[Sigifp-l] tr: Theorising the Relation Between Information Technology and Development

Michel MENOU michel.menou at orange.fr
Thu Nov 8 12:29:10 EST 2007

> Message du 08/11/07 01:13
> De : "Richard Heeks" <richard.heeks at manchester.ac.uk>
> A : "richard.heeks at manchester.ac.uk" <richard.heeks at manchester.ac.uk>
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Theorising the Relation Between Information Technology and Development
> A journal special issue, drawing on work from members of Manchester's Development Informatics Group, has recently been published.  Each paper in the special issue selects one theoretical frame and explains, applies, and critiques the theory as it applies to analysis of IT in the development process.
> The intention is to provide a comprehensive overview for researchers interested in using that theory in their own work.  The four theories covered are: Livelihoods framework; Stakeholder theory; Actor-network theory; and Competitive advantage theory.
> The special issue appears in "Information Technologies and International Development"; a refereed academic journal available on an open access basis, at: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/itid/3/3.  The special issue was published from an ongoing activity at Manchester University - the "Theorising Development Informatics" project.
> Richard Heeks
> Development Informatics Group
> University of Manchester, UK
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