[Sigia-l] Curated list of UX/HCI/Design/Usability/etc conferences for 2014

Mads Soegaard - Interaction-Design.org mads at interaction-design.org
Wed Jan 15 14:03:50 EST 2014

Dear all,

It has only been three weeks since I sent my curated list of conferences for 2014. However, lots of conference organizers have recently added their conferences so I am sending an updated list. 

If you're organizing a conference not already on the list, please add it at:

There's also a printerfriendly version (for hanging on your wall) at 

*************** The conference calendar ************
All dates can be edited at

Interaction14 - IxDA's Annual Interaction Design Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>From Feb 05 to Feb 08 2014

1 September 2013: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.ixda.org/conference 

ConveyUX 2014
Seattle, WA
>From Feb 05 to Feb 07 2014

31 July 2013: Call for Proposals 
31 August 2013: Special advance fee of $795 through August 31. 

More info on http://conveyux.com/ 

2014 Interaction Awards
Amsterdam, Netherlands
>From Feb 08 to Feb 08 2014

15 September 2013: 2014 Interaction Awards Submission Deadline 

More info on http://awards.ixda.org 

CSCW 2014 - Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Baltimore, MD, USA
>From Feb 15 to Feb 19 2014

31 May 2013: Paper submission deadline 
28 June 2013: Workshops 
7 October 2013: Posters, demos, panels, videos, doctoral consortium 

More info on http://cscw.acm.org/ 

TEI 2014 - International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
Munich, Germany
>From Feb 16 to Feb 19 2014


More info on http://www.tei-conf.org/14/ 

IFIP TC13 Open Symposium on HCI
Hamilton,New Zealand
>From Feb 18 to Feb 18 2014

14 February 2014: Registration deadline 

More info on http://www.irit.fr/~Marco.Winckler/events/IFIPTC13meeting-NZ-2014/index.html 

SCCI 2014 - Symposium on Communicating Complex Information
Greenville, NC USA
>From Feb 24 to Feb 25 2014

15 September 2013: 2 page paper proposal due 

More info on http://workshop.design4complexity.com/home.php 

IUI - ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Haifa, Israel
>From Feb 24 to Feb 27 2014

4 October 2013: Abstract Deadline 
9 October 2013: Submission Deadline 
4 December 2013: Notification Deadline 

More info on http://www.iuiconf.org/ 

ML 2014 - 10th International Conference on Mobile Learning 2014
Madrid, Spain
>From Feb 28 to Mar 02 2014

30 December 2013: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.mlearning-conf.org/ 

IHE 2014 - First International Conference on the use of iPads in Higher Education
Paphos, Cyprus
>From Mar 20 to Mar 22 2014

8 July 2013: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://ipadsinhe.org/ 

Guerrilla UCD Live: Agile User Experience
London, UK
>From Mar 24 to Mar 24 2014


More info on http://www.syntagm.co.uk/design/gucd-live.shtml 

Guerrilla UCD Live: Persona-Driven Design
London, UK
>From Mar 25 to Mar 26 2014


More info on http://www.syntagm.co.uk/design/gucd-live.shtml 

IA Summit 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
>From Mar 25 to Mar 30 2014


More info on http://2014.iasummit.org/ 

3DUI 2014 - IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
>From Mar 29 to Mar 30 2014

11 November 2013: Papers and Technotes Abstract Submission 
15 November 2013: Papers and Technotes Submission 
2 December 2013: Poster Submission 
13 December 2013: 3DUI Contest Registration 

More info on http://3dui.org/ 

International Conference on Timing and Time Perception
Corfu, Greece
>From Mar 31 to Apr 03 2014


More info on http://www.finalconference.timely-cost.eu/ 

AISB AI and Games 2014 Symposium
>From Apr 01 to Apr 01 2014

12 January 2014: Call for paper Extended 
1 March 2014: Later Registration after 

More info on http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/D.Romano/AISB14/index.html 

3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems - SMARTGREENS 2014
Barcelona, Spain
>From Apr 04 to Apr 05 2014

3 October 2013: Regular Paper Submission 
17 January 2014: Regular Paper Authors Notification 
31 January 2014: Regular Paper Camera Ready and Registration 

More info on http://www.smartgreens.org 

SIDER'14 - the 10th Student Interaction Design Research conference
Stockholm, Sweden
>From Apr 10 to Apr 11 2014

16 February 2014: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://sider2014.csc.kth.se/ 

Graphics Interface 2014
Montreal, Canada
>From May 07 to May 09 2014

18 December 2014: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~kry/gi2014/ 

ICWSM 2014
Ann Arbor, Michigan, US
>From Jun 01 to Jun 04 2014

15 January 2014: Abstract Submission 
22 January 2014: Paper Submission 

More info on http://www.icwsm.org/2014/index.php 

PerDis 2014: The 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
Copenhagen, Denmark
>From Jun 05 to Jun 06 2014

13 February 2014: Paper Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.pervasivedisplays.org 

UD2014 - International Conference on Universal Design
Lund, Sweden
>From Jun 16 to Jun 18 2014

15 January 2014: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.ud2014.se/ 

IDC 2014 -Interaction Design and Children
Aarhus, Denmark
>From Jun 17 to Jun 20 2014

13 January 2014: Full paper submission deadline 
17 March 2014: Short paper submission deadline 

More info on http://idc2014.org 

EICS 2014 - Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
Rome, Italy
>From Jun 17 to Jun 20 2014

31 January 2014: Workshop proposal submission deadline 
28 March 2014: Late Breaking Results, Demonstrations, Doctoral Consortium and Tutorials submission deadline 

More info on http://eics2014.org 

DIS 2014 - Designing Interactive Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada
>From Jun 21 to Jun 25 2014

12 January 2014: Doctoral Consortium and Workshops 
19 January 2014: Full and short papers 
20 March 2014: Provocative New Ideas/WIPs, Design Pictorials, Demos 

More info on http://www.dis2014.org 

HCII 2014 - HCI International 2014
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
>From Jun 22 to Jun 27 2014

15 October 2013: Papers (Abstract 800 words) 
15 October 2013: Tutorials (Abstract 300 words) 
7 February 2014: Posters (Abstract 300 words) 

More info on http://www.hcii2014.org/ 

DCC14 Sixth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition
London, UK
>From Jun 23 to Jun 25 2014

16 December 2013: Paper Submission Deadline 
31 January 2014: Poster Submission Deadline 
31 January 2015: Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline 

More info on http://mason.gmu.edu/~jgero/conferences/dcc14/ 

ACM Web Science 2014
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
>From Jun 23 to Jun 26 2014

17 January 2014: Workshop deadline 
23 February 2014: Paper deadline 

More info on http://www.websci14.org/ 

IEEE 2014 Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century
Boston, MA, United States
>From Jun 24 to Jun 26 2014

30 November 2013: Call for Papers Submission Deadline 

More info on http://21stcenturywiener.org/ 

PPIG 2014 - 25th Anniversary Event
Brighton, UK
>From Jun 25 to Jun 27 2014

25 March 2014: Submission Deadline 
11 May 2014: Doctoral Consortium Submissions 

More info on http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Users/bend/ppig2014/ 

2nd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at TVX 2014
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
>From Jun 25 to Jun 25 2014

17 March 2014: Submission deadline 
20 April 2014: Notification of acceptance 

More info on http://wsicc.net/ 

UMAP 2014 - International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Haifa, Israel
>From Jul 07 to Jul 11 2014

27 January 2014: Abstract deadline 
3 February 2014: Paper deadline 

More info on http://www.um.org/umap2014/ 

UMAP2014 - 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Aalborg, Denmark
>From Jul 07 to Jul 11 2014

3 February 2014: Paper Submission Deadline 
7 March 2014: Doctoral Consortium Submission Deadline 
7 April 2014: Posters and Demonstrations Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.um.org/umap2014/ 

2nd International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation
Krakow, Poland
>From Jul 19 to Jul 23 2014

[Date unavailable]: N/A 
[Date unavailable]: N/A 

More info on http://www.ahfe2014.org/conferenceHFT.html 

22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'14)
Karlskrona, Sweden
>From Aug 25 to Aug 29 2014

27 January 2014: Workshop Proposals 
3 March 2014: Tutorial Proposals 
3 March 2014: Abstracts for Research and Industry Papers 
10 March 2014: Full Research and Industry Papers 
14 April 2014: Panel and Interactive Proposals, Doctoral Symposium Submissions, Posters and Tool Demos 

More info on http://www.re14.org 

Science and Information (SAI) Conference 2014
London, UK
>From Aug 27 to Aug 29 2014

1 March 2014: Paper Submission 

More info on http://thesai.org/SAIConference2014 

ECCE 2014 European Conference on Coginitive Ergonomics
Vienna, Austria
>From Sep 01 to Sep 03 2014

15 February 2014: Submission deadline 

More info on http://ecce14.ce.jku.at/ 

ECCE 2014 - European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Vienna, Austria
>From Sep 01 to Sep 03 2014

15 February 2014: Submission Deadline 
15 June 2014: Camera-ready version of accepted contributions 

More info on http://ecce2014.eace.net/ 

Hypertext 2014 - 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media
Santiago, Chile
>From Sep 01 to Sep 04 2014

21 March 2014: Main Proceedings 
23 May 2014: Extended Proceedings 

More info on http://ht.acm.org/ht2014/ 

HCI2014 - 28th British HCI Conference
Southport, England, UK
>From Sep 09 to Sep 12 2014

14 March 2014: Full and Short Research Papers Submission 
23 May 2014: WIPS, Demos, Student Posters, DC, ALT Papers Submission 
1 August 2014: Late Breaking Posters Submission 

More info on http://hci2014.bcs.org/index.html 

ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014)
Seattle, USA
>From Sep 13 to Sep 17 2014

12 March 2014: Paper abstracts due 
19 March 2014: Papers deadline 
8 May 2014: Author notifications 
4 June 2014: Revised papers due 
16 June 2014: Final author notifications 
24 June 2014: Camera-ready versions due 

More info on http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2014/ 

fluxible 2013, A User Experience Event
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
>From Sep 14 to Sep 15 2014


More info on http://www.fluxible.ca/ 

HCSE 2014 - 5th International Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering
Paderborn, Germany
>From Sep 16 to Sep 18 2014

7 April 2014: Abstract submission 
16 April 2014: Submission deadline (for all tracks) 
4 July 2014: Final paper submission 

More info on http://www.hcse-conference.org 

AUTO UI 2014: The 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
Seattle, USA
>From Sep 17 to Sep 19 2014

25 April 2014: Full and short paper submission deadline 
5 June 2014: Workshop and tutorial proposal deadline 
8 August 2014: Work-in-progress, demos, industrial showcase deadline 

More info on http://www.auto-ui.org/14 

EuroIA 2014
Brussels, Belgium
>From Sep 25 to Sep 27 2014

2 February 2014: Submission deadline for case studies and presentations 

More info on http://www.euroia.org/ 

DandE2014 - International Design and Emotion Conference
Bogota, Colombia
>From Oct 06 to Oct 10 2014

1 February 2014: Submission deadline 
1 May 2014: Camera-ready manuscript submission 

More info on http://de2014.uniandes.edu.co/ 

Participatory Design Conference - PDC 2014
Windhoeck, Namibia
>From Oct 06 to Oct 10 2014

15 January 2014: Full Papers 
30 January 2014: Short Papers 

More info on http://www.pdc2014.org/ 

NordiCHI 2014 - The 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Helsinki, Finland
>From Oct 26 to Oct 30 2014

24 April 2014: Full and Short Papers 
8 May 2014: Workshop and Tutorial Proposals 
14 August 2014: Workshop papers, Posters, demos, and videos, Panels, Doctoral consortium, Industrial experiences, Design cases, Student design competition 

More info on http://nordichi2014.org/ 

IHC 2014 - Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
>From Oct 27 to Oct 31 2014

26 May 2014: Submission Deadline (Full and Short Papers) 
1 June 2014: Submission Deadline (Workshop and Tutorial Proposals) 

More info on http://www.inf.unioeste.br/ihc14 

Fifth International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
>From Nov 11 to Nov 13 2014


More info on http://www.ami-conferences.org/2014/ 


If you feel something is missing, or if you find errors, please go to 
http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/ and make additions or corrections.

Very best regards,

Mads Soegaard
Founder and Editor-in-Chief

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