[Sigifp-l] Greetings from your SIG President!

M.J. Menou michel.menou at wanadoo.fr
Sun Feb 25 12:13:43 EST 2007

Kudos for the new web site and even more for the "C-mini" concept and 
implementation - though may be not for the name :-)

Re the Resources page(s), may I suggest to organize it as follows
- General
- International (e.g. WSIS, ITU, UNESCO, etc.)
- USA & Canada
- Other countries (to be subdivided by "continent" when necessary)

Or otherwise one may try to organize by broad subject and/or type of 
resource, though this may be more complicated.

Among resources to be mentioned in the international arena (my 2 cents, 

It would be interesting to list under "general" information policy 
programs and courses which are often asked about.

Michel Menou

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