[Sigia-l] Call for Papers: ISKO-UK biennial conference, September 11-12 2017, London

Liz Marley liz at lizmarley.co.uk
Thu Dec 15 17:40:01 EST 2016

**Dear Colleagues** ****







Knowledge Organization – what's the story?


Classification, Indexing, Taxonomies and Ontologies - current state and 
direction of travel

ISKO-UK biennial conference

11th – 12th September 2017, London

This will be the 5th biennial conference of the UK Chapter of ISKO 
(International Society for Knowledge Organization), and a celebration of 
the 10th birthday of the Chapter.

Call for Papers

Our ability to use narrative is one of the defining characteristics of 
the human race, with more than one role in Knowledge Organization (KO). 
Story-telling may have been superseded as the principal way of passing 
knowledge from one generation to the next, but can still bring to life 
the study of historical records. And a coherent story helps us make 
sense of any collection of knowledge.

This conference will explore the role of narrative both literal and 
metaphorical, in any context of KO, and the potential for KO to evolve 
towards an unfolding story of applications useful to society and 
economic development.

Relevant topics include:

•Where has KO come from and where is it going?

•What role is there for narrative in KO work?

•Extracting the stories hidden in big data, and in image collections

•Exploitation of Linked Data to follow threads of discovery

•What are the latest developments in KO?  What are the challenges being 
faced in the field?

•How will the future unfold? How should research support findability 

•What applications other than information retrieval can we see for KO in 
the future?

•The evolving relationship between KO and metadata

•Use of anecdote in the teaching of KO

•Lessons learned

The UK Chapter of ISKO is working hard to make this conference a 
showcase for inspiring, innovative work in our field, and looks forward 
to welcoming the worldwide KO community to London.

Presentation format, submissions and acceptance criteria

The conference will include a mix of brief (20-minute) and long 
(40-minute) presentations, as well as a display of posters. Speakers 
will be asked to provide a paper as well as presenting the material in 
person. Together with slides and audio recordings, all the papers 
submitted will be published electronically on the conference website. 
After peer review the four best papers will be selected for publication 
in ISKO’s journal, Knowledge Organization.

You can submit proposals in the form of an abstract via 
https://www.conftool.net/iskouk-2017/ from 1st December 2016. (To make 
the submission you will be asked to set up a user account with Conftool, 
our service provider.) The closing date for proposals is 31 January 
2017. We are looking for papers that will attract a global audience of 
researchers, teachers, developers and practitioners. Your paper should 
help to deepen our understanding of knowledge organization, describe 
challenges and advances in the field, or consider the potential of KO to 
bring progress and benefits.

Other criteria for acceptance include originality, clarity of 
expression, and relevance to the conference theme. Proposals should have 
a sound basis in historical fact, KO theory or current practice.

Please provide an abstract of 300-500 words (including references), and 
indicate whether you plan a Brief or Long presentation, or a Poster. We 
will let you know by the end of April 2017 whether your proposal has 
been accepted.  Full papers should be submitted by 31st July 2017. 
Editorial guidelines will be available via the conference website from 
early 2017.

More background on ISKO

ISKO is a not-for-profit scientific/professional association with a 
mission to promote the theory and practice of organizing knowledge and 
information. The emphasis in our UK Chapter is to build bridges between 
the research and practitioner communities, for example at our regular 
and very popular afternoon meetings. You can see past and future events 
at Our Events, together with slides and sound recordings for most 
presentations. The proceedings of our previous biennial conferences are 
available there too, in electronic media.


Please contact us at info at iskouk.org if you have enquiries about the 


Registration will open in the Spring of 2017.

Liz Marley
ISKO-UK Publicity*


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