From rhill at Thu Aug 1 12:08:02 2013 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 12:08:02 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] ASIS&T Makes Key Editorial Appointment Message-ID: <387-220138411682152@LEN-dick-2011> ASIS&T Makes Key Editorial Appointment August 1, 2013. The Association of Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) in cooperation with Information Today, Inc. (ITI) has announced the appointment of Dr. Gerald Beno?t as Editor of the ASIS&T Monograph Series. In this role, Beno?t will acquire and develop print and digital monographs covering a range of practical and theoretical topics in information science and technology and allied disciplines. The ASIS&T Monograph Series is a leading series of books and ebooks for students, scholars, and practitioners in the field of information science and technology. The series has been published by ITI on behalf of ASIS&T since 1991. In making the announcement, ASIS&T president Andrew Dillon said, ?We are pleased to have someone with a strong international orientation accept this position. With his language skills and broad teaching experience across the technical and cultural aspects of the field as well as his business experience as a consultant on information systems, Gerry is well-positioned to advance the monograph series for ASIS&T.? Gerald ?Gerry? Beno?t is an associate professor at the Simmons College of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Library and Information Science, teaching undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses. He holds a PhD from UCLA, an MS from Columbia, and degrees in French and Russian from the University of California, and also completed studies in mathematics and graphic design. Before entering academics he worked as a programmer/analyst for the College of Chemistry at UCLA?s UC Davis School of Medicine and as art director and partner at Imada Wong Park + Beno?t. He is a frequent reviewer for JASIST, the iSchool conferences, and ACM SIGIR. Thomas H. Hogan, Sr., ITI president and CEO and a past president of ASIS&T, said, ?We are very pleased to have found in Gerald Beno?t an editor with the skills and vision needed to bring this small but highly regarded series to the next level. As the information age accelerates, we look forward to working with Gerry and ASIS&T to provide authoritative, in-depth coverage of topics that matter to readers in the field.? Examples of current print and ebook titles in the ASIS&T Monograph Series may be found at and For further information contact John B. Bryans, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Information Today, Inc. by email to jbryans at or call 609/654-6266, ext. 134. Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From blloveday at Thu Aug 22 18:51:13 2013 From: blloveday at (Brandi Loveday) Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:51:13 -0400 Subject: [Sigifp-l] SIG IFP Announcements and Annual Meeting Details Message-ID: *SIG ELECTION: 2013-2014* It is that time of year again when the SIGs nominate and elect their leaders for the next year. We have the following positions to fill for this year: *Chair Elect: Co-Chair: Communications Officer:*(includes any attempts at newsletters as well as social media and updates to the SIG web presence) *Treasurer*: Last year saw only one elected officer, and I would love to get more of you involved in the revitalization of the group. We can't make it to SIG of the Year without participation, innovation, and outreach to our academic and professional communities that we as members represent. Activity on the part of the members is a necessity to recruit new members and create an imperative within ASIS&T to give more weight to Information Policy as it truly touches every single aspect of an information professional's life. To nominate an individual, including yourself, please send your full name, school or professional affiliation, position for which the nomination is being made, and a paragraph's worth of any other pertinent information you feel is necessary for an informed vote. Due Date for Nominations is 12 PM EST, Saturday, August 31st to BLLOVEDAY at with the subject SIG IFP Nomination. *2013 Annual Meeting in Montreal* *SIG Sponsored Panel* I am happy to announce that SIG IFP is co-sponsor, with SIG III, of the panel on Tuesday, November 5th, at 3:30 PM- "In the Name of Terror: Information Policy in the Decade Post 9/11." You can access the abstract here: The Program to the Annual Meeting is accessible here: Be sure to register for this great event! The Annual Meeting showcases the latest research and brings together a multitude of scholars and professionals in an effort to network and spread the word of the organization's work in the Information Science and Technology fields. * * *SIG Business Meeting* The SIG IFP meeting will be held from 12:00 PM-1:00 PM on Tuesday, November 5th. If possible, please make plans to attend this meeting. Gathering ideas and information from active members is essential to our success as a SIG and in garnering new members. There will be light refreshments as well. Ideas for raising money for the SIG are welcome. More funds in our treasury will help us participate more actively in setting up webinars, lectures, and participation in events with Student and Regional Chapters. Ideas for participation in academic and professional events are also welcome. We look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Conference! *Awards* The ASIS&T New Leader Recipients have been declared and we are happy to announce that Brandi Loveday, the current Chair of SIG IFP is one such recipient! All members should consider becoming more active in leadership in the SIGs and organization in general. To read about the requirements of the New Leader award, please visit * * *Volunteer Opportunities with ASIS&T* To explore volunteer opportunities with ASIS&T please visit Contact ASIS&T for student volunteer opportunities regarding the Annual Meeting as well! *ASIS&T Bulletin* I would like to announce that the December 2012/January 2013 of the * Bulletin* will have a Special Topic Section for Information Policy. We are very excited about this edition as it helps show that SIG IFP is becoming more active and influential within the organization. We will have articles on Privacy since 9/11, Mobile Data Privacy, Intellectual Freedom/Freedom of Speech, and more! *Social Media Activities and Web Presence* SIG IFP now has a logo and, and among other things, we will be working on a web/social media presence very shortly. ASIS&T will be hosting the website and we will be looking for Information Policy content to share with colleagues, students, and professionals. [image: Inline image 1] *Brandi Loveday* *Chair, SIG IFP* blloveday at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: IFP.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 864558 bytes Desc: not available URL: