[Sigifp-l] CFP: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Journal - Special Issue on Transactional Web Services

Youakim BADR youakim.badr at insa-lyon.fr
Fri Jan 9 05:22:25 EST 2009

              IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) Journal
                         URL: http://www.computer.org/tsc

                 Special Issue on Transactional Web Services

    Guest Editors: Youakim Badr, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar and Ling Liu

                           Editor-in-Chief of TSC:
           Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Today's Web service-based applications require advanced transactional  
models that guarantee the integrity and continuity of business  
processes despite the dynamic nature that characterize the  
environments that host the execution of these processes. The  
development of such models has drawn the attention of both academia  
and industry communities. This special issue will shed light on the  
latest advances in the fields of Web services with focus on the  
transactional dimension.

This special issue seeks original research and industrial papers on  
transactional models and approaches in the context of business  
applications built upon Web services. The Internet along with its  
related technologies have created an interconnected world in which  
services can be invoked anytime, anywhere, which increases the  
importance of making these services reliable and robust. For this  
purpose, Web services must be looked into from a transactional  

A variety of transactional models are created in the database  
community. Some of them can be leveraged and enhanced to support Web  
services while others are not suitable because of the dynamic nature  
of Web services, long-running execution scenarios, and successful  
execution despite failure. New transactional models for Web services  
are deemed appropriate. Papers describing advanced research and  
experiences on transactional Web services are solicited.

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Transactional models for Web services
- Recovery mechanisms and Web services
- Transactional Web services standards and protocols
- Transactional Web services in mobile applications
- Fault-Tolerant mechanisms for transactional Web services
- Case studies on transactional Web services

Submission Guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit original papers using the journal Web  
site (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee).
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or  
currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. Authors must  
understand and adhere to IEEE Transaction on Services Computing  
submission guidelines available at URL: http://www.computer.org/tsc.

The manuscript should not exceed 12 pages in double-column format. All  
  submissions must include all of the following elements: title page,  
abstract, index terms, illustrations and bibliography. Acceptance will  
be based on relevance, technical soundness, originality and clarity of  
presentation. For further information on submission, please contact  
the guest editors.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 10, 2009
Paper Submission Deadline: March 31, 2009
First Decision from Guest Editors: April 15, 2009
First Revised Versions due from Authors: June 2, 2009
Second Decision: June 20, 2009
Second Revised Versions due from Authors: July 3, 2009
Final Decision: July 10, 2009
Papers due into Publication Office for Editing: July 10, 2009
Publication Date: 2009/2010

Guest Editors:

    Dr. Youakim Badr
      Lyon, France
      Email: youakim.badr at insa-lyon.fr (contact point)

    Dr. Djamal Benslimane
      LIRIS Lab, Claude Bernard University
      Lyon, France
      Email: djamal.benslimane at liris.cnrs.fr

    Dr. Zakaria Maamar
      Zayed University
      Dubai, U.A.E.
      Email: Zakaria.Maamar at zu.ac.ae

    Dr. Ling Liu
    Georgia Institute of Technology,
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    Email: lingliu at cc.gatech.edu

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