From shannon.oltmann at Wed Mar 1 16:49:41 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 21:49:41 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Time for SIG elections! Message-ID: Hello colleagues. We need to hold elections for positions within the SIG Information Ethics and Policy (IEP). The current positions are: Chair: Shannon Oltmann Chair elect: (vacant) Treasurer: Emily Knox Communications officer: A.J. Million All current officers are willing to stay in their positions for the year. We just need someone to be the chair-elect this year (and then chair next year). As the current chair, I will say the position is not taxing. It does not take much work (unless you want to be very active, in which case it can be as engaging as you want it to be). Feel free to contact me individually if you want to know more. We're looking for people to be nominated for chair-elect. (If you are interested in one of the other positions, please let me know.) This includes self-nominations-if you are interested, please nominate yourself! Simply send me an email with the individual's name, employment/educational institution, and email address. We will take nominations through March 15th. After that, we'll hold elections if necessary. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. -Shannon Oltmann Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Thu Mar 16 11:19:35 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 15:19:35 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Message-ID: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: "Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED" and the summary is pasted below. I'm writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year's theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I'm hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Thu Mar 16 13:51:52 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 17:51:52 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Election for chair-elect Message-ID: Hello everyone. We have two candidates for SIG-IEP chair-elect, John Burgess and Bryce Newell. I've copied their information below for your review. In addition, it is also available in the online poll. Please follow this link: to vote for one of the candidates. Please only vote one time. Voting must be completed by midnight (Eastern) on 3/24/17. (You may need to copy and paste the link rather than clicking on it.) Candidates listed alphabetically: John Burgess. John T. F. Burgess is an Assistant Professor and Distance Education Coordinator at the University of Alabama's School of Library and Information Studies. Building on his background in virtue ethics, Burgess' research focuses on the ethics of sustainability and questions of intergenerational justice in an LIS context. Along with Emily Knox, he is co-editing a textbook on the foundations of information ethics for ALA Neal-Schuman Publishers. This book is designed to provide students without a philosophy background the context they need to contribute to ethics research and policy creation in an informed way. As a member of the IEEE Subcommittee on Classical Ethics in ICT, Burgess is participating in the broader IEEE Ethically Aligned Design initiative. This initiative is designed to raise awareness of ethical issues surrounding the development of artificially intelligent and autonomous systems and to develop best practices for creating those systems ethically. In related service, he is the co-convener for the ALISE Information Ethics SIG the goal of which is to advocate for the importance of ethics education in iSchools and LIS programs. At the University of Alabama, he developed and teaches a course in information ethics for information professionals, and co-founded the Policy and Ethics Group to foster greater collaboration among faculty interested in information ethics and policy related teaching, research, and service projects. Burgess lives in Mobile, Alabama, USA with his wife and four sweet cats who dislike each other, and in his spare time enjoys playing and designing tabletop roleplaying games. Bryce Newell. Bryce Newell is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) at Tilburg University (in the Netherlands). Beginning in August 2017, he will be an Assistant Professor in the School of Information Science (iSchool) at the University of Kentucky. Bryce earned his Ph.D. (Information Science) at the University of Washington Information School and his J.D. (Law) from the University of California, Davis School of Law. Bryce is a former Google Policy Fellow, a licensed attorney (California), and a documentary filmmaker. His recent and on-going research examines the use of information and communication technologies by undocumented migrants during periods of clandestine migration and border-crossing into the United States, the criminalization of voyeurism and non-consensual pornography, and the legal and social impacts of police surveillance, citizen video, and liberal freedom of information laws on personal privacy. His forthcoming book, entitled Policing, Visibility, and Power: Body-Worn Cameras, Citizen Video, and Institutional Transparency in Two American Police Departments (under advance contract with The MIT Press) is based on a multi-year empirical study of body-worn camera adoption by two municipal police departments in Washington State. The book draws on qualitative fieldwork, interviews, quantitative surveys, and legal research to critically examine how body cameras, citizen (bystander) video, and freedom of information law impact police work, promote police transparency and accountability, and increase the visibility of both police officers and civilians alike. Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From blloveday at Thu Mar 16 13:55:44 2017 From: blloveday at (Brandi Loveday) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 13:55:44 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I think this is the perfect time to revive this workshop given the political climate and unbridled attacks on science, transparency, and information availability (or lack thereof). I think we need this, and similar panels/presentations. If I can help, let me know what you need. Brandi Loveday-Chesley On Mar 16, 2017 11:40 AM, "Oltmann, Shannon M" wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: 2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788> 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From knox at Thu Mar 16 15:29:47 2017 From: knox at (Knox, Emily Joyce Magdelyn) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 19:29:47 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: I plan to attend and would like to help with whatever we decide to do. Emily ________________________________ From: Sigifp-l [sigifp-l-bounces at] on behalf of Brandi Loveday [blloveday at] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:55 AM To: Oltmann, Shannon M Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting I think this is the perfect time to revive this workshop given the political climate and unbridled attacks on science, transparency, and information availability (or lack thereof). I think we need this, and similar panels/presentations. If I can help, let me know what you need. Brandi Loveday-Chesley On Mar 16, 2017 11:40 AM, "Oltmann, Shannon M" > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ajmillion at Thu Mar 16 17:31:09 2017 From: ajmillion at (A.J. Million) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 16:31:09 -0500 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I'm absolutely in support of this. Additionally, there was talk about using the workshop last year to gather a range of IE&P resources and then (possibly) create an open repository or resource for future use. I'd be willing to spearhead this part if there's a need. AJM A.J. Million, Graduate Assistant School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT) University of Missouri 111 London Hall Columbia, MO 65211 E-Mail: ajmillion at Web: Tel: 417.894.2222 On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Knox, Emily Joyce Magdelyn < knox at> wrote: > I plan to attend and would like to help with whatever we decide to do. > > Emily > > ------------------------------ > *From:* Sigifp-l [sigifp-l-bounces at] on behalf of Brandi Loveday [ > blloveday at] > *Sent:* Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:55 AM > *To:* Oltmann, Shannon M > *Cc:* sigifp-l at > *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting > > I think this is the perfect time to revive this workshop given the > political climate and unbridled attacks on science, transparency, and > information availability (or lack thereof). > > I think we need this, and similar panels/presentations. > > If I can help, let me know what you need. > > Brandi Loveday-Chesley > > > On Mar 16, 2017 11:40 AM, "Oltmann, Shannon M" > wrote: > > Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on > teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, > we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was > titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing > Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the > summary is pasted below. > > > > I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for > ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to > update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST > 2017 can be found here: > nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you > would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend > the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in > participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the > meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to > update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. > > > > Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop > with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, > please share your thoughts on this as well. > > > > I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can > eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for > contributing your thoughts about this. > > > > > > -Shannon Oltmann > > > > > > Description of 2016 panel: > > Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon > Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of > Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce > Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State > University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, > USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth > (Drexel University, USA) > > > > Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching > information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. > > The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on > teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in > Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day > devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical > approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be > preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to > spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn > from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, > and teaching methods. > > > > We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and > practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and > policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and > willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We > encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading > lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if > you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, > assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would > like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an > abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at > arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will > notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early > registration (which ends September 2, 2016). > > > > > > Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann > > Assistant Professor > > School of Information Science > > College of Communication & Information > > University of Kentucky > > shannon.oltmann at > > 320 Lucille Little Library > > Lexington KY 40506 > > 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788> > > 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax) > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From akriesberg at Thu Mar 16 23:29:04 2017 From: akriesberg at (Adam Kriesberg) Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 23:29:04 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: This sounds like a great idea for a workshop! I do plan on attending the meeting in the fall and am interesting in being a part of this. Let me know how to help/get involved. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-Doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 5:31 PM, A.J. Million wrote: > I'm absolutely in support of this. Additionally, there was talk about > using the workshop last year to gather a range of IE&P resources and then > (possibly) create an open repository or resource for future use. > > I'd be willing to spearhead this part if there's a need. > > AJM > > A.J. Million, Graduate Assistant > School of Information Science & Learning > Technologies (SISLT) > > University of Missouri > 111 London Hall > Columbia, MO 65211 > > E-Mail: ajmillion at > Web: Tel: 417.894.2222 <(417)%20894-2222> > > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Knox, Emily Joyce Magdelyn < > knox at> wrote: > >> I plan to attend and would like to help with whatever we decide to do. >> >> Emily >> >> ------------------------------ >> *From:* Sigifp-l [sigifp-l-bounces at] on behalf of Brandi Loveday >> [blloveday at] >> *Sent:* Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:55 AM >> *To:* Oltmann, Shannon M >> *Cc:* sigifp-l at >> *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting >> >> I think this is the perfect time to revive this workshop given the >> political climate and unbridled attacks on science, transparency, and >> information availability (or lack thereof). >> >> I think we need this, and similar panels/presentations. >> >> If I can help, let me know what you need. >> >> Brandi Loveday-Chesley >> >> >> On Mar 16, 2017 11:40 AM, "Oltmann, Shannon M" >> wrote: >> >> Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on >> teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, >> we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was >> titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing >> Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the >> summary is pasted below. >> >> >> >> I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for >> ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to >> update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST >> 2017 can be found here: >> nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you >> would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend >> the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in >> participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the >> meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to >> update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. >> >> >> >> Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop >> with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, >> please share your thoughts on this as well. >> >> >> >> I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can >> eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for >> contributing your thoughts about this. >> >> >> >> >> >> -Shannon Oltmann >> >> >> >> >> >> Description of 2016 panel: >> >> Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon >> Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of >> Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce >> Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State >> University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, >> USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth >> (Drexel University, USA) >> >> >> >> Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on >> teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. >> >> The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on >> teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in >> Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day >> devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical >> approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be >> preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to >> spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn >> from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, >> and teaching methods. >> >> >> >> We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and >> practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and >> policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and >> willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We >> encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading >> lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if >> you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, >> assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would >> like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an >> abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at >> arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will >> notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early >> registration (which ends September 2, 2016). >> >> >> >> >> >> Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann >> >> Assistant Professor >> >> School of Information Science >> >> College of Communication & Information >> >> University of Kentucky >> >> shannon.oltmann at >> >> 320 Lucille Little Library >> >> Lexington KY 40506 >> >> 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788> >> >> 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax) >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Fri Mar 17 08:43:50 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 12:43:50 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] UPDATED voting information for chair-elect Message-ID: Folks, there were some issues with the previous survey. It did not record all votes accurately. I have modified the survey and fixed the issues. It is now available at a new link: (Again, you may need to copy and paste the link.) The information about the candidates is available in the poll. If you have already voted, you will need to vote again. (Prior votes are not recorded in this new poll.) Again, please complete your vote by midnight (Eastern) on Friday the 24th. My apologies for the problem and thanks for your patience. -Shannon Oltmann Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bcnewell at Fri Mar 17 09:16:39 2017 From: bcnewell at (Bryce C Newell) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 14:16:39 +0100 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce *--* *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M wrote: > Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on > teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, > we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was > titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing > Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the > summary is pasted below. > > > > I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for > ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to > update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST > 2017 can be found here: > annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you > would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend > the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in > participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the > meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to > update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. > > > > Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop > with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, > please share your thoughts on this as well. > > > > I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can > eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for > contributing your thoughts about this. > > > > > > -Shannon Oltmann > > > > > > Description of 2016 panel: > > Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon > Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of > Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce > Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State > University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, > USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth > (Drexel University, USA) > > > > Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching > information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. > > The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on > teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in > Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day > devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical > approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be > preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to > spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn > from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, > and teaching methods. > > > > We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and > practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and > policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and > willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We > encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading > lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if > you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, > assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would > like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an > abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at > arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will > notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early > registration (which ends September 2, 2016). > > > > > > Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann > > Assistant Professor > > School of Information Science > > College of Communication & Information > > University of Kentucky > > shannon.oltmann at > > 320 Lucille Little Library > > Lexington KY 40506 > > 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788> > > 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax) > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nadia.caidi at Fri Mar 17 10:31:01 2017 From: nadia.caidi at (Nadia Caidi) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 10:31:01 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: > Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also > on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! > > - Bryce > > > *--* > *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* > Post-Doctoral Researcher > Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) > Tilburg Law School > b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw > | > > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < > shannon.oltmann at> wrote: > >> Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on >> teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, >> we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was >> titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing >> Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the >> summary is pasted below. >> >> >> >> I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for >> ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to >> update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST >> 2017 can be found here: >> nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you >> would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend >> the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in >> participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the >> meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to >> update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. >> >> >> >> Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop >> with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, >> please share your thoughts on this as well. >> >> >> >> I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can >> eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for >> contributing your thoughts about this. >> >> >> >> >> >> -Shannon Oltmann >> >> >> >> >> >> Description of 2016 panel: >> >> Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon >> Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of >> Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce >> Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State >> University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, >> USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth >> (Drexel University, USA) >> >> >> >> Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on >> teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. >> >> The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on >> teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in >> Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day >> devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical >> approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be >> preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to >> spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn >> from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, >> and teaching methods. >> >> >> >> We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and >> practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and >> policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and >> willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We >> encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading >> lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if >> you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, >> assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would >> like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an >> abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at >> arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will >> notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early >> registration (which ends September 2, 2016). >> >> >> >> >> >> Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann >> >> Assistant Professor >> >> School of Information Science >> >> College of Communication & Information >> >> University of Kentucky >> >> shannon.oltmann at >> >> 320 Lucille Little Library >> >> Lexington KY 40506 >> >> 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788> >> >> 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax) >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bcnewell at Fri Mar 17 11:46:59 2017 From: bcnewell at (Bryce C Newell) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 16:46:59 +0100 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I second Nadia's comments. I've reached out to a few contacts at the ACLU, EFF, etc. I'll let you all know if anyone responds positively. Cheers, Bryce *--* *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Nadia Caidi wrote: > Hi folks, > I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest > rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going > on right now in the US and elsewhere. > However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years > but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I > suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. > Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the > workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. > Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. > Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? > > I would attend and participate. > > Cheers, > Nadia > > On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: > >> Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also >> on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! >> >> - Bryce >> >> >> *--* >> *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* >> Post-Doctoral Researcher >> Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) >> Tilburg Law School >> b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw >> | >> >> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < >> shannon.oltmann at> wrote: >> >>> Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on >>> teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, >>> we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was >>> titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing >>> Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the >>> summary is pasted below. >>> >>> >>> >>> I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for >>> ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to >>> update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST >>> 2017 can be found here: >>> nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you >>> would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend >>> the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in >>> participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the >>> meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to >>> update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. >>> >>> >>> >>> Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop >>> with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, >>> please share your thoughts on this as well. >>> >>> >>> >>> I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can >>> eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for >>> contributing your thoughts about this. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> -Shannon Oltmann >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Description of 2016 panel: >>> >>> Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon >>> Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of >>> Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce >>> Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State >>> University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, >>> USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth >>> (Drexel University, USA) >>> >>> >>> >>> Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on >>> teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. >>> >>> The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on >>> teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in >>> Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day >>> devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical >>> approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be >>> preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to >>> spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn >>> from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, >>> and teaching methods. >>> >>> >>> >>> We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and >>> practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and >>> policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and >>> willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We >>> encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading >>> lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if >>> you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, >>> assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would >>> like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an >>> abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at >>> arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will >>> notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early >>> registration (which ends September 2, 2016). >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann >>> >>> Assistant Professor >>> >>> School of Information Science >>> >>> College of Communication & Information >>> >>> University of Kentucky >>> >>> shannon.oltmann at >>> >>> 320 Lucille Little Library >>> >>> Lexington KY 40506 >>> >>> 859-257-0788 <(859)%20257-0788> >>> >>> 859-257-4205 <(859)%20257-4205> (fax) >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Sigifp-l mailing list >>> Sigifp-l at >>> >>> >>> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ku26 at Fri Mar 17 12:55:02 2017 From: ku26 at (Unsworth,Kristene) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 16:55:02 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Message-ID: <> I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From akriesberg at Fri Mar 17 22:56:55 2017 From: akriesberg at (Adam Kriesberg) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 22:56:55 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene wrote: > I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about > sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be > interested. > > > > Kristene Unsworth, Phd > ASIS&T SIG Director > > College of Computing and Informatics > Drexel University > Philadelphia, PA > > On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi wrote: > > Hi folks, > I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest > rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going > on right now in the US and elsewhere. > However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years > but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I > suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. > Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the > workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. > Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. > Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? > > I would attend and participate. > > Cheers, > Nadia > > On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: > > Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also > on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! > > - Bryce > > > *-- * > *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* > Post-Doctoral Researcher > Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) > Tilburg Law School > b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw > | > > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < > shannon.oltmann at> wrote: > > Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on > teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, > we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was > titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing > Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the > summary is pasted below. > > > > I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for > ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to > update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST > 2017 can be found here: > nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you > would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend > the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in > participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the > meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to > update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. > > > > Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop > with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, > please share your thoughts on this as well. > > > > I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can > eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for > contributing your thoughts about this. > > > > > > -Shannon Oltmann > > > > > > Description of 2016 panel: > > Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon > Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of > Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce > Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State > University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, > USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth > (Drexel University, USA) > > > > Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching > information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. > > The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on > teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in > Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day > devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical > approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be > preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to > spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn > from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, > and teaching methods. > > > > We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and > practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and > policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and > willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We > encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading > lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if > you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, > assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would > like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an > abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at > arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will > notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early > registration (which ends September 2, 2016). > > > > > > Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann > > Assistant Professor > > School of Information Science > > College of Communication & Information > > University of Kentucky > > shannon.oltmann at > > 320 Lucille Little Library > > Lexington KY 40506 > > 859-257-0788 <%28859%29%20257-0788> > > 859-257-4205 <%28859%29%20257-4205> (fax) > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arubel at Sat Mar 18 13:42:24 2017 From: arubel at (Alan Rubel) Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017 17:42:24 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Hi all, I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could be shared and customized). Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout sessions. Best, Alan Alan Rubel Associate Professor iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) Legal Studies Program University of Wisconsin, Madison arubel at From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Kriesberg Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM To: Unsworth,Kristene Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi > wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ASIST 2016 workshop.doc Type: application/msword Size: 65024 bytes Desc: ASIST 2016 workshop.doc URL: From knox at Sat Mar 18 11:31:11 2017 From: knox at (Knox, Emily Joyce Magdelyn) Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017 15:31:11 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Updated case studies--perhaps posted to a dedicated website--would be nice. Emily On Mar 17, 2017, at 9:56 PM, Adam Kriesberg > wrote: Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi > wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Sun Mar 19 12:59:31 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2017 17:59:31 +0100 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Fwd: [icie] Call for Papers: Information/Control - Control in the Age of Post Truth In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [icie] Call for Papers: Information/Control - Control in the Age of Post Truth Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 08:10:38 -0700 From: Rory Litwin To: icie at Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies Call for Papers: Information/Control - Control in the Age of Post Truth Download a PDF version of the Call for Papers for the issue on Information/Control * * *Guest Editors: Stacy E. Wood & James Lowry* In his 1992 ?Postscript on the Societies of Control,? Gilles Deleuze diagnosed our society as a control society. He argued that the closure and containment that characterized the subject and the state - previously described by Michel Foucault as the product of modernity - was giving way to a much more complex set of sociotechnical configurations that blurred the boundaries and limits of control. Within the context of information studies, the concept of control has its own particular legacies. Posed as the cure to a natural chaos, the discipline?s pursuit of authority control, bibliographic control, and controlled vocabularies represent a field epistemologically invested in order. Since Deleuze's diagnosis, contemporary information systems and technologies have enabled unprecedented forms of control to permeate life at multiple levels, from the molecular to the global: From the manipulation of bioinformatic elements through gene sequencing to mass data collection policies, the relationship between information and control is increasingly entangled as they are threaded through our personal, professional, and public lives. Yet, as forms and mechanisms of control become more granular, the traditional modes of information control are challenged and the figure of the ?gatekeeper? recedes. New evidential paradigms signified by the diagnostic of ?post-truth,? new forms of consensus building via algorithmic logic, and a breakdown of the boundaries of information literacy all signify a challenge to traditional understandings of information control. This poses a challenge and opportunity for information scholars and researchers to engage with ideas and concepts around the society of control, across disciplines. By foregrounding the mechanisms, intended purposes, and unintended effects of the relationship between control and information, this special issue will provide a forum to explore and critically engage an as yet underdeveloped line of thinking. The scope of this issue might include research on: * Editorial control, citizen journalism and ?alt-facts? * Informational panopticons; data gathering, aggregation and re-use in the context of the international rise of the Right * Obfuscation, counterveillance and information activism * Analyses of information policy, including approaches to classifying and redacting * Political discourses about leaks, breaches and other forms of loss of control * Other overt and/or covert uses of records and information in the ?society of control? * Technologies and techniques of control within information systems o Taxonomies and controlled vocabularies o The ?politics of metadata? in relation to state control *Deadline for Submission: November 30, 2017* * * Types of Submissions JCLIS welcomes the following types of submissions: * Research Articles (no more than 7,000 words) * Perspective Essays (no more than 5,000 words) * Literature Reviews (no more than 7,000 words) * Interviews (no more than 5,000 words) * Book or Exhibition Reviews (no more than 1,200 words) Research articles and literature reviews are subject to peer review by two referees. Perspective essays are subject to peer review by one referee. Interviews and book or exhibition reviews are subject to review by the issue editor(s). Contacts: Guest Editors * Stacy E. Wood, University of California, Los Angeles: stacyewood at * James Lowry, Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies: jlowry at Submission Guidelines for Authors The Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies welcomes submissions from senior and junior faculty, students, activists, and practitioners working in areas of research and practice at the intersection of critical theory and library and information studies. Authors retain the copyright to material they publish in the JCLIS, but the Journal cannot re-publish material that has previously been published elsewhere. The journal also cannot accept manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to another outlet for possible publication. Citation Style JCLIS uses the Chicago Manual of Style, 16 ^th Edition as the official citation style for manuscripts published by the journal. All manuscripts should employ the Notes and Bibliography style (as footnotes with a bibliography), and should conform to the guidelines as described in the Manual. Submission Process Manuscripts are to be submitted through JCLIS? online submission system ( ) by *November 30th, 2017*. This online submission process requires that manuscripts be submitted in separate stages in order to ensure the anonymity of the review process and to enable appropriate formatting. * Abstracts (500 words or less) should be submitted in plain text and should not include information identifying the author(s) or their institutional affiliations. With the exception of book reviews, an abstract must accompany all manuscript submissions before they are reviewed for publication. * The main text of the manuscript must be submitted as a stand-alone file (in Microsoft Word or RTF)) without a title page, abstract, page numbers, or other headers or footers. The title, abstract, and author information should be submitted through the submission platform. * * ISSN: 2572-1364 Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7998 / Base de donn?es virale: 4756/14113 - Date: 14/03/2017 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Sun Mar 19 15:59:33 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2017 19:59:33 