[Sigifp-l] Information policy post 5/13/03

Terrence Maxwell tamaxwell at hvc.rr.com
Fri May 16 11:04:28 EDT 2003

13 May 2003


Data Mining Proponents Defend Technology.
"The government now calls it "factual data analysis," but data mining by any 
other name smells as potentially rotten to civil liberties advocates."

Want To Stop Spammers?
"From an economic perspective, spam is just another form of pollution, an 
activity that imposes costs on people without their permission. Like all 
polluters, spammers impose these costs because of the benefits to them--in 
this case, the profits they make from sales, however few."

EarthLink to Offer Anti-Spam E-Mail System.
"A system that backers claim will eliminate e-mail spam is about to be 
deployed by a major Internet service provider, giving a boost to an emerging 
technology that if widely adopted would change how people communicate 

Privacy Villain of the Week - GB Nations.
"Word from Paris this week is that the G8 nations - the governments of 
France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy, 
Canada, and Russia - have agreed to develop a biometric passport system, 
perhaps complete with barcode, eye scan, and fingerprints."

CDT Policy Post
Volume 9, Number 10, May 13, 2003
(1) Authentication Privacy Principles Working Group Releases Interim Report
(2) Key Elements of the Authentication Privacy Principles
(3) Background on Authentication and Privacy
(4) Future Work of the Authentication Privacy Principles Working Group


The Knowledge Economy.
Bruce Lehman, the former head of the U.S. Patent Office, says intellectual 
property protection is essential for nurturing a knowledge economy in the 
developing world.

Amazon Patent Bid.
Amazon.com has applied for a patent on a system to offer used material.


The Public Domain Conference.
Various papers are now available from the Public Domain Conference held at 
Duke in April 2003.


U.S. v Schiff.
"A Las Vegas federal judge has called the anti-tax writings of a civil 
defendant "nonsense" and enjoined him from distributing a book that's based 
on them.  The case has sparked a legal battle that pits federal tax law 
against First Amendment rights."


Go To ER - Get Treated by FBI
"The FBI's Pittsburgh office wants to know about health problems that could 
signal the outbreak of a terrorist attack or the release of a biological 
agent, and now it has a way of culling that information quickly."


University Cyber Rights.
Technology writer Annalee Newitz looked at the best and worst when it comes 
to campus cyber rights.

EPIC Alert.
Volume 10.09 - 7 May 2003
[1] European Groups Discuss Implications of Passenger Profiling
[2] FISA Surveillance Reached All-Time High in 2002
[3] UNESCO Celebrates Freedom of the Press Worldwide
[4] Congress Holds Oversight Hearing On Data Mining Systems
[5] Supreme Court To Hear Crime Scene Photos Case
[6] News in Brief

Compiled by Dylan Thomarie
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