[Sigifp-l] Full Text of Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Apr 21 11:10:12 EDT 2004

[Posted on behalf of Dr. Eugene Garfield.  Dick Hill]


When I was a young researcher at the Welch Medical Library in 1951, my bible was the Proceedings of the Royal Society Scientific Information Conference held in London, June 21 to July  2, 1948.  (see online summary by J.H. McNinch, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 37:136-141 (1949).  
The four sections and their respective editors-in-chief were : 

I.     Publication and Distribution of Papers Reporting Original Work.  Professor J.D. Bernal, F.R.S.

II     Abstracting services.  Sir David Chadwick

III    Indexing and Other Library Services.  Dr. J.E. Holmstrom

IV.   Reviews, Annual Reports, etc.  Professor H. Munro Fox, F.R.S.

Just seven years later, I was to participate in the 1958 ICSI Conference in Washington.  While 20,000 copies of the proceedings were printed, it has become increasingly difficult to locate copies of the two- volume set which is out of print.   On  November 7, 2003 I wrote to President Bruce Alberts, the President of the National Academy of Sciences to ask for permission to scan and OCR these volumes so that they could be posted to the Web.  On November 11, 2003 he wrote that we "should have the document up on our website within weeks".  This, in fact happened but the format adopted was the usual one of the NAS Press.    I pointed out that it was impractical to print out 1662 pages one at a time.  Under the direction of Michael Jensen, NAS created  individual  PDF files for each chapter.  It is now possible to view each document in both HTML  and  PDF format.
All of us in the information community should be grateful to NAS Press for this generous cooperation.
In order to scan the complete contents, including author names, please go to :


Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Information -- Two Volumes 
Sponsors of the Conference: National Science Foundation, National Academy of Sciences, American Documentation Institute, National Research Council 
1662 pages, 6x9, 1959. ISBN 10866

The launch of Sputnik caused a flurry of governmental activity in science information. The 1958 International Conference on Scientific Information (ICSI) was held in Washington from Nov.16-21 1958 and sponsored by NSF, NAS, and American Documentation Institute, the predecessor to the American Society for Information Science. In 1959, 20,000 copies of the two volume proceedings were published by NAS and included 75 papers (1600 pages) by dozens of pioneers from seven areas such as: 
* Literature and reference needs of scientists 
* Function and effectiveness of A & I services 
* Effectiveness of Monographs, Compendia, and Specialized Centers 
* Organization of information for storage and search: comparative characteristics of existing systems 
* Organization of information for storage and retrospective search: intellectual problems and equipment considerations 
* Organization of information for storage and retrospective search: possibility for a general theory 
* Responsibilities of Government, Societies, Universities, and industry for improved information services and research.
It is now an out of print classic in the field of science information studies. 


Table of Contents  
Front Matter  - pp.  i-xxiv
Opening Session Address - pp.  1-8


Area 1: Literature and Reference Needs of Scientists: Knowledge now available and methods of ascertaining requirements - pp. 9-12
Proposed Scope of Area 1 - pp.  13-18
Study on the Use of Scientific Literature and Reference Services by Scandinavian Scientists and Engineers Engaged in Research and Development
Elin Tornudd - pp.  19-76
The Transmission of Scientific Information
J.D. Bernal - pp.  77-96
An Operations Research Study of the Dissemination of Scientific Information
Michael H. Halbert and Russell Lackoff  - pp. 97-130

Information and Literature Use in a Research and Development Organization
I.H.HOGG and J.ROLAND SMITH - pp.  131-162
Methods by which Research Workers Find Information
R.M. Fishenden   pp. 163-180
 Determining Requirements for Atomic Energy Information from Reference Questions
 Saul Herner and Mary Herner -   pp. 181-188
Systematically Ascertaining Requirements of Scientists for Information 
Jiri Spirit and Ladislav Kofnovec - pp. 189-194

 How Scientists Actually Learn of Work Important to Them
Bentley Glass and Sharon H. Norwood - pp.  195-198
 Planned and Unplanned Scientific Information
Herbert Menzel  -  pp.  199-244
The Use of Technical Literature by Industrial Technologists
Christopher Scott -  pp. 245-266
Requirements of Forest Scientists for Literature and Reference Services
Stephen H. Spurr -  pp. 267-276
The Information-Gathering Habits of American Medical Scientists
Saul Herner - pp. 277-286
Use of Scientific Periodicals
D. J. Urquhart - pp.  287-300
Summary of Discussion
Area 2: The Function and Effectiveness of Abstracting and 
Indexing Services - 313-316
Proposed Scope of Area 2 - 317-320
An Evaluation of Abstracting Journals and Indexes
Maurice H. Smith - pp. 321-350
Analytical Study of a Method for Literature Search in Abstracting Journals
Paul S. Lykoudis, P.E. Liley, and Y.S. Touloukian - pp 351-376
The Relation Between Completeness and Effectiveness of a Subject Catalogue
C.S. Sabel - pp. 377-380

Cost Analysis of Bibliographies or Bibliographic Services
Malcolm Rigby and Marian K. Rigby - pp  381-392
The Efficiency of Metallurgical Services
Nerio Gaudenzi -  pp. 393-406

Subject Slanting in Scientific Abstracting Publications
Saul Herner - pp. 407-428

The Importance of Peripheral Publications in the Documentation of Biology
Mildred A. Doss - pp. 429-434
Current Medical Literature: A Quantitative Survey of Articles and Journals
Estelle Brodman and Seymour I. Taine - pp.  435-448
A Combined Indexing-Abstracting System
 Isaac D. Welt  - pp.  449-460
A Unified Index to Science
Eugene Garfield - pp.  461-474
Lost Information: Unpublished Conference Papers
Feli Liebesny  - pp.  475-480
International Cooperation in Physics Abstracting
B. M. Crowther - pp.  481-490
International Cooperative Abstracting on Building: An Appraisal 
A. B. Agard Evans - pp. 491-496
Cooperation and Coordination in Abstracting and Documentation
Otto Frank - pp. 497-510
On the Functioning of the All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the USSR Academy of Sciences
A. I. Mikhailov - pp. 511-522
Summary of Discussion
Area 3: Effectiveness of Monographs, Compendia, and Specialized Centers: Present trends and new and proposed techniques and types of services  537-540
Proposed Scope of Area 3
Review Literature and the Chemist
The Place of Analytical and Critical Reviews in Any Growing Biological Science and the Service They May Render to Research
Isabella Leitch - pp. 571-588
Recent Trends in Scientific Documentation in South Asia: Problems of Speed and Coverage
P. Sheel - pp. 589-604
Scientific Documentation in France
J. Wyaart - pp. 605-612
Scientific, Technical, and Economic Information in a Research Organization 
MAREK CIGÁNIK - pp 613-648
Summary of Discussion
Area 4: Organization of Information for Storage and Search: Comparative characteristics of existing systems
Proposed Scope of Area 4 - pp.  665-670
Conventional and Inverted Grouping of Codes for Chemical Data
Eugene Miller, Delbert Ballard, John Kingston, and Mortimer Taube. - pp. 671-686
The Evaluation of Systems Used in Retrieval Systems on Large Electronic Computers
 CYRIL CLEVERDON - pp. 687-698
Experience in Developing Information Retrieval Systems
Printing Chemical Structures Electronically: Encoded Compounds Searched Generically with IBM-702
Evolution of Document Control in a Materials Deterioration Information Center
CARL J.WESSEL and WALTER M.BEJUKI - pp.  731-762
Retrieval Questions from the Use of Linde's Indexing and Retrieval System
FRED R.WHALEY - pp. 763-770
Classification with Peek-a-boo for Indexing Documents on Aerodynamics: An Experiment in Retrieval
R.C.WRIGHT and C.W.J.WILSON - pp. 771-802
Summary of Discussion


Area 5: Organization of Information for Storage and Retrospective Search: Intellectual problems and equipment considerations in the design of new systems
 Proposed Scope of Area 5
 The Basic Types of Information Tasks and Some Methods of Their Solution
 V.P.CHERENIN - pp. 823-854
 Subject Analysis for Information Retrieval
B.C.VICKERY - pp.  855-866
 The Construction of a Faceted Classification for a Special Subject
 D.J.FOSKETT - pp. 867-888
 On the Coding of Geometrical Shapes and Other Representations, with Reference to Archaeological Documents
 J. C. Gardin - pp. 889-902
 Subject-Word Letter Frequencies with Applications to Superimposed Coding
 HERBERT OHLMAN - pp. 903-916
 The Analogy between Mechanical Translation and Library Retrieval
 Linguistic Transformations for Information Retrieval
 Z.S.HARRIS - pp. 937-950
 Linguistic and Machine Methods for Compiling and Updating the Harvard Automatic Dictionary
 The Feasability of Machine Searching of English Texts
VICTOR H.YNGVE - pp.  975-996
 Semantic Matrices
 G.PATRICK MEREDITH - pp. 997-1026
Interlingual Communication in the Sciences by JOSHUA WHATMOUGH - pp. 1027-1046
An Overall Concept of Scientific Documentation Systems and Their  Design by E.J.CRANE and C.L.BERNIER - pp. 1047-1070
The Possibilities of Far-Reaching Mechanization of Novelty Search of the Patent Literature by G.J.KOELEWIJN - pp. 1071-1096
Descriptive Documentation by CHARLES G.SMITH - pp. 1097-1116
Variable Scope Search System: VS8 by JACOB LEIBOWITZ, JULIUS FROME, and DON D.ANDREWS - pp. 1117-1142
The Haystaq System: Past, Present, and Future by HERBERT R.KOLLER, ETHEL MARDEN, and HAROLD PFEFFER - pp. 1143-1180
A Proposed Information Handling System for a Large Research Organization by W.K.LOWRY and J.C.ALBRECHT - pp. 1181-1202
Information Handling in a Large Information System by P.R.P.CLARIDGE - pp. 1203-1220
Tabledex: A New Coordinate Indexing Method for Bound Book Form  
Bibliographies by ROBERT S.LEDLEY - pp.  1221-1244
The Comac: An Efficient Punched Card Collating System for the Storage and Retrieval of Information by MORTIMER TAUBE - pp. 1245-1254
Summary of Discussion  1255-1268
Area 6: Organization of Information for Storage and Retrospective Search: Possibility for a general theory
Proposed Scope of Area 6 - 1273-1274
The Structure of Information Retrieval Systems by B.C. Vickery - pp. 1275-1290
The Descriptive Continuum: A  by FREDERICK JONKER - pp. 1291-1312
Algebraic Representation of Storage and Retrieval Languages by 
R.A.FAIRTHORNE pp 1313-1326
 A Mathematical Theory of Language Symbols in Retrieval
 Calvin N. Mooers - pp. 1327-1364
 Abstract Theory of Retrieval Coding
 Clifford J. Maloney - pp. 1365-1382
 Maze Structure and Information Retrieval
 GERALD ESTRIN - pp. 1383-1394
 Summary of Discussion
 Area 7: Responsibilities of Government, Professional Societies, Universities
 Proposed Scope of Area 7
 Responsibilities for Scientific Information in Biology: Proposal for Financing a Comprehensive System
 Milton O. Lee1417-1428
 Responsibility for the Development of Scientific Information as a National Resource
 Hazel Mews - pp. 1429-1434
 Differences in International Arrangements for Financial Support of Information Services
 N.F.GRELL - pp. 1435-1440
 Training for Activity in Scientific Documentation Work
 George Bonn - pp. 1441-1488
 Training the Scientific Information Officer
 A.B.AGARD EVANS and J.FARRADANE - pp. 1489-1494
 Training for Scientific Information Work in Great Britain
 B.I.PALMER and D.J.FOSKETT -  pp. 1495-1502
 The ICSU Abstracting Board: The Story of a Venture in International Cooperation
G.-A.BOUTRY -  pp.  1503-1516
 Creation of an International Center of Scientific Information
PAUL BOQUET - - pp.  1517-1522
 An International Institute for Scientific Information
WALDO CHAMBERLIN-  pp.  1523-1534
 Summary of Discussion
 Closing Session
 Financial Support
 Roster of Registrants
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