[Sigifp-l] 2nd CFP: SOFIA2008

Rebecca Miller-Banner rmiller2 at emporia.edu
Wed May 7 14:11:11 EDT 2008

***Please distribute widely***

Abstracts due 9 June!

Sofia 2008:  Globalization and the Management of Information Resources
12-14 November 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria

On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee, we would like to
invite you to participate in Sofia 2008:  Globalization and the
Management of Information Resources, 12-14 November 2008 hosted by The
School of Library & Information Management, Emporia State University,
Kansas, USA; the Department of Library and Information Sciences, “St.
Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria; the University
of Kansas Libraries,  Kansas, USA; Seton Hall University Library, New
Jersey, USA;  James A. Michener Library, University of Northern
Colorado, Colorado, USA.

Sofia 2008 is part of an international conference series that has been
hosted in Kansas City, Kansas (1995), Warsaw, Poland (1997) and Sofia,
Bulgaria (2000, 2002, 2004, & 2006).  The conference series is devoted
to interpreting trends, patterns of globalization and their effects on
the development of library services, and the development of information

The conference themes this year are:

•	Access to electronic networks 
•	Organization, classification and retrieval in a web environment 
•	Information industry & knowledge management 
•	Information literacy and lifelong learning 
•	Digital and virtual libraries 
•	Information architecture and knowledge management 
•	Information policy issues in an electronic environment 
•	Digital rights management (DRM) 
•	Education and training in a Web 2.0 environment 
•	Ethics and the right to access to information 

Also, a special session is planned on the role of libraries in the
capture, access, preservation, and use of indigenous knowledge

Please send your submission of contact information, title and abstract
of no more than 500 words by MONDAY, 9 JUNE to the conference e-mail
address: sofia2008 at emporia.edu.  Notification of acceptance to the
program will be made by 30 JUNE, and to include the paper in the
published conference proceedings, the final copy is due by 15 OCTOBER.

Please note that all participants will pay registration.  A small number
of stipends are available for East European colleagues to support
conference attendance. Preference will be given to those individuals
presenting papers or reports.  For conference support please get in
touch with Dr. Alexander Dimchev.  E-mail: dimchev_uni at abv.bg or
Dimchev at sclg.uni-sofia.bg.  

Participation is also available for students in a special concurrent
poster session.  Interested students should submit contact information,
poster title and a brief summary (150 words) to Ms. Perri Parise at
pparise at emporia.edu by 3 JUNE.  Students will be notified of acceptance
by 24 JUNE. 

More details about the conference can be found at
http://slim.emporia.edu/globenet/Sofia2008/index.htm.  You may direct
questions to Rebecca Miller Banner, conference coordinator, at
sofia2008 at emporia.edu. 

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you’ll be able to
join us in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Chairs Herbert Achleitner and Alexander Dimchev

Herbert K. Achleitner, PhD
School of Library & Information Management
Emporia State University
Emporia, Kansas, USA
E-mail: hachleit at emporia.edu 

Alexander Dimchev, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Philosophy
University of Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria 
dimchev_uni at abv.bg

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