[Sigifp-l] Patriotic Information Systems

tdloendo at ncsu.edu tdloendo at ncsu.edu
Mon Dec 5 09:07:37 EST 2005


This is a reminder that the deadline for proposal submissions for the
upcoming book entitled “Patriotic Information Systems: Privacy, Access,
and Security Issues of Bush Information Policy" is December 15, 2005.
Thanks once again to all who have responded.

Best Regards,



This is a call for proposals for scholarly contributions to a contracted,
forthcoming anthology on  Bush Administration information policy in
relation to issues in civil liberties, freedom of information, and data
security. Intended for both graduate students and practitioners in the
field, this work covers topics in the areas of privacy, access, and
security in relation to information systems associated with homeland
security, the Patriot Act, and other initiatives related to anti-terrorism
and emergency response.

The book, titled “Patriotic Information Systems: Privacy, Access, and
Security Issues of Bush Information Policy,”  arises from the Winter,
2005, issue of the “Social Science Computer Review,” which is running a
symposium issue on “Patriotic Information Systems,” examining these
issues. The articles in this symposium are listed below. The book will
contain revised versions of these essays along with a somewhat larger
number of new contributions, for which this is the call for participation.

If you or a colleague are working in this area and would like to
participate in this project, please email an outline of your proposed
contribution to Todd Loendorf <tloendorf at bellsouth.net>, with the phrase
“Patriotic Information Systems” in the subject line. You are also welcome
to write to the coeditor, G. David Garson, on matters related to this
project (<david_garson at ncsu.edu>).

The proposal deadline is December 15, but we shall be making editorial
decisions about content between now and then so earlier proposals are
welcome, particularly since we must have a first draft of contributions by
May 15,  so they may be reviewed and authors may finalize their
contributions later in summer 2006. An outline of your proposed
contribution should be submitted, clearly explaining the scope of the
proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified between
now and January 14, 2006, at the latest, about the status of their
proposals and sent chapter organizational guidelines. All submitted
chapters will be reviewed on a  double blind review basis.

The book is scheduled to be published by Idea Group, Inc., www.idea
group.com, publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information  Science
Publishing, IRM Press, CyberTech Publishing and Idea Group Reference

SSCORE Issue on Patriotic Information Systems

Patriotic Information Systems: Evaluating Bush Administration Information
Policy / G. David Garson

Fool's Gold in the Nation's Data Mining Programs / Walter M. Brasch

Less Safe   the Dismantling of Public Information Systems After Sept. 11 /
Harry Hammitt

Government Surveillance and Political Participation on the Internet /
Brian S. Krueger

The Expansion of Privacy Rationales Under the Federal Freedom of
Information Act: The War on Terror, Detainee Information and the Power of
Stigmatization  / Charles Davis

Security, Sovereignty and Continental Interoperability: Canada's Elusive
Balance / Jeffrey Roy

Information Technology and Surveillance: Implications for Public
Administration in a New World Order / Akhlaque Haque

Best wishes,

Todd Loendorf <tloendorf at bellsouth.net> and G. David Garson
<david_garson at ncsu.edu>

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