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Update on election Message-ID: Hello colleagues. Bryce Newell has decided to cede the election to John Burgess. So, John will be our chair-elect for the rest of this year, becoming the chair at the Annual Meeting in October 27th. Then we?ll need to hold elections once again. Thank you to those who already voted. -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jtfburgess at Sun Mar 19 18:47:11 2017 From: jtfburgess at (Burgess, John) Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2017 22:47:11 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Update on election In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Greetings all, I?m happy to have the chance to serve the SIG and look forward to working with you all. See you all at the annual meeting if not before. Cheers, John John T. F. Burgess, PhD, STM, MLIS Assistant Professor/Distance Ed Coordinator School of Library and Information Studies The University of Alabama (205) 348-1523 On Mar 19, 2017, at 2:59 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello colleagues. Bryce Newell has decided to cede the election to John Burgess. So, John will be our chair-elect for the rest of this year, becoming the chair at the Annual Meeting in October 27th. Then we?ll need to hold elections once again. Thank you to those who already voted. -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From conference at Mon Mar 20 01:37:56 2017 From: conference at (conference at Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 11:07:56 +0530 Subject: [Sigifp-l] ICDIM 2017 Message-ID: <> Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan September 12-14, 2017 Technically and Financially co-sponsored by TEMS, IEEE Following the successful earlier conferences at Bangalore (2006), Lyon (2007), London (2008), Michigan (2009) , Thunder Bay (2010), Melbourne (2011), Macau (2012), Islamabad (2013), Thailand (2014) Republic of Korea (South Korea)(2015) and Porto (2016), the Twelfth event is being organized at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan in 2017. The International Conference on Digital Information Management is a multidisciplinary conference on digital information management, science and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people in academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in digital information science and technology. Digital Information technologies are gaining maturity and rapid momentum in adoption across disciplines. The digital community is producing new ways of using digital information technologies for integrating and making sense out of various data ranging from real/live streams and simulations to analytics data analysis, in support of mining of knowledge. The conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the theory, design and implementation of digital information systems, as well as demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations. The Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management will be held during September 12-14, 2017 at Fukuoka, Japan The topics in ICDIM 2017 include but are not confined to the following areas. Information Retrieval Data Grids, Data and Information Quality Big Data Management Temporal and Spatial Databases Data Warehouses and Data Mining Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0 E-Learning, eCommerce, e-Business and e-Government Natural Language Processing XML and other extensible languages Web Metrics and its applications Enterprise Computing Semantic Web, Ontologies and Rules Human-Computer Interaction Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems Knowledge Management Ubiquitous Systems Peer to Peer Data Management Interoperability Mobile Data Management Data Models for Production Systems and Services Data Exchange issues and Supply Chain Data Life Cycle in Products and Processes Case Studies on Data Management, Monitoring and Analysis Security and Access Control Information Content Security Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security Distributed information systems Information visualization Web services Quality of Service Issues Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia Image Analysis and Image Processing Video Search and Video Mining Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems Artificial Intelligence Applications + Proceedings - All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE. - All papers will be fully indexed by IEEE Xplore. - All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP. General Chair Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu University, Japan) Honorary Chair Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Japan) Organizing Chair Manabu Ohta (Okayama University, Japan) Local Arrangement Chair Toki Takeda (NTT, Japan) Program Chairs Ramiro S?mano Robles, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua, Portugal Yao-Liang Chung, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan Hung-Yuan Chung, National Central University, Taiwan Important Dates Full Paper Submission July 1, 2017 Notification of Authors August 1, 2017 Registration Due September 1, 2017 Camera Ready Due September 1, 2017 Workshops/Tutorials/Demos September 13, 2017 Main conference September 12-14, 2017 Submissions at- Contact: conference at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From KRISTYN.HELGE at Sun Mar 19 22:55:25 2017 From: KRISTYN.HELGE at (HELGE, KRISTYN) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 02:55:25 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: <> Greetings- I too am happy to assist with this workshop. Thanks. Best, Kris Sent from my iPhone On Mar 17, 2017, at 8:24 AM, Bryce C Newell > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bcnewell at Mon Mar 20 09:50:40 2017 From: bcnewell at (Bryce C Newell) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 14:50:40 +0100 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, and to building current events and the associated policy-related implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the discussions at the workshop. Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage people in activities and discussions about identifying where such partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy research incubator of sorts... It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) *--* *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel wrote: > Hi all, > > I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the > workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and > agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can > share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was > one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could > be shared and customized). > > Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. > In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. > > One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for > presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout > sessions. > > Best, Alan > > > > Alan Rubel > > Associate Professor > > iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) > > Legal Studies Program > > University of Wisconsin, Madison > > arubel at > > > > > > *From:* Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Adam > Kriesberg > *Sent:* Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM > *To:* Unsworth,Kristene > *Cc:* sigifp-l at > *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting > > > > Hi all, > > Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a > specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something > like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case > studies/exercises. > > I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. > > -Adam > > > -- > > Adam Kriesberg > > Post-doctoral Scholar > > University of Maryland College of Information Studies > > > > On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: > > I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about > sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be > interested. > > > > > > Kristene Unsworth, Phd > ASIS&T SIG Director > > College of Computing and Informatics > Drexel University > Philadelphia, PA > > > > On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi wrote: > > Hi folks, > > I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest > rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going > on right now in the US and elsewhere. > > However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years > but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I > suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. > Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the > workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. > Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. > > Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? > > > > I would attend and participate. > > > > Cheers, > > Nadia > > > > On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: > > Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also > on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! > > > > - Bryce > > > *--* > > *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* > > Post-Doctoral Researcher > > Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) > > Tilburg Law School > > b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw > | > > > > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < > shannon.oltmann at> wrote: > > Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on > teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, > we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was > titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing > Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the > summary is pasted below. > > > > I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for > ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to > update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST > 2017 can be found here: > annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you > would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend > the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in > participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the > meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to > update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. > > > > Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop > with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, > please share your thoughts on this as well. > > > > I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can > eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for > contributing your thoughts about this. > > > > > > -Shannon Oltmann > > > > > > Description of 2016 panel: > > Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon > Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of > Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce > Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State > University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, > USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth > (Drexel University, USA) > > > > Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching > information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. > > The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on > teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in > Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day > devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical > approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be > preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to > spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn > from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, > and teaching methods. > > > > We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and > practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and > policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and > willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We > encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading > lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if > you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, > assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would > like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an > abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at > arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will > notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early > registration (which ends September 2, 2016). > > > > > > Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann > > Assistant Professor > > School of Information Science > > College of Communication & Information > > University of Kentucky > > shannon.oltmann at > > 320 Lucille Little Library > > Lexington KY 40506 > > 859-257-0788 <%28859%29%20257-0788> > > 859-257-4205 <%28859%29%20257-4205> (fax) > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ku26 at Mon Mar 20 10:01:30 2017 From: ku26 at (Unsworth,Kristene) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 14:01:30 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: I am really excited about this. Let me know if there are any ways I can help?I can contact the Philly ACLU as well if you think that would be a good idea. Kris From: Bryce C Newell [mailto:bcnewell at] Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 9:51 AM To: Alan Rubel Cc: Adam Kriesberg; Unsworth,Kristene; sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, and to building current events and the associated policy-related implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the discussions at the workshop. Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage people in activities and discussions about identifying where such partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy research incubator of sorts... It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel > wrote: Hi all, I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could be shared and customized). Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout sessions. Best, Alan Alan Rubel Associate Professor iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) Legal Studies Program University of Wisconsin, Madison arubel at From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Kriesberg Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM To: Unsworth,Kristene > Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi > wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From blloveday at Mon Mar 20 10:06:28 2017 From: blloveday at (Brandi Loveday) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 10:06:28 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: I would like to see both happen actually, if at all possible. Would we be able to submit a proposal for a lecture/q&a re: the second suggestion? How long is the workshop for the original submission? If not a full day, perhaps we could add the building relationships/alliances as a 2nd, half a day workshop? On Mar 20, 2017 10:02 AM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, and to building current events and the associated policy-related implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the discussions at the workshop. Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage people in activities and discussions about identifying where such partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy research incubator of sorts... It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) *--* *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel wrote: > Hi all, > > I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the > workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and > agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can > share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was > one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could > be shared and customized). > > Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. > In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. > > One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for > presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout > sessions. > > Best, Alan > > > > Alan Rubel > > Associate Professor > > iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) > > Legal Studies Program > > University of Wisconsin, Madison > > arubel at > > > > > > *From:* Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Adam > Kriesberg > *Sent:* Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM > *To:* Unsworth,Kristene > *Cc:* sigifp-l at > *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting > > > > Hi all, > > Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a > specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something > like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case > studies/exercises. > > I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. > > -Adam > > > -- > > Adam Kriesberg > > Post-doctoral Scholar > > University of Maryland College of Information Studies > > > > On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: > > I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about > sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be > interested. > > > > > > Kristene Unsworth, Phd > ASIS&T SIG Director > > College of Computing and Informatics > Drexel University > Philadelphia, PA > > > > On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi wrote: > > Hi folks, > > I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest > rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going > on right now in the US and elsewhere. > > However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years > but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I > suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. > Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the > workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. > Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. > > Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? > > > > I would attend and participate. > > > > Cheers, > > Nadia > > > > On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: > > Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also > on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! > > > > - Bryce > > > *--* > > *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* > > Post-Doctoral Researcher > > Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) > > Tilburg Law School > > b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw > | > > > > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < > shannon.oltmann at> wrote: > > Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on > teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, > we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was > titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing > Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the > summary is pasted below. > > > > I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for > ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to > update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST > 2017 can be found here: > nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you > would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend > the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in > participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the > meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to > update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. > > > > Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop > with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, > please share your thoughts on this as well. > > > > I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can > eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for > contributing your thoughts about this. > > > > > > -Shannon Oltmann > > > > > > Description of 2016 panel: > > Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon > Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of > Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce > Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State > University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, > USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth > (Drexel University, USA) > > > > Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching > information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. > > The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on > teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in > Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day > devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical > approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be > preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to > spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn > from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, > and teaching methods. > > > > We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and > practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and > policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and > willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We > encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading > lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if > you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, > assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would > like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an > abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at > arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will > notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early > registration (which ends September 2, 2016). > > > > > > Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann > > Assistant Professor > > School of Information Science > > College of Communication & Information > > University of Kentucky > > shannon.oltmann at > > 320 Lucille Little Library > > Lexington KY 40506 > > 859-257-0788 <%28859%29%20257-0788> > > 859-257-4205 <%28859%29%20257-4205> (fax) > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bcnewell at Mon Mar 20 10:13:30 2017 From: bcnewell at (Bryce C Newell) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 15:13:30 +0100 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: That sounds like a good idea to me. Either a full day workshop integrating multiple parts or two separate workshops that build on (or at least relate to) each other would be great. The proposal was for a full-day workshop. To Kris's question: I think we should reach out widely, and getting folks from both local and national ACLU (and the like) would be great. So, yes, contact the Philly ACLU! One logistical question: how do we handle the question of cost for non-academic participants or partners? (I expect this might come up, e.g., from ACLU people not accustomed to paying academic conference fees.) Is workshop registration separate from the full conference, meaning that someone could sign up for the workshop but not for the rest of the conference (I know if works the other way around)? *--* *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Brandi Loveday wrote: > I would like to see both happen actually, if at all possible. Would we be > able to submit a proposal for a lecture/q&a re: the second suggestion? How > long is the workshop for the original submission? If not a full day, > perhaps we could add the building relationships/alliances as a 2nd, half a > day workshop? > > > > On Mar 20, 2017 10:02 AM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: > > Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this > later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see > two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, > one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to > account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in > national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) > to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, > and to building current events and the associated policy-related > implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our > students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the > discussions at the workshop. > > Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at > ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing > researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage > people in activities and discussions about identifying where such > partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, > and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy > research incubator of sorts... > > It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try > to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. > > I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so > I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) > > > *--* > *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* > Post-Doctoral Researcher > Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) > Tilburg Law School > b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw > | > > On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in >> the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract >> and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I >> can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That >> was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that >> could be shared and customized). >> >> Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. >> In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. >> >> One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for >> presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout >> sessions. >> >> Best, Alan >> >> >> >> Alan Rubel >> >> Associate Professor >> >> iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) >> >> Legal Studies Program >> >> University of Wisconsin, Madison >> >> arubel at >> >> >> >> >> >> *From:* Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Adam >> Kriesberg >> *Sent:* Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM >> *To:* Unsworth,Kristene >> *Cc:* sigifp-l at >> *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting >> >> >> >> Hi all, >> >> Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a >> specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something >> like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case >> studies/exercises. >> >> I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. >> >> -Adam >> >> >> -- >> >> Adam Kriesberg >> >> Post-doctoral Scholar >> >> University of Maryland College of Information Studies >> >> >> >> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene >> wrote: >> >> I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about >> sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be >> interested. >> >> >> >> >> >> Kristene Unsworth, Phd >> ASIS&T SIG Director >> >> College of Computing and Informatics >> Drexel University >> Philadelphia, PA >> >> >> >> On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi wrote: >> >> Hi folks, >> >> I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest >> rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going >> on right now in the US and elsewhere. >> >> However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years >> but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I >> suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. >> Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the >> workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. >> Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. >> >> Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? >> >> >> >> I would attend and participate. >> >> >> >> Cheers, >> >> Nadia >> >> >> >> On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: >> >> Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also >> on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! >> >> >> >> - Bryce >> >> >> *--* >> >> *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* >> >> Post-Doctoral Researcher >> >> Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) >> >> Tilburg Law School >> >> b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw >> | >> >> >> >> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < >> shannon.oltmann at> wrote: >> >> Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on >> teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, >> we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was >> titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing >> Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the >> summary is pasted below. >> >> >> >> I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for >> ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to >> update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST >> 2017 can be found here: >> nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you >> would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend >> the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in >> participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the >> meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to >> update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. >> >> >> >> Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop >> with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, >> please share your thoughts on this as well. >> >> >> >> I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can >> eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for >> contributing your thoughts about this. >> >> >> >> >> >> -Shannon Oltmann >> >> >> >> >> >> Description of 2016 panel: >> >> Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon >> Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of >> Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce >> Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State >> University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, >> USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth >> (Drexel University, USA) >> >> >> >> Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on >> teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. >> >> The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on >> teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in >> Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day >> devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical >> approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be >> preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to >> spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn >> from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, >> and teaching methods. >> >> >> >> We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and >> practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and >> policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and >> willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We >> encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading >> lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if >> you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, >> assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would >> like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an >> abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at >> arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will >> notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early >> registration (which ends September 2, 2016). >> >> >> >> >> >> Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann >> >> Assistant Professor >> >> School of Information Science >> >> College of Communication & Information >> >> University of Kentucky >> >> shannon.oltmann at >> >> 320 Lucille Little Library >> >> Lexington KY 40506 >> >> 859-257-0788 <%28859%29%20257-0788> >> >> 859-257-4205 <%28859%29%20257-4205> (fax) >> >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From zimmerm at Mon Mar 20 10:16:04 2017 From: zimmerm at (Michael T Zimmer) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 14:16:04 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi all - excited to hear about this again. I?m hoping to make it to ASIST this fall, but it comes shortly after I?ll be in Estonia for AoIR, so just need to figure some costs/logistics. But let me know who I might be able to assist, nonetheless. Michael -- Michael Zimmer, PhD Associate Professor, School of Information Studies Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee e: zimmerm at w: On Mar 20, 2017, at 9:01 AM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I am really excited about this. Let me know if there are any ways I can help?I can contact the Philly ACLU as well if you think that would be a good idea. Kris From: Bryce C Newell [mailto:bcnewell at] Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 9:51 AM To: Alan Rubel Cc: Adam Kriesberg; Unsworth,Kristene; sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, and to building current events and the associated policy-related implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the discussions at the workshop. Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage people in activities and discussions about identifying where such partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy research incubator of sorts... It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel > wrote: Hi all, I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could be shared and customized). Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout sessions. Best, Alan Alan Rubel Associate Professor iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) Legal Studies Program University of Wisconsin, Madison arubel at From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Kriesberg Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM To: Unsworth,Kristene > Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi > wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Mon Mar 20 10:31:57 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 14:31:57 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Thanks everyone for the great discussion and ideas so far. I see three ideas emerging so far: First, a genuine interest in/ desire for a ?teaching information ethics and policy? workshop, preferably with some tangible products like syllabi and/ or case studies. (I personally think having a set of case studies would be fantastically useful.) Second, a real need and interest in revising the proposal to make it more relevant to current events and current political realities. (This would make the proposal even more timely and interesting, I think, and thus more likely to be accepted.) Third, interest in a policymaker-partnership-alliance workshop/project. I would suggest we have two components here: the teaching aspect and the partnership aspect (just using these ?titles? as rough shorthand). The audience for each might overlap, but I?d think the audience for the partnership aspect might be quite broad. I think the teaching component would be best as a half-day or full-day workshop. I lean toward half-day because it?s less expensive, more compact, and might be more attractive to folks than adding a full day to the conference. It might help enrollment, which has been an issue for SIG-IEP workshops in the past. Next, I suggest we address the partnership aspect in a panel presentation, sponsored by the SIG. As a panel presentation, I think it would be accessible to more people and thus spread name recognition of our SIG and increase attendance (and likely increase the practical application of what we discuss). To the best of my knowledge, folks can attend a workshop without attending the full conference, but I will double-check. Perhaps the SIG could help cover attendance costs for non-academics who are presenting? I have no idea?let?s not circulate that idea yet, but I will try to investigate if others think that?s a decent idea. -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bryce C Newell Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 9:51 AM To: Alan Rubel Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, and to building current events and the associated policy-related implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the discussions at the workshop. Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage people in activities and discussions about identifying where such partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy research incubator of sorts... It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel > wrote: Hi all, I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could be shared and customized). Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout sessions. Best, Alan Alan Rubel Associate Professor iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) Legal Studies Program University of Wisconsin, Madison arubel at From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Kriesberg Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM To: Unsworth,Kristene > Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi > wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ajmillion at Mon Mar 20 11:00:47 2017 From: ajmillion at (A.J. Million) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 10:00:47 -0500 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: ?Alan can speak to this, but if I recall correctly we had the chance to offer waivers to workshop attendees last year. ?Perhaps we could do the same? Also, it is possible to register for the workshop only. Regarding the two different areas of focus (i.e., creating teaching materials and networking with activist groups), I think the networking idea might be something we could get sponsored too. My relationships with groups outside of library-land aren't that strong, but the EveryLibrary might be interested in helping out given the proposed elimination of IMLS. The ACLU connection sounds great as well. I'm sure there are others. Since there are so many (good) ideas floating around, maybe we need to have a conference call to talk though some of this? AJM A.J. Million, Graduate Assistant School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT) University of Missouri 111 London Hall Columbia, MO 65211 E-Mail: ajmillion at Web: Tel: 417.894.2222 On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Bryce C Newell wrote: > That sounds like a good idea to me. Either a full day workshop integrating > multiple parts or two separate workshops that build on (or at least relate > to) each other would be great. > > The proposal was for a full-day workshop. > > To Kris's question: I think we should reach out widely, and getting folks > from both local and national ACLU (and the like) would be great. So, yes, > contact the Philly ACLU! > > One logistical question: how do we handle the question of cost for > non-academic participants or partners? (I expect this might come up, e.g., > from ACLU people not accustomed to paying academic conference fees.) Is > workshop registration separate from the full conference, meaning that > someone could sign up for the workshop but not for the rest of the > conference (I know if works the other way around)? > > > *--* > *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* > Post-Doctoral Researcher > Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) > Tilburg Law School > b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw > | > > On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Brandi Loveday > wrote: > >> I would like to see both happen actually, if at all possible. Would we be >> able to submit a proposal for a lecture/q&a re: the second suggestion? How >> long is the workshop for the original submission? If not a full day, >> perhaps we could add the building relationships/alliances as a 2nd, half a >> day workshop? >> >> >> >> On Mar 20, 2017 10:02 AM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: >> >> Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this >> later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see >> two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, >> one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to >> account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in >> national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) >> to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, >> and to building current events and the associated policy-related >> implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our >> students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the >> discussions at the workshop. >> >> Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at >> ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing >> researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage >> people in activities and discussions about identifying where such >> partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, >> and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy >> research incubator of sorts... >> >> It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try >> to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. >> >> I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so >> I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) >> >> >> *--* >> *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* >> Post-Doctoral Researcher >> Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) >> Tilburg Law School >> b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw >> | >> >> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel wrote: >> >>> Hi all, >>> >>> I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in >>> the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract >>> and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I >>> can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That >>> was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that >>> could be shared and customized). >>> >>> Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in >>> co-sponsoring. In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might >>> be interested. >>> >>> One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for >>> presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout >>> sessions. >>> >>> Best, Alan >>> >>> >>> >>> Alan Rubel >>> >>> Associate Professor >>> >>> iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) >>> >>> Legal Studies Program >>> >>> University of Wisconsin, Madison >>> >>> arubel at >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> *From:* Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Adam >>> Kriesberg >>> *Sent:* Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM >>> *To:* Unsworth,Kristene >>> *Cc:* sigifp-l at >>> *Subject:* Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting >>> >>> >>> >>> Hi all, >>> >>> Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a >>> specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something >>> like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case >>> studies/exercises. >>> >>> I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. >>> >>> -Adam >>> >>> >>> -- >>> >>> Adam Kriesberg >>> >>> Post-doctoral Scholar >>> >>> University of Maryland College of Information Studies >>> >>> >>> >>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene >>> wrote: >>> >>> I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about >>> sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be >>> interested. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Kristene Unsworth, Phd >>> ASIS&T SIG Director >>> >>> College of Computing and Informatics >>> Drexel University >>> Philadelphia, PA >>> >>> >>> >>> On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi wrote: >>> >>> Hi folks, >>> >>> I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest >>> rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going >>> on right now in the US and elsewhere. >>> >>> However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the >>> years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. >>> I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the >>> workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend >>> the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work >>> etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. >>> >>> Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? >>> >>> >>> >>> I would attend and participate. >>> >>> >>> >>> Cheers, >>> >>> Nadia >>> >>> >>> >>> On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" wrote: >>> >>> Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also >>> on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! >>> >>> >>> >>> - Bryce >>> >>> >>> *--* >>> >>> *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* >>> >>> Post-Doctoral Researcher >>> >>> Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) >>> >>> Tilburg Law School >>> >>> b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw >>> | >>> >>> >>> >>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M < >>> shannon.oltmann at> wrote: >>> >>> Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on >>> teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, >>> we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was >>> titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing >>> Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the >>> summary is pasted below. >>> >>> >>> >>> I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for >>> ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to >>> update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST >>> 2017 can be found here: >>> nnual-meeting/annual-meeting-2017/asist-2017-call-for-papers/. If you >>> would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend >>> the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in >>> participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the >>> meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to >>> update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. >>> >>> >>> >>> Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop >>> with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, >>> please share your thoughts on this as well. >>> >>> >>> >>> I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can >>> eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for >>> contributing your thoughts about this. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> -Shannon Oltmann >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Description of 2016 panel: >>> >>> Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon >>> Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of >>> Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce >>> Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State >>> University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, >>> USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth >>> (Drexel University, USA) >>> >>> >>> >>> Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on >>> teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. >>> >>> The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on >>> teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in >>> Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day >>> devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical >>> approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be >>> preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to >>> spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn >>> from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, >>> and teaching methods. >>> >>> >>> >>> We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and >>> practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and >>> policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and >>> willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We >>> encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading >>> lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if >>> you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, >>> assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would >>> like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an >>> abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at >>> arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will >>> notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early >>> registration (which ends September 2, 2016). >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann >>> >>> Assistant Professor >>> >>> School of Information Science >>> >>> College of Communication & Information >>> >>> University of Kentucky >>> >>> shannon.oltmann at >>> >>> 320 Lucille Little Library >>> >>> Lexington KY 40506 >>> >>> 859-257-0788 <%28859%29%20257-0788> >>> >>> 859-257-4205 <%28859%29%20257-4205> (fax) >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Sigifp-l mailing list >>> Sigifp-l at >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Sigifp-l mailing list >>> Sigifp-l at >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Sigifp-l mailing list >>> Sigifp-l at >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Sigifp-l mailing list >>> Sigifp-l at >>> >>> >>> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Sigifp-l mailing list >> Sigifp-l at >> >> >> >> > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bloveday at Mon Mar 20 11:47:01 2017 From: bloveday at (Loveday-Chesley, Brandi L) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 15:47:01 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting In-Reply-To: References: <> , Message-ID: A conference call sounds ideal - or at least a shared document (such as in Google docs) that we can all work on for ideas. I am hoping the tangible products can be achieved in the workshop. It would be very beneficial to all hoping to break into, or expand, teaching an IS class. As a non-academic professional, I am afraid a panel presentation may be too short though for the building alliances/partnerships idea. I saw that suggestion as a workshop sort of thing as well, with practical guidance/tools/templates and possibly even building contacts at event. How long are panels, generally? Either way, I will help where I can. Just let me know what I can do! Thanks, Brandi ________________________________ From: Sigifp-l on behalf of A.J. Million Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 11:00:47 AM To: Bryce C Newell Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting ?Alan can speak to this, but if I recall correctly we had the chance to offer waivers to workshop attendees last year. ?Perhaps we could do the same? Also, it is possible to register for the workshop only. Regarding the two different areas of focus (i.e., creating teaching materials and networking with activist groups), I think the networking idea might be something we could get sponsored too. My relationships with groups outside of library-land aren't that strong, but the EveryLibrary might be interested in helping out given the proposed elimination of IMLS. The ACLU connection sounds great as well. I'm sure there are others. Since there are so many (good) ideas floating around, maybe we need to have a conference call to talk though some of this? AJM A.J. Million, Graduate Assistant School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT) University of Missouri 111 London Hall Columbia, MO 65211 E-Mail: ajmillion at Web: Tel: 417.894.2222 On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Bryce C Newell > wrote: That sounds like a good idea to me. Either a full day workshop integrating multiple parts or two separate workshops that build on (or at least relate to) each other would be great. The proposal was for a full-day workshop. To Kris's question: I think we should reach out widely, and getting folks from both local and national ACLU (and the like) would be great. So, yes, contact the Philly ACLU! One logistical question: how do we handle the question of cost for non-academic participants or partners? (I expect this might come up, e.g., from ACLU people not accustomed to paying academic conference fees.) Is workshop registration separate from the full conference, meaning that someone could sign up for the workshop but not for the rest of the conference (I know if works the other way around)? -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Brandi Loveday > wrote: I would like to see both happen actually, if at all possible. Would we be able to submit a proposal for a lecture/q&a re: the second suggestion? How long is the workshop for the original submission? If not a full day, perhaps we could add the building relationships/alliances as a 2nd, half a day workshop? On Mar 20, 2017 10:02 AM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Jay Stanley at the ACLU and I will be talking on the phone about this later this week (he expressed interest when I reached out on Friday). I see two options here that might both be interesting for this sort of partner, one: we retain the teaching-focused idea, modifying last year's proposal to account for recent US and (world) politics and (related) changes in national information policy agendas. The focus could therefore be (partly) to generate a collective vision of how and what to teach in our courses, and to building current events and the associated policy-related implications into our syllabi with the intent to collectively inform our students about a core set of topics and issues that flow from the discussions at the workshop. Second, either as part of this workshop, or perhaps in another setting at ASIS&T, it could be interesting to focus on building and establishing researcher-activist-policymaker alliances or partnerships, and to engage people in activities and discussions about identifying where such partnerships could be useful, what topics should be attacked as a group, and maybe to orient the workshop towards being an information policy research incubator of sorts... It's great that we will be near DC, we should capitalize on that and try to get policy folks to join us and attend/participate, etc. I'd love to have some more specific ideas to share with Jay on Friday, so I'll be watching this thread intently over the next few days. :) -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Alan Rubel > wrote: Hi all, I plan on attending the annual meeting, and I?d love to participate in the workshop. I have attached the final version of the workshop abstract and agenda. I also have prior versions and notes from our meetings that I can share. And I agree with Adam?s suggestion below about outcomes. That was one hope for last year?s version (syllabi, modules, assignments that could be shared and customized). Also, it?s worth noting that other SIGs were interested in co-sponsoring. In particular, SIG-ED and the social informatics SIG might be interested. One thing that folks seemed particularly interested in was less time for presentations and ?talking heads? and more for workshop and breakout sessions. Best, Alan Alan Rubel Associate Professor iSchool (School of Library and Information Studies) Legal Studies Program University of Wisconsin, Madison arubel at From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Kriesberg Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:57 PM To: Unsworth,Kristene > Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Workshop for 2017 ASIST Annual Meeting Hi all, Another idea might be to advertise that participants will achieve a specific outcome for teaching in the area of information ethics. Something like generating assignments to use in classes or recent case studies/exercises. I've also reached out to a contact at EFF and will see what he says. -Adam -- Adam Kriesberg Post-doctoral Scholar University of Maryland College of Information Studies On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Unsworth,Kristene > wrote: I'm really excited about this too. Nadia great idea about sponsorship...I'll stop by the ACLU here and see if they would be interested. Kristene Unsworth, Phd ASIS&T SIG Director College of Computing and Informatics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA On Mar 17, 2017 11:39 AM, Nadia Caidi > wrote: Hi folks, I also think it is a good idea to bring back this workshop. I suggest rejigging it a bit to make it even more relevant in light of what is going on right now in the US and elsewhere. However, SIG IEP has had lots of great ideas for workshops over the years but they often resulted in cancellation because of low registration. I suggest we have a strategy for dissemination and publicizing the workshops. Creating some buzz in other words by enticing people to attend the workshop: how will it benefit their teaching, research, line of work etc. Otherwise people will not pay the extra couple of hundred dollars. Can we try and get some sponsorship from somewhere? ACLU? EFF? Etc.? I would attend and participate. Cheers, Nadia On Mar 17, 2017 2:24 PM, "Bryce C Newell" > wrote: Shannon, thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I am also on-board with reviving this workshop, so count me in! - Bryce -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Hello everyone. Last year, for ASIST 2016, we discussed a panel on teaching information ethics and policy and drafted a proposal. Ultimately, we had to withdraw it due to low face to face participation. The panel was titled: ?Advancing Information Ethics and Policy Education: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Contexts, sponsored by SIG-IEP and SIG-ED? and the summary is pasted below. I?m writing to see if there is interest in reviving this workshop for ASIST 2017, which will meet in Washington, DC. If so, we will need to update and revise the panel to fit this year?s theme. Details about ASIST 2017 can be found here: If you would be interested in helping organize the workshop, and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. If you would be interested in participating in some way (but not organizing), and plan to attend the meeting, please let me know. I am also seeking ideas on how to update/revise the workshop, so please share any thoughts in that regard. Another option is that we could design a completely different workshop with a new focus. If you think this is a better approach for ASIST 2017, please share your thoughts on this as well. I?m hoping to have a robust discussion via listserv, which we can eventually transfer to a virtual meeting. Thanks, everyone, for contributing your thoughts about this. -Shannon Oltmann Description of 2016 panel: Organizers: Alan Rubel (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky, USA), A.J. Million (University of Missouri, USA), Lisa Nathan (University of British Columbia, Canada), Bryce Newell (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Emad Kharzraee (Kent State University, USA), Emily Knox (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, USA), Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Kristene Unsworth (Drexel University, USA) Please join us for a full-day, collaborative workshop focusing on teaching information ethics and policy on October 14, 2016. The SIG IEP, with the support of SIG ED, is sponsoring a workshop on teaching information ethics and policy at the ASIS&T annual meeting in Copenhagen. The workshop will be highly collaborative, with most of the day devoted to working groups focused on building curriculum ideas, pedagogical approaches, project ideas, and teaching tools. Each working group will be preceded by one or two very short presentations on the topic in order to spark discussion and collaboration. The goal of the workshop is to learn from other scholars and teachers of IEP about different approaches, topics, and teaching methods. We are seeking participation from the broadest range of scholars and practitioners whose work includes, or relates to, information ethics and policy (broadly construed). Participation requires only registration and willingness to actively engage over the course of the workshop. We encourage, but do not require, participants to bring syllabi, reading lists, and other artifacts to share during the workshop. In addition, if you have a particularly novel, successful, or interesting approach, unit, assignment, or method for teaching information ethics and policy and would like to do a very short (less than 10 minutes) presentation, please send an abstract (approx.. 