From ajmillion at Sat Jul 1 19:46:50 2017 From: ajmillion at (A.J. Million) Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2017 18:46:50 -0500 Subject: [Sigifp-l] ASIS&T '17, SIG IEP Workshop Call for Participation Message-ID: *Call for Participation*: The New Information State: How Information Ethics and Policy Affects Everyone, sponsored by SIG-IEP, ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Crystal City, Virginia *Date*: October 28, 2017 *Abstract*: In today?s milieu of fake news, misinformation, and generalized distrust of institutions, information ethics and policy affects everyone, across different information science research areas. In this workshop, we will analyze these changes to the informational state and discuss how we can address them through three themes: *pedagogy for information ethics and policy*, *engagement with policymakers*, and *information ethics and policy across information science*. Workshop participants are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways and will leave the workshop with tangible products that can be used in research and teaching. *Contributions*: For the workshop, we seek several different types of contributions: - Panel: A panel should incorporate two of the themes (see below, under workshop organization) and each panel is encouraged to include at least one person outside academia. Panels should be explicit about which themes are addressed and include a brief biography of each contributor. - Paper: A paper should address one of the themes (see below) in detail, tying it back to the broader discussion of the changed information state. Papers should be 3500-5000 words. - Speaker: We seek volunteers to synthesize these themes (see below) and address potential big-picture implications of these trends. Those interested in being a featured speaker should submit a c.v. and a brief essay (under 5000 words) on these themes. *The deadline for all contributions is 8/18*. Contributions should be emailed to Shannon Oltmann at shannon.oltmann at Contact Shannon Oltmann with any questions. Read the full workshop proposal here . -- *?A.J. Million?, Ph.D??.* Media Center Director, Drury University Review my professional portfolio: * * -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From conference at Mon Jul 3 07:56:05 2017 From: conference at (conference at Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2017 17:26:05 +0530 Subject: [Sigifp-l] CFP: Advanced Techniques on Data Analytics Message-ID: <> Call for Workshop Papers Sixth Workshop on ?Advanced Techniques on Data Analytics and Data Visualization" In Conjunction with the Twelfth Eleventh International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan September 12-14, 2017 Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Accepted workshop papers will be published in the proceedings indexed by IEEE Xplore. About the Workshop Data are growing at an exponential rate nowadays. In order to take advantage of them, it is important for businesses and organizations to be able to make sense out of them by determining the trends, patterns and underlying insights of the gathered data. Hence problems can be detected early before they result in actual damage. Some examples of data analytics cover tasks of finding suspicious records in accounts payable, evaluating activities of business processes, modeling customers? behavioral patterns and deriving the best strategies in business decision etc. Such complex tasks go beyond simple statistics. Advanced tools such as data mining, data modeling, data visualization, and information analysis etc. have been extensively researched recently. The objective of this workshop is to provide an interactive platform for academic researchers and industrial practitioners to exchange ideas, disseminate the latest development in data analytics and data visualization. Conceptual models, tools, and current issues are encouraged to be discussed. The workshop welcomes paper submission includes but not limited to the following areas: Data retrieval and management Innovative methods for understanding and interacting with data Innovative methods for data analysis, presentation and visualization Innovative methods for solving current data problems New statistics techniques for improving current solutions Advanced software system and algorithms for data visualization Domain specific data analytics and data visualization Social network analytics and visualization Forensic analytics and visualization Business process analytics and visualization Industry solutions and/or experiences Case studies Submissions Submissions should provide original and unpublished research results or ongoing research with simulations. The papers should be between 6 to 8 pages total in length in the IEEE format. * All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore. All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP ( * Modified version of the selected papers will appear in the special issues of the following peer reviewed and indexed journals. (Indexed in Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports, dblp, Engineering Index and many other databases) Important Dates Full Paper Submission July 20, 2017 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection August -10, 2017 Registration Due September -01, 2017 Camera Ready Due September -01, 2017 Workshops/Tutorials/Demos September 13, 2017 Main conference September 12-14, 2017 Organizers Simon Fong, Robert P. Biuk-Aghai, SI Yain Whar, Lawrence, University of Macau For additional inquiries, please contact the organizers - ccfong at Submissions at From zimmerm at Fri Jul 7 16:35:52 2017 From: zimmerm at (Michael T Zimmer) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 20:35:52 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] "Privacy" issue of Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy References: Message-ID: <> Colleagues, I?m happy to announce that the ?Privacy? special issue of the American Library Association?s Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy (JIFP) has now been published. Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Spring Table of Contents Editorial -------- Introduction: The ?Privacy? Special Issue of the Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy (3-4) Michael Zimmer Commentaries -------- The Path to a Creating a New Privacy Policy: NYPL's story (5-7) Bill Marden We Can?t All Be Rock Stars: Reaching a Mass Audience with the Message of Library Privacy (8-10) Jessica Crowe Garner How to Get Free HTTPS Certificates from Let's Encrypt (11-12) Mike Robinson Libraries and the Right to be Forgotten: a Conflict in the Making? (13-14) Eli Edwards Features -------- Balancing Privacy and Strategic Planning Needs: A Case Study in De-Identification of Patron Data (15-22) Becky Yoose Privacy Policies and Practices with Cloud-Based Services in Public Libraries: An Exploratory Case of BiblioCommons (23-37) Katie Chamberlain Kritikos, Michael Zimmer Reviews -------- Review of Protecting Patron Privacy: A LITA Guide (38-38) Rudy Leon -- Michael Zimmer, PhD Associate Professor, School of Information Studies Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee e: zimmerm at t: @michaelzimmer w: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From conference at Mon Jul 10 05:22:36 2017 From: conference at (conference at Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 14:52:36 +0530 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Final CFP: Future Big Data 2017 Message-ID: <> Call for Workshop Papers Third International Workshop on 'Future Big Data' (FBD 2017) In Conjunction with the Twelfth Eleventh International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan September 12-14, 2017 Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Technology Management Council Accepted workshop papers will be published in the proceedings indexed by IEEE Xplore. About the Workshop Big Data concern large-volume, complex, growing data sets with multiple, autonomous sources. The developments in the Big Data research lead to almost the birth of a new domain. With the fast development of networking, data storage, and the data collection capacity, Big Data are now rapidly expanding in all science and engineering domains, including physical, biological and biomedical sciences. This workshop will address the features of the Big Data revolution, Big Data processing model, data driven models, big data standards, and so on. Topics to be addressed in the workshop, but not limited to: - Big Data models and architectures - Big data architecture and design - Security, privacy, and trust - Data protection and integrity - Big Data mining, analytics and metrics - Data representation and structures - Data capturing and acquisition - Tools and technologies - QoS of big data - Social networks analysis - Big Data searching and mining - Visualisation of data - Personal data logging and quantified-self - Context-aware data - Big Data Visualization - Personalisation of data - Data contextualisation - Data Querying - Applications of open and linked data - Data-intensive computing, - Methodologies and cases studies - Data Usability issues - Storages and network requirements - Bigdata Network models and protocols - Big data in cloud and IoT - Big data processing large-scale datasets on clusters - Smart and connected communities - Big Data and Urban Data Analytics - Cloud Computing and Network Infrastructure for Smart Cities - Intelligent Transport Systems and Traffic Management - Big data for Internet of Things Submissions Submissions should provide original and unpublished research results or ongoing research with simulations. The papers should be between 6 to 8 pages total in length in the IEEE format. * All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore. All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP ( * Modified version of the selected papers will appear in the special issues of the following peer reviewed and indexed journals. (Indexed in Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports, dblp, Engineering Index and many other databases) Important Dates Full Paper Submission July 15, 2017 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection August -05, 2017 Registration Due September -01, 2017 Camera Ready Due September -01, 2017 Workshops/Tutorials/Demos September 13, 2017 Main conference September 12-14, 2017 Organizers Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau Submissions at For additional inquiries, please contact - conference at --------------------- From shannon.oltmann at Wed Jul 19 08:54:16 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 12:54:16 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] SIG-IEP Conference Call Message-ID: Hello colleagues. We need a conference call to discuss the upcoming workshop and electing new officers. Please note, this call is for all members, whether you have been active or not. We'd love to get some new voices! Follow the link below to register your availability. (I created the Doodle poll in Eastern time (US) but it should change to reflect your local time.) -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kathryn.labarre at Thu Jul 20 13:10:55 2017 From: kathryn.labarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 12:10:55 -0500 Subject: [Sigifp-l] ASIST 80th Anniversary - request for your assistance! Message-ID: Greetings, I'm writing to you, in my capacity as Chair of the ASIST 80th Anniversary Advisory Group. This group is advising Wiley (the JASIST publisher) on their project to identify key and high impact papers in JASIST. For their part Wiley conducted a bibliometric study of highly cited papers, ranked by decade. As part of this initiative the 80thAG is soliciting nominations of JASIST papers that have been central to your own work, or to that of your SIG. Wiley realizes that articles can be quite useful without attracting citations, so we are reaching out to SIG members! In early September, all ASIST members will have a chance to vote on the most significant JASIST paper for each decade. The papers span the years 1956-2017. The outcome of this initiative will be a Wiley-hosted website that features access to select papers. ASIST members will be able to add comments and images. This website will launch during the upcoming annual meeting in Washington, DC. Please send your paper nominations (in the form of a citation) by August 15th to klabarre [at] -- Kathryn La Barre Director at Large, Association for Information Science and Technology Chair ASIST Anniversary Advisory Group Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- Kathryn La Barre -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Fri Jul 28 12:51:21 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 16:51:21 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] SIG-IEP Conference Call In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Friends, I dropped the ball on this conference call. I forgot to schedule it! Let's try again. I have a new Doodle poll with new dates and times. Please take a few minutes to complete the poll and let me know when you'd be available to participate in a conference call to discuss the upcoming workshop and electing new officers. Again, we'd love to have more participants, so please feel free to jump in! -Shannon Oltmann Link to new Doodle poll: Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at From: Sigifp-l [mailto:sigifp-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Oltmann, Shannon M Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 8:54 AM To: sigifp-l at; Emad Khazraee Subject: [Sigifp-l] SIG-IEP Conference Call Hello colleagues. We need a conference call to discuss the upcoming workshop and electing new officers. Please note, this call is for all members, whether you have been active or not. We'd love to get some new voices! Follow the link below to register your availability. (I created the Doodle poll in Eastern time (US) but it should change to reflect your local time.) -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From blloveday at Fri Jul 28 14:28:33 2017 From: blloveday at (Brandi Loveday) Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 14:28:33 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] Board Election Currently In Progress. In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hello SIG IEP, Please check your email for an email from 'ElectionBuddies'. This email is a legitimate attempt to get your vote for two Board positions for ASIS&T. Please locate the email, review the nominees, and vote for your choice. If you can't find the email, please contact ASIST Administration at asist at and request that a new ballot be sent to you. Voting ends on August 11th and as an organization we have only received 14% of the electorate. This is your chance to help this organization go in the direction you want to see it move. So, VOTE! Thank you and we hope to see you at the Annual Meeting in Maryland in October/November! Thank you, Brandi Loveday-Chesley Deputy Director of SIGs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shannon.oltmann at Mon Jul 31 10:58:55 2017 From: shannon.oltmann at (Oltmann, Shannon M) Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 14:58:55 +0000 Subject: [Sigifp-l] SIG Conference call Message-ID: The conference call (to discuss the upcoming workshop and election of new officers) will be on Monday, August 14th at 2 pm Eastern. Please put it on your calendars. I'll send out information about the call (how to connect, etc.) prior to it. Thanks! -Shannon Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann Assistant Professor School of Information Science University of Kentucky shannon.oltmann at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: