[Sigifp-l] Selective list of forthcoming conferences

Michel J. Menou Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Sat Mar 19 05:09:44 EST 2005

Selection based on the conferences annoucements list of CPSR

General Online Research Conference, Zurich, SWITZERLAND,
March 22-23. See  http://www.gor.de

CPSR- PERU President Pedro Mendizábal, will speak at the
International Copyright Law Tutorial that will present an international
survey of recent changes to digital copyright  law.
See  http://www.cfp2005.org

Stanford University, May 20 - 22. The latest in a series of conferences
on Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC),
presented in association with CPSR's PUBLIC SPHERE PROJECT.
See http://www.online-deliberation.net/conf2005/

International Innovation Exhibition, Seoul, KOREA, May 24-27.
See  http://www.6thglobalforum.org

Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing,
Chiba, JAPAN, May 30-June 1. See  http://www.sec2005.org

Communities & Technologies (C&T 2005) Milan, Italy, June 13-16.
See   http://www.cct2005.disco.unimib.it/

Community Technology Conference, Cleveland, OH,
June 17-19.
See   http://www.ctcnet.org/conf/2005/

M-Government vs Pervasive Government: the User Experience In
Future scenarios of e-gov, Sussex University, Brighton, UK,
July 10-12. See  http://www.icmg.mgovernment.org

Human.Society at Internet Conference, Tokyo, JAPAN, July 27-29.
See  http://hsi.itrc.net

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