500 words) describing the presentation to Alan Rubel at arubel at (subject line: ASIS&T workshop) by August 30. We will notify accepted presentations by September 1, in time for conference early registration (which ends September 2, 2016). Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Mon Mar 20 11:58:29 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 15:58:29 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Doodle: Link for poll "SIG-IEP Conference Call" Message-ID: Folks- Please follow the link to see possible times for a conference call to discuss SIG-IEP's contributions to the Annual Meeting in Washington DC. I'll do my best to select the time with the most participants. Please plan 1 hour for this call. Thanks. -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) From bcnewell at Tue Mar 21 04:52:01 2017 From: bcnewell at (Bryce C Newell) Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 09:52:01 +0100 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Doodle: Link for poll "SIG-IEP Conference Call" In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Are the times in the poll Eastern Time? *--* *Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., **J.D.* Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M wrote: > Folks- > > Please follow the link to see possible times for a conference call to > discuss SIG-IEP's contributions to the Annual Meeting in Washington DC. > > > > I'll do my best to select the time with the most participants. Please plan > 1 hour for this call. Thanks. > > -Shannon > > > Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann > Assistant Professor > School of Information Science > College of Communication & Information > University of Kentucky > shannon.oltmann at > 320 Lucille Little Library > Lexington KY 40506 > 859-257-0788 > 859-257-4205 (fax) > > > > _______________________________________________ > Sigifp-l mailing list > Sigifp-l at > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bloveday at Tue Mar 21 08:26:07 2017 From: bloveday at (Loveday-Chesley, Brandi L) Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 12:26:07 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] List Serv Information Message-ID: Hello SIG IEP members: I wanted to give you some information regarding how the list serv works. Every email sent to the sigifp-l email address is moderated by the admins/officers of SIG IEP. This means that every email is held for review prior to being sent on to all members. Members (or non-members) that send an email to the sigifp-l will receive a notice stating that their email is awaiting approval/review. This ensures that our group is not passing on spam to our members. There are 3-4 of us that manage the moderation and in some cases it can take time to review these things given our own schedules and obligations outside of ASIS&T. However, we try our best to approve appropriate emails as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact one of the officers from the list here: To sign up for or remove yourself from the sigifp-l email list, please consult this site: - You can also share any information, articles, or events pertinent to our interests via the sigifp-l. We welcome new and engaging information that generates discussion between members. Thank you for your time and understanding. Regards, Brandi Loveday-Chesley Deputy Director of Special Interest Groups -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Tue Mar 21 11:47:29 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 15:47:29 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Doodle: Link for poll "SIG-IEP Conference Call" In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: I set up the poll for eastern time US. I know Doodle usually adjusts the time for the responder?s local time, but I?ve had a few people ask about this particular poll, so I think I must have accidentally un-checked this feature. Thus, I think the times that everyone is seeing are for Eastern time. I?m sorry for the confusion. Feel free to change your answers as needed. Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) From: Bryce C Newell Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 4:52 AM To: Oltmann, Shannon M Cc: sigifp-l at Subject: Re: [Sigifp-l] Doodle: Link for poll "SIG-IEP Conference Call" Are the times in the poll Eastern Time? -- Bryce Clayton Newell, Ph.D., J.D. Post-Doctoral Researcher Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) Tilburg Law School b.c.newell at | SSRN | @newmedialaw | On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Oltmann, Shannon M > wrote: Folks- Please follow the link to see possible times for a conference call to discuss SIG-IEP's contributions to the Annual Meeting in Washington DC. I'll do my best to select the time with the most participants. Please plan 1 hour for this call. Thanks. -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) _______________________________________________ Sigifp-l mailing list Sigifp-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From zimmerm at Thu Mar 23 10:52:37 2017 From: zimmerm at (Michael T Zimmer) Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 14:52:37 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] (Urgent) Request for book reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy Message-ID: <> Colleges, I?m writing as Editor of ALA?s new Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy, and as you might know, we?re currently working on a special ?Privacy? issue scheduled to be published around the same time as Choose Privacy Week this spring. We are in (sudden) need of a reviewer for the forthcoming LITA book, ?Protecting Patron Privacy?, edited by Bobbi Newman and Bonnie Tijerina, for the special issue. I?m hoping someone on this list (or a student of theirs) might be interested in writing a short review for the journal. For logistics, the review should be around 700-1000 words, and we?d need to have it by April 10 ? sorry for the quick deadline. I have pre-print galleys that can be provided immediately (only 150 pages). Please reply to me directly if you are interested, or forward this to anyone you think might want to provide this review. Best, Michael Zimmer Editor, Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy CC: Shannon Oltmann, Associate Editor -- Michael Zimmer, PhD Associate Professor, School of Information Studies Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee e: zimmerm at w: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From anthi at Sun Mar 26 16:58:22 2017 From: anthi at (Anthi) Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2017 23:58:22 +0300 Subject: [Sigifp-l] (Urgent) Request for book reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <024801d2a673$b5a86e90$20f94bb0$> Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues, With pleasure we invite you to participate, submit an Abstract and/or organize and chair an Invited Session (4-6 talks) or address an invited talk in the forthcoming Conference in Limerick, Ireland ((23-26 May 2017) for the 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2017, ) which is organized under the umbrella of ISAST (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology). If you already have submitted your contribution ignore this message. However, please note that the early bird registration is approaching (30 March 2017). This is the ninth year of the conference which brings together different disciplines on library and information science; it is a multi?disciplinary conference that covers the Library and Information Science topics in conjunction to other disciplines (e.g. big data, open data and open source, innovation and technological transfer, management and marketing, statistics and data analysis, information technology, human resources, museums, archives, special librarianship, etc). The conference invites special and contributed sessions, oral communications, workshops and posters. Target Group The target group and the audience are library professionals in a more general sense: professors, researchers, students, administrators, stakeholders, technologists, museum scientists, archivists, decision makers and managers, information scientists, librarians, records managers, web developers, IT specialists, taxonomists, statisticians, marketing managers, philologist, subject and reference librarians et al. Main topics The emphasis is given to the models and the initiatives focus on the Data. The conference will consider, but not be limited to, the following indicative themes: 1. Data Mining, content analysis, taxonomies, ontologies 2. Open Data, Open Access, Analysis and Applications 3. Big Data and its Management 4. Information Ethics 5. Information and Knowledge Management 6. Synergies, Organizational Models and Information Systems 7. Multimedia Systems and Applications 8. Computer Networks and Social Networks, 9. Health Reference and Informatics 10. Information Technologies in Education 11. Decision making in service innovation 12. STM information development Special Sessions ? Workshops You may send proposals for Special Saessions (4-6 papers) or Workshops (more than 2 sessions) including the title and a brief description at: secretar at or from the electronic submission at the web page: You may also send Abstracts/Papers to be included in the proposed sessions, to new sessions or as contributed papers at the web page: Contributions may be realized through one of the following ways a. structured abstracts (not exceeding 500 words) and presentation; b. full papers (not exceeding 9,000 words); c. posters (not exceeding 2,500 words); In all the above cases at least one of the authors ought to be registered in the conference. Abstracts and full papers should be submitted electronically within the timetable provided in the web page: The abstracts and full papers should be in compliance to the author guidelines: All abstracts will be published in the Conference Book of Abstracts and in the website of the Conference. The papers of the conference will be published in the website of the conference, after the permission of the author(s). Student submissions Professors and Supervisors are encouraged to organize conference sessions of Postgraduate theses and dissertations. Post Graduate Student sessions for research are especially organized. Please direct any questions regarding the QQML 2017 Conference and Student Research Presentations to: the secretariat of the conference at: secretar at Important dates: Deadline of abstracts submitted: 20 December 2016 Reviewer?s response: in 3 weeks after submission Early registration: 30th of March 2017 Paper and Presentation Slides: 1st of May 2017 Conference dates: 23-26 May 2017 Paper contributors have the opportunity to be published in the QQML e- Journal, which continues to retain the right of first choice, however in addition they have the chance to be published in other scientific journals. QQML e- Journal is included in EBSCOhost and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). Submissions of abstracts to special or contributed sessions could be sent directly to the conference secretariat at secretar at Please refer to the Session Number, as they are referred at the conference website to help the secretariat to classify the submissions. For more information and Abstract/Paper submission and Special Session Proposals please visit the conference website at: or contact the secretary of the conference at : secretar at Looking forward to welcoming you in Limerick, With our best regards, On behalf of the Conference Committee Anthi Katsirikou, PhD Conference Co-Chair University of Piraeus Library Director Head, European Documentation Center Board Member of the Greek Association of Librarians and Information Professionals anthi at If you don't like to receive messages regarding the QQML2017 Conference, please click here: Unsubscribe See you in Limerick, Kind regards, Anthi Katsirikou (Ms) Librarian, PhD, MSc QQML Conference co-chair Director, University of Piraeus Library Coordinator of European Documentation Centers in Greece Member of the Board of the Association of Greek Librarians and Information Professionals IFLA Member ALA/ ACRL Member Fax 0030 210 4142330 From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michael T Zimmer Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:53 PM To: Sigifp-l at Subject: [Sigifp-l] (Urgent) Request for book reviewer for Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy Colleges, I?m writing as Editor of ALA?s new Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy, and as you might know, we?re currently working on a special ?Privacy? issue scheduled to be published around the same time as Choose Privacy Week this spring. We are in (sudden) need of a reviewer for the forthcoming LITA book, ?Protecting Patron Privacy ?, edited by Bobbi Newman and Bonnie Tijerina, for the special issue. I?m hoping someone on this list (or a student of theirs) might be interested in writing a short review for the journal. For logistics, the review should be around 700-1000 words, and we?d need to have it by April 10 ? sorry for the quick deadline. I have pre-print galleys that can be provided immediately (only 150 pages). Please reply to me directly if you are interested, or forward this to anyone you think might want to provide this review. Best, Michael Zimmer Editor, Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy CC: Shannon Oltmann, Associate Editor -- Michael Zimmer, PhD Associate Professor, School of Information Studies Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee e: zimmerm at w: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Mon Mar 27 13:29:23 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 17:29:23 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Conference call re: ASIST 2017 workshop Message-ID: Hello everyone. I think the best time for the conference call is on Friday, 3/31, at 12 noon Eastern. Below find the information to join the call: New Meeting Fri, Mar 31, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3412 Access Code: 961-391-877 First GoToMeeting? Try a test session: You will probably want to have a quiet place with headphones/microphone for the meeting. I have also attached the proposal from 2016. Please review it, keeping our recent conversation in mind, and come ready to discuss how to update the proposal. Thanks. Looking forward to talking with everyone. -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Mon Mar 27 13:30:00 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 17:30:00 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Attachment Message-ID: My apologies-as everyone does from time to time, I forgot the attachment. Here it is. Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science College of Communication & Information University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at 320 Lucille Little Library Lexington KY 40506 859-257-0788 859-257-4205 (fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ASIST 2016 workshop.doc Type: application/msword Size: 64512 bytes Desc: ASIST 2016 workshop.doc URL: