[Sigifp-l] CFP: Special Issue on Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene, deadline June 30th

Burgess, John jtfburgess at ua.edu
Wed May 23 14:06:51 EDT 2018

My apologies for cross posting.

This is a reminder that the submission deadline is approaching for the Journal of Critical Library and Information Science’s special issue on Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene. The guest editors are interested in a wide variety of submissions on questions of librarians and archivists’ responses to climate change and related concerns. JCLIS welcomes the following types of submissions:

• Research Articles (no more than 7,000 words)

• Perspective Essays (no more than 5,000 words)

• Literature Reviews (no more than 7,000 words)

• Interviews (no more than 5,000 words)

• Book or Exhibition Reviews (no more than 1,200 words)

Research articles and literature reviews are subject to peer review by two referees. Perspective essays are subject to peer review by one referee. Interviews and book or exhibition reviews are subject to review by the issue editor(s).

Please see the URL or attached document for more details, and feel free to contact me or the other special issue co-editors if you have any questions.




John T. F. Burgess, PhD, STM, MLIS
Assistant Professor/Distance Ed Coordinator
School of Library and Information Studies
The University of Alabama
(205) 348-1523
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