[Sigifp-l] Info policy post 3/28

Terrence Maxwell tamaxwell at hvc.rr.com
Fri Mar 28 16:35:14 EST 2003


Travel Data and Privacy.
In contrast to other countries "Travel data is the largest, most sensitive, 
and most significant category of personal information not yet subject, in 
the USA, to any sector-specific Federal privacy regulations (such as apply 
to legal, financial, and medical information)."

Freedom to Read Protection Act.
Details of the bill intended to 'amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance 
Act to exempt bookstores and libraries from orders requiring the production 
of any tangible things for certain foreign intelligence investigations, and 
for other purposes.'

Spam Report.
CDT has released a new report based on a six-month project entitled "Why Am 
I Getting All This Spam?"


War Discussion Forum.
GULFWAR-2, an email forum to give people around the world the opportunity to 
share news, questions and comments about the war directly with each other.

Best War Blogs.
Forbes.com provides a list of the top 5 sites for news and opinions on the 
Iraq War.

CNN Journalist Told to Stop Blog.
'I'm chronicling the events of my war experiences, the same as I always 
have, and hope to come to agreement with CNN in the near future'


Ashcroft Increases Spy Warrents.
Since the 2001 terror attacks, Attorney General John Ashcroft has approved 
more than 170 emergency domestic spying warrants, triple the number used in 
the previous 23 years.

Supremes Uphold U.S. Spy Powers.
The Supreme Court refused Monday to be drawn into a dispute over the 
boundaries of a law giving the government broader surveillance authority 
after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

As the U.S. and U.K. campaign to "shock and awe" the Iraqi leadership and 
population continues, as "bunker buster" bombs hit the Iraqi Presidential 
palaces and coalition forces attempt to disrupt the command and control of 
the Iraqi military, one widely-reported offensive capability is nowhere in 
sight: the United States has not yet officially used the tools of 


Amazon Makes Bid For Web-ad Patent.
Online retailer Amazon.com has filed for a patent on a method for auctioning 
Web advertisements, a move that raises questions about the company's 
interest in the ad market.

University Loses Round One of Patent Fight.
'In the unpredictable arena of patent litigation the University of Rochester 
is willing to defend Dr. Donald Young's lab work with an eight-figure legal 
fund over a  'super aspirin'.


Threat To Government.
Hassan Bility, along with a number of other journalists, was arrested under 
dubious allegations that he was involved in a plot to kill Liberian 
president Charles Taylor and had links to a rebel group. He was held 
incommunicado for six months in a prison that he has compared to a torture 
camp.  Transcript of online chat with DFN.

Cybersquatting Claim Overturned.
'A Turkish-American fan of Beziktas, one of the traditional top teams in 
Turkey, has since 1995 maintained an extensive fan site about his team.  
When the team finally decided that it wanted to set up a website, it 
demanded he give up his domain name and then filed a WIPO complaint in early 

Israel Warns Web Sites on War Coverage.
Chief Censor Rachel Dolev sent a letter to "scoop" news sites, instructing 
editors to seek government permission before publishing information about 
"materials that could pose a threat to the security of the State of Israel 
and its residents."

Scottish Give ID Card Go-Ahead.
Scots are to be issued with ID cards in a controversial move to tackle 
illegal immigration, terrorism, identity fraud, and to make it easier for 
citizens to access public services.

Compiled by Dylan Thomarie

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