Ian Johnson (imsij) i.m.johnson at rgu.ac.uk
Mon Aug 26 10:39:01 EDT 2002

The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen wishes to make a step change in its research performance to help it meet its aspirations to become a premiere research and learning university.  To achieve this, one part of our strategy will be the appointment of outstanding research leaders.  We are therefore seeking up to 20 talented individuals to fill posts of: 
*	Research Professors
*	Senior Research Fellows
*	Research Fellows (normally post-doctoral)

The University's current research interests include the following areas: 
*	Development and impact of learning environments
*	Development and impact of information literacy
*	Social and economic impact of information
*	Knowledge Management
*	Electronic publishing 
*	Branding strategies in the publishing industry
*	Political communication
*	Marketing communication
*	Intercultural communication

If you have a passion for research in any of these or closely related areas, and believe yourself to be amongst the best in your chosen field, then we want to hear from you. 

To register an interest please submit to the Human Resources Department an executive summary statement of how your research interests and experience meet our research aspirations, accompanied by a full academic CV. 

Closing date for receipt of statements of interest: 30 August 2002 

Human Resources Department
Robert Gordon University
Aberdeen AB10 1FR
Great Britain

staffrec at rgu.ac.uk

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