it reserved and you can pay back the Eugene Garfield Travel Grant Fund of ASIST through me or send to ASIST HQ in Silver Spring, MD.

If I don't hear from anyone I will give up the rooms. This hotel is very well-located, and highly regarded for a great price. The web site is www.hildongardenphilly.com

Let me know. Thanks Sue O'Neill Johnson, SIG III

Sue O'Neill Johnson,
Consultant to the National Library of Medicine
e-mail: sueojohnson at hotmail.msn.com,
johnson at nlm.nih.gov
work phone 301-435-3149
fax: 301-299-5384
postal address: 8505 Victory Lane, Potomac, MD 20854
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