[Sigia-l] What's Your Presentation Topic for the Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference?

Nicole Purviance nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu
Tue Apr 1 17:26:36 EDT 2014

"This Conference is a Wonderful Opportunity for People to Both Take Part in
Presenting and Listening to Presentations," says Conference Attendee


Have you recently implemented new digital initiatives among museums,
archives, and libraries? Does your library offer mobile access to services?
What are you doing to reach diverse communities and serve multilingual


Share your challenges, successes, new ideas, and case studies with your
colleagues around the world during the Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual
Conference <http://www.library20.com/2014> , scheduled for October 8-9,
2014. This FREE international conference will be held entirely online in
multiple time zones with presentations delivered in multiple languages. This
is a call for presentation proposals.


Conference Strands

This year's conference features six subject strands
<http://www.library20.com/page/2-014-strands>  trending in the information
professions, as follows:


1.	Digital Services, Preservation, and Access
2.	Emerging Technologies and Trends
3.	Learning Commons and Infinite Learning
4.	Management of Libraries and Information Centers in the 21st Century
5.	User Centered Services and Models
6.	Library and Information Professionals - Evolving Roles and


Examples of topics for each subject strand can be viewed on the conference
website at: http://www.library20.com/page/2-014-strands


Submit a Presentation Proposal

Everyone is encouraged to submit a presentation proposal
<http://www.library20.com/page/proposal-submission> . This is a
participatory conference with a focus on all-inclusiveness. Proposals can be
submitted now through September 15, 2014. The earlier you submit your
proposal, the more flexibility you'll have in scheduling your presentation
time during this two-day, around-the-clock conference. Presentations must be
non-commercial. For presentation guidelines and step-by-step instructions on
how to submit your presentation proposal, please see:



Launched in 2011, the Library 2.0 virtual conference series
rary-20>  connects thousands of information professionals worldwide with a
focus on the future of libraries in the 21st century. The free conferences
are a great opportunity for information professionals to collaborate with a
global audience, exchanging research and knowledge on issues relevant to the
field of library and information science. Co-founded by the School of
Library and Information Science <http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/>  at San Jose
State University, the conferences are part of the school's commitment to
providing professional development and lifelong learning experiences. Dr.
Sandra Hirsh <http://slisapps.sjsu.edu/facultypages/view.php?fac=hirshs> ,
director of the SJSU information school, and Steve Hargadon, director of Web
2.0 Labs, co-chair the conferences. The Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual
Conference is the fourth annual event.



For more information about the Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference,
please visit Library2014.com <http://www.library20.com/2014>  or email us at
SanJoseSLIS at gmail.com
<mailto:sanjoseslis at gmail.com?subject=Library%202.014%20Conference> . If
you're on Pinterest, follow the Library 2.014 conference board
<http://www.pinterest.com/sjsuslis/library-2014-conference/> .


Related Content:

*	Read what conference attendees had to say
<http://www.library20.com/page/conference-kudos>  about the Library 2.013
*	View presentation recordings
rary-2013-worldwide-virtual-conference/presentations>  from the Library
2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference




Nicole Purviance

Director of Marketing and Communications

School of Library and Information Science

San Jose State University


nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu

http://slisweb.sjsu.edu <http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/> 




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