[Sigifp-l] Fwd: [Sighfis-l] Call for Papers: Evidences, Implications, and Critical Interrogations of Neoliberalism in Information Studies

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Sat Sep 23 12:03:45 EDT 2017

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Subject: 	[Sighfis-l] Call for Papers: Evidences, Implications, and 
Critical Interrogations of Neoliberalism in Information Studies
Date: 	Sat, 23 Sep 2017 05:54:27 -0700
From: 	Rory Litwin <rlitwin at gmail.com>
To: 	Library and Information Science Information and Discussion List 
<JESSE at lists.wayne.edu>, sighfis-l at asis.org, icie at zkm.de, 
StanleyK at yahoogroups.com <StanleyK at yahoogroups.com>, plg 
<progressivelibrariansguild at lists.sonic.net>

Call for Papers: Evidences, Implications, and Critical Interrogations of 
Neoliberalism in Information Studies (JCLIS)

Guest Editors: Marika Cifor and Jamie A. Lee

Neoliberalism, as economic doctrine, as political practice, and even as 
a “governing rationality” of contemporary life and work, increasingly 
encroaches on the Library and Information Studies field. The shift 
towards more conscious grappling with social justice and human rights 
debates and concerns has led to LIS scholarship that opens the 
possibility for addressing neoliberalism and the visible and often 
hidden roles it plays.

Simultaneously practitioners and scholars across LIS regularly face the 
material realities of such delimiting neoliberal encroachments through 
continued and largely unquestioned practices that continue to uphold 
inequities. Despite its far-reaching impact, neoliberalism has yet to be 
substantively addressed in LIS. This special issue will provide a 
much-needed transnational forum to critically engage the genealogical 
threads that constitute the LIS field by interrogating the discursive 
and material evidences and implications of neoliberalism.

Through its myriad definitions and instantiations throughout Information 
Studies and its associated domains (including archives, libraries, 
information policy, digital humanities, communication, media studies) 
and critical theory more broadly, this special issue will offer new ways 
to think about praxis as both practice and theory critically inform one 
another. Addressing neoliberalism provides a vital forum for 
international scholars and practitioners to come together to explore 
cross-cutting issues, such as: human rights frameworks as situated 
locally and globally, economic (in)justices, postcoloniality, 
decolonization, agency, access, ethics, Nation-State identities and 
citizenship, and belonging.

The scope of this issue might include research on:

- Increasing challenges to information ethics;
- Shifting practices among community and institutional information 
- The use of private contractors in government archives and public 
- The entanglement of governmental and educational institutions, 
libraries and neoliberal policies, worldviews, and values;
- Information’s relationship to the economic market/political economy of 
information more broadly;
- Neoliberal conceptions of information and knowledge;
- Intellectual and affective labor in contemporary LIS environments;
- Libraries and archives as sites of resistance;
- The prevalence of neoliberal discourse in LIS research;
- The influence of neoliberalism on labor practices in libraries, 
archives, museums or other information centers; and
- Economic inequalities and global justice.

Deadline for Submission: April 30, 2018

Types of Submissions

JCLIS welcomes the following types of submissions:

- Research Articles (no more than 7,000 words)
- Perspective Essays (no more than 5,000 words)
- Literature Reviews (no more than 7,000 words)
- Interviews (no more than 5,000 words)
- Book or Exhibition Reviews (no more than 1,200 words)
- Research articles and literature reviews are subject to peer review by 
two referees. Perspective essays are subject to peer review by one 
referee. Interviews and book or exhibition reviews are subject to review 
by the issue editor(s).


Jamie A. Lee, University of Arizona: jalee2 at email.arizona.edu 
<mailto:jalee2 at email.arizona.edu>
Marika Cifor, Bowdoin College: mcifor at bowdoin.edu 
<mailto:mcifor at bowdoin.edu>

Submission Guidelines for Authors

The Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies welcomes 
submissions from senior and junior faculty, students, activists, and 
practitioners working in areas of research and practice at the 
intersection of critical theory and library and information studies.

Authors retain the copyright to material they publish in the JCLIS, but 
the Journal cannot re-publish material that has previously been 
published elsewhere. The journal also cannot accept manuscripts that 
have been simultaneously submitted to another outlet for possible 

Citation Style

JCLIS uses the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition as the official 
citation style for manuscripts published by the journal. All manuscripts 
should employ the Notes and Bibliography style (as footnotes with a 
bibliography), and should conform to the guidelines as described in the 

Submission Process

Manuscripts are to be submitted through JCLIS’ online submission system 
(http://libraryjuicepress.com/journals/index.php/jclis) by April 30th, 
2018. This online submission process requires that manuscripts be 
submitted in separate stages in order to ensure the anonymity of the 
review process and to enable appropriate formatting.

Abstracts (500 words or less) should be submitted in plain text and 
should not include information identifying the author(s) or their 
institutional affiliations. With the exception of book reviews, an 
abstract must accompany all manuscript submissions before they are 
reviewed for publication.
The main text of the manuscript must be submitted as a stand-alone file 
(in Microsoft Word or RTF)) without a title page, abstract, page 
numbers, or other headers or footers. The title, abstract, and author 
information should be submitted through the submission platform.

ISSN: 2572-1364

	Garanti sans virus. www.avg.com 

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