[Sigifp-l] Information Policy Post 3/12/03

Terrence Maxwell tamaxwell at hvc.rr.com
Wed Mar 12 16:21:08 EST 2003


Copyright Latest.
Information about the latest developments regarding the Digital Millennium 
Copyright Act.

Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, HP, and Intel Oppose Bill Fixing DMCA.
Are the latest developments a 'vehicle that would ultimately weaken, not 
strengthen, the important balance that was established under the Digital 
Millennium Copyright Act'?
A Reaction: <http://www.politechbot.com/p-04517.html>


Maryland Web Blocking Bill Unconstitutional.
House Bill 661 - While pursuing the laudable goal of stopping child 
pornography, the bill raises serious due process, free speech and technical 

COPA Still Unconstitutional.
'On March 6 the Third Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously upheld - for a 
second time - an injunction against the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), 
citing numerous constitutional flaws.'
See also:

Freedom to Read Protection Act 2003.
The introduction of the Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2003 was announced 
at a Washington press conference on 6 March.  The American Booksellers 
Foundation for Free Expression hailed the introduction of federal 
legislation that removes a threat to the privacy of bookstore and library 
records created by the U.S.A. Patriot Act.
See also: <http://www.govtech.net/news/news.phtml?docid=2003.03.07-42769>

CIPA Primer.
Paper released by the Pacific Research Institute outlining the key issues in 
the debate.


Homeland Security Or Homeland Secrecy?
'It appears the DHS is taking responsibility for putting pressure on those 
who discover security flaws to keep them quiet until they see fit to 

Jack Valenti's Morality.
Editorial piece about Jack Valenti and 'the MPAA's audacity in appealing to 
moral values to protect
its right to sneak government protections into terrorism legislation.'

No Such Thing As Patriot Act II.
Ashcroft tells Congress:  "there is no Patriot Act II.  That said, it 
doesn't mean that we aren't constantly thinking and discussing how to make 
things better, safer,"..... "So if there are some leaks... it's about what 
we've been thinking."
See also: <http://www.politechbot.com/p-04526.html>

Credit Check To Fly Cross-Country?
As a pilot test of a new Orwellian airline 'security' program, Delta will be 
running background checks on anyone who flies Delta from one of three as-yet 
undisclosed airports.

Reading Over Your Shoulder.
Radio station WNYC's recent section on the Patriot Act.  Interview with 
Vermont Congressman Bernie Sanders and his opposition to certain provisions 
of the Act.
See Also: <http://www.govtech.net/news/news.phtml?docid=2003.03.07-42769>


FBI Misleads Judges For Search Warrants.
'Two federal judges have dealt a potentially crippling blow to a nationwide 
Internet child pornography crackdown, saying the FBI recklessly misled 
judges to get search warrants that were used in making more than 100 


UK Attempts to Block Spam.
'The new code of practice is an attempt to catch up with the technology and 
control some of the abuses. It says explicit consent must now be given for 
marketing by email or text message.'


CDT Policy Post.
Volume 9, Number 7, 6 March 2003
1) CDT Releases Compendium of Papers On Consumer Privacy
2) Rep. Stearns to Reintroduce Privacy Bill in House

EPIC Alert.
Volume 10.05, 10 March 2003
[1] EPIC Obtains Total Information Awareness Contractor Documents
[2] Appeals Court Strikes Down Internet Censorship Law (Again)
[3] Supreme Court Upholds Megan's Laws, Passes on FOIA Case
[4] Disclosure of Air Travel Passenger Data Violates EU Privacy Laws
[5] EPIC Comments on Biometrics Specification, Air Travel Database
[6] National Intelligence Systems Used for Diplomatic Surveillance

Compiled by Dylan Thomarie
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