[Sigifp-l] Fwd: [tripleC] New Issue Published

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Mon Nov 30 08:56:12 EST 2015

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Subject: 	[tripleC] New Issue Published
Date: 	Sun, 29 Nov 2015 22:36:07 +0100
From: 	Christian Fuchs <christian.fuchs at triple-c.at>
To: 	Michel J. Menou <micheljmenou at gmail.com>

Dear Readers,

The current year is coming to a close and tripleC has just finished this
year's volume, which is the 13th year of publication.

You below find the table of contents of volume 13's issue 2.

Thanks for the continuing interest in tripleC.
We hope in your continued support in 2016.
With kind regards,
Christian Fuchs
Prof. Christian Fuchs
Co-Editor of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique
University of Westminster,
Director of the Communication and Media Research Institute
christian.fuchs at triple-c.at

tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a
Global Sustainable Information Society
Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Table of Contents

Special issue: Interrogating Internships
	Interrogating Internships: Unpaid Work, Creative Industries, and Higher
Education,	Edited By: Greig de Peuter, Nicole S. Cohen, and Enda Brophy

Introduction (329-335)
	Greig de Peuter,	Nicole S. Cohen,	Enda Brophy

Interrogating Internships: Conceptualizing Internships
Media and Cultural Industries Internships: A Thematic Review and Digital
Labor Parallels (336-350)
	Thomas Corrigan

>From Apprenticeship to Internship: The Social and Legal Antecedents of the
Intern Economy (351-360)
	Alexandre Frenette

Interning and Investing: Rethinking Unpaid Work, Social Capital, and the
“Human Capital Regime” (361-374)
	Sophie Hope,	Joanna Figiel

What Killed Moritz Erhardt? Internships and the Cultural Dangers of
“Positive” Ideas (375-389)
	Bogdan Costea,	Peter Watt,	Kostas Amiridis

Interrogating Internships: Internships and Creative Industries
Under the Cloak of Whiteness: A Circuit of Culture Analysis of Opportunity
Hoarding and Colour-blind Racism Inside US Advertising Internship Programs
	Christopher Boulton

Reality TV’s Embrace of the Intern (404-422)
	Tanner Mirrlees

Expo Milano 2015: The Institutionalization of Working for Free in Italy
	Roberto Ciccarelli

A History of Internships at CBC Television News (428-437)
	Marlene Murphy

(De)valuing Intern Labour: Journalism Internship Pay Rates and Collective
Representation in Canada (438-458)
	Errol Salamon

Internships, Workfare, and the Cultural Industries: A British Perspective
	David Lee

Interrogating Internships: Internships and Higher Education
Nothing for Money and Your Work for Free: Internships and the Marketing of
Higher Education (471-485)
	Mara Einstein

“You Kind of Have to Bite the Bullet and do Bitch Work”: How Internships
Teach Students to Unthink Exploitation in Public Relations (486-500)
	Michelle Rodino-Colocino,	Stephanie N. Berberick

Negotiating Educated Subjectivity: Intern Labour and Higher Education in
Hong Kong (501-508)
	Iam-chong Ip

Interrogating Course-Related Public Interest Internships in Communications
	Sandra Smeltzer

Educating the Precariat: Intern Labour and a Renewed Approach to Media
Literacy Education (526-532)
	Doug Tewksbury

Unwaged Posts in UK Universities: Controversies and Campaigns (533-553)
	Kirsten Forkert,	Ana Lopes

Interrogating Internships: Intern Labour Activism
Art Struggles: Confronting Internships and Unpaid Labour in Contemporary Art
	Panos Kompatsiaris

Report on Intern Rights Advocacy in 2013-2014 (567-578)
	Intern Labor Rights

Ontario Interns Fight Back: Modes of Resistance Against Unpaid Internships
	William Webb

Challenging Intern Nation: A Roundtable with Intern Labour Activists in
Canada (587-598)
	Nicole Cohen,	Greig de Peuter

Exploited for a Good Cause? Campaigning Against Unpaid Internships in the UK
Charity Sector (599-602)
	Vera Weghmann

The Digital Spatial Fix (223–247)
	Daniel Marcus Greene,	Daniel Joseph

Austerity discourses in "Der Spiegel" magazine, 2009-2014 (248–269)
	Yiannis Mylonas

Anti-Neoliberal Neoliberalism: Post-Socialism and Bulgaria’s “Ataka”
Party (274–297)
	Martin Marinos

Base, Superstructure and the Irish Property Crash—Towards a Crisis Theory
of Communications (298–320)
	Henry Silke

The Commodity Form of Safety Information (610–623)
	Rodrigo Finkelstein

Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)
On Dallas Smythe’s “Audience Commodity”: An Interview with Lee
McGuigan and Vincent Manzerolle (270–273)
	Henry Adam Svec

Media and Information Technology in Ten Years’ Time: A Society of Control
Both from Above and Below, and From Outside and Inside (321–328)
	Jörg Becker

Reflections on Bolaño’s Culture Industry (603–606)
	Thomas Klikauer

Reflections on Phelan’s Neoliberalism, Media, and the Political
	Thomas Klikauer

The Political Economy of Crisis and the Crisis of Political Economy: The
Challenge of Sustainability
	Graham Murdock

tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique | Open Access Journal for a
Global Sustainable Information Society |http://www.triple-c.at

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