[Sigifp-l] New Issue of Government Information Quarterly

John Bertot jbertot at fsu.edu
Fri Mar 4 06:11:42 EST 2005

Subscribers of SIGIFP-L may be intested in the following:

The editors (see below) of _Government Information Quarterly:  An
International Journal of Information and Technology Management, Policies,
and Practices_ are pleased to announce the release of Volume 22, number 1
(2005). The issue contains a number of articles that explore issues and
strategies related to international information policies, practices, and

Issue 1 articles include:

Government information: New challenges in the internet age 
John Carlo Bertot, Charles R. McClure, John A. Shuler and Aimée C. Quinn   

Executive order no. 13,233: A threat to government accountability 
Anne N. Barker   

E-government in China: Bringing economic development through administrative
Lianjie Ma, Jongpil Chung and Stuart Thorson   
Citizen interaction with e-government: From the streets to servers? 
Christopher G. Reddick   
Challenges in e-government development: Lessons from two information kiosk
Anna Ya Ni and Alfred Tat-Kei Ho   

Public information provision about policy intentions: The Dutch and Belgian
Dave Gelders   

Why Australia needs a SAGE: A security architecture for the Australian
government environment 
Nigel Martin   

Democracy through access to legal information for newly democratizing
nations: The Kenyan perspective and lessons from the American experience 
John N. Gathegi   

Issue 1 reviews include:

Primary Source Media's World Government Documents Archive. Declassified
Documents Reference System: The United States 
Jeffrey M. Wilhite   

The September 11 Digital Archive 
Bill Sleeman   
Broadening Asia's Security Discourse and Agenda: Political, Social, and
Environmental Perspectives 
Bert Chapman   

Review Essay—Department of Defense (DoD) and Center for Defense Information
(CDI) Web Sites 
Roger Anderson   

Population and Development Report: Water Scarcity in the Arab World 
Charles D. Bernholz   

In: Paul A. Djupe and Laura R. Olson, Editors, Encyclopedia of American
Religion and Politics xiv , Facts on File, New York (2003) ISBN
0-8160-4582-8 512 pp. $85.00 (cloth). 
Mardi Mahaffy   


Government Information Quarterly is a quarterly publication of Elsevier
Science.  The journal explores such topics as information and
telecommunications policy; access to and use of government information;
information technology management, implementation, planning, and evaluation;
information services development, management, and provision in a distributed
networked environment; e-commerce in governments; service quality
assessment, benchmarking, and performance measurement; and, governing and
governance in a networked environment.  GIQ articles are available through
ScienceDirect at http://www.sciencedirect.com.

Additional information regarding the journal and journal submissions is
available at:  http://www.elsevier.com/locate/govinf.

John Carlo Bertot <jbertot at fsu.edu>, School of Information Studies, Florida
State University serves as the journal editor.

Charles R. McClure <cmcclure at lis.fsu.edu>, School of Information Studies,
Florida State University serves as the journal associate editor.

John A. Shuler <alfred at uic.edu>, Documents, Maps, Microforms, & Curriculum
Department, Univeristy of Illinois Chicago serves as the journal assistant

Aimee C. Quinn <aquinn at uic.edu>, Government Documents Department, Univeristy
of Illinois Chicago serves as the journal reviews editor. 

* John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D.                        Phone: (850) 644-8118 *
* Professor                                         Fax: (850) 644-4522 *
* School of Information Studies             Email: bertot at lis.fsu.edu   *
* Florida State University        http://slis-two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot *
* 101 Shores Building                                                   *
* Tallahassee, FL 32306-2100                                            *

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