[Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting

A.J. Million ajmillion at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 17:31:09 EDT 2017

I'm absolutely in support of this. Additionally, there was talk about using
the workshop last year to gather a range of IE&P resources and then
(possibly) create an open repository or resource for future use.

I'd be willing to spearhead this part if there's a need.


A.J. Million, Graduate Assistant
School of Information Science & Learning
Technologies (SISLT)

University of Missouri
111 London Hall
Columbia, MO 65211

E-Mail: ajmillion at gmail.com
Web: www.amillion.us Tel: 417.894.2222

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Knox, Emily Joyce Magdelyn <
knox at illinois.edu> wrote:

> I plan to attend and would like to help with whatever we decide to do.
> Emily
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sigifp-l [sigifp-l-bounces at asis.org] on behalf of Brandi Loveday [
> blloveday at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:55 AM
> *To:* Oltmann, Shannon M
> *Cc:* sigifp-l at asis.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting
> I think this is the perfect time to revive this workshop given the
> political climate and unbridled attacks on science, transparency,  and
> information availability  (or lack thereof).
> I think we need this, and similar panels/presentations.
> If I can help, let me know what you need.
> Brandi Loveday-Chesley
> On Mar 16, 2017 11:40 AM, "Oltmann, Shannon M" <shannon.oltmann at uky.edu>
> wrote:
> Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on
> teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately,
> we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was
> titled: “Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing
> Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED” and the
> summary is pasted below.
> I’m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for
> ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to
> update and revise the panel to fit this year’s theme. Details about ASIST
> 2017 can be found here: https://www.asist.org/events/a
> nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you
> would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend
> the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in
> participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the
> meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to
> update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard.
> Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop
> with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017,
> please share your thoughts on this as well.
> I’m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can
> eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for
> contributing your thoughts about this.
> -Shannon Oltmann
> Description of 2016 panel:
> Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon
> Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of
> Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce
> Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State
> University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign,
> USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth
> (Drexel University, USA)
> Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching
> information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016.
> The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on
> teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in
> Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day
> devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical
> approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be
> preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to
> spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn
> from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics,
> and teaching methods.
> We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and
> practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and
> policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and
> willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We
> encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading
> lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if
> you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit,
> assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would
> like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an
> abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at
> arubel at wisc.edu (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will
> notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early
> registration (which ends September 2, 2016).
> Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann
> Assistant Professor
> School of Information Science
> College of Communication & Information
> University of Kentucky
> shannon.oltmann at uky.edu
> 320 Lucille Little Library
> Lexington KY 40506
> 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788>
> 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax)
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