[Sigiii-l] ASIST Travel Grant

Nadia Caidi ncaidi at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 24 11:00:00 EDT 2002

Please disseminate this message widely:

ASIST Travel Grant made possible with support from the Eugene Garfield 

The American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) 
http://www.asis.org, with support from The Eugene Garfield Foundation, is 
offering limited travel grants for information scientists from developing 
countries to attend the ASIST Annual Meeting, in Philadelphia, PA, USA, 
November 18-21, 2002. [definition of a developing country for the purposes 
of this grant is Low-Income Economies, Lower-Middle-Income Economies, and 
Severely-Indebted Economies as defined by the World Bank, January 2002, 

ASIST Travel Grant Committee: Dick Hill, Executive Director; ASIST members 
Norman Horrocks, Diane Hopkins, Michel Menou, Toni Carbo, Dudee Chiang, 
Irene Travis, Joseph Busch, and Sue O'Neill Johnson.

Please note that these grants are limited and there is a possibility that 
the grant will not cover all of a participant's costs. In addition, travel 
grants are only available for those professionals who have never been to the 
United States.

Application Procedure (all-electronic):

1. Submit a standard curriculum vitae in English including your current 
position (and description of the position in detail), past positions, 
education, association activities, awards, lectures and papers.

2. Write a brief description on the situation on information science in your 
institution or country, and how your institution and/or country will benefit 
by your attending this conference.

3. Write a brief statement of the anticipated budget for your participation, 
including a statement of why this funding support is needed.

4. If available, attach a copy of a recent paper or lecture you have 

Send this information or any questions by e-mail to sueojohnson at msn.com, 
Chair Elect of ASIST, SIG International Information Issues. The deadline is 
August 31, 2002. Travel grant winners will be announced by September 15, 


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