[Sigia-l] Final reminder - ISKO UK conference 8/9 July "Knowledge Organization - Pushing the Boundaries"

Leonard Will L.Will at willpowerinfo.co.uk
Thu Jun 20 05:11:21 EDT 2013

Dear list members

This is your final reminder to book a place at the ISKO-UK July 
conference, “Knowledge Organization - Pushing the Boundaries”, while 
there are still a few remaining places. In tough economic times, many 
events around us are getting cancelled for lack of subscribers. But 
ISKO-UK has stuck with affordable prices, and is still the best place to 
keep up-to-date and compare notes with people who share an interest in 
knowledge organization.  See the action-packed programme 
at<http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/programme.htm>  .

This conference aims to explore the boundaries between distinct areas 
where knowledge organization is applied, challenging them and advancing 
our thinking into new territory. It will be the third biennial 
conference of the UK Chapter of ISKO. