[Sigiii-l] [InfoInternational] The African Libraries Listserve

Ilisa HQ ilisahq at ijlis.com
Sat Aug 10 20:54:42 EDT 2002

The African Libraries Listserve 

The African Libraries Listserve (AFLIB-L)  has now been reactivated by The
National Library of South Africa. It was temporarily discontinued while a
new e-mail system was being implemented. 

If you are not yet a subscriber, you are warmly invited to subscribe.
Information about the list is given below.

The African Libraries Listserve is a forum for African libraries and
their colleagues who seek to overcome the professional isolation which
presents one of the barriers to library development in Africa.

AFLIB-L is an open, lightly moderated discussion list. Its aim is to
encourage contact between and communication among professionals on the
continent. Let us break down the barriers of isolation through the
exchange of ideas. It is administered by the National Library of South
Africa, and supported by the Africa Section of the International
Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the Standing Conference of
African National and University Libraries - East Central and Southern
Africa (SCANUL-ECS).  

It is open not only to members of IFLA and SCANUL-ECS, but to all
libraries and information workers (including documentalists, archivists
and information managers), teachers of librarianship and information
work, researchers in library and information science, and others with an
interest in librarianship and information work who are working in Africa
or have a strong interest in Africa.


- Send a message to AFLIB-L at nlsa.ac.za
- In the message header, include AFLIB-L and subscribe/unsubscribe


- Send your message to AFLIB-L at nlsa.ac.za
- In the message header, include AFLIB-L

-Biju K Abraham-

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