[Sigia-l] Open Access Books on Design, UX, Usability, and HCI

Mads Soegaard - Interaction-Design.org mads at interaction-design.org
Tue Nov 12 17:36:29 EST 2013

Dear all,

It is my great pleasure to share the most recent Open Access textbooks from the Interaction Design Foundation:

"Emotion and Website Design" by renowned Professor Dianne Cyr:

"User Interface Design Adaptation" by renowned Professor Fabio Paterno:

"Human-Robot Interaction" by renowned Professor Kerstin Dautenhahn:

If you want some background info on our Foundation you can read the ultra-short intro here:


--- Want to help us (and yourself)? ---

If you would like to support our free and Open Access textbook initiatives, you should consider becoming a paying member of our Foundation. Then you will have access to our online courses (http://www.interaction-design.org/courses ), our mentoring program, and lots more. Please see http://www.interaction-design.org/join for more info.

Please forward this email if you want to help us educate the world on design through Open Access educational materials !

Have a wonderful day!

Warmest regards,

Mads Soegaard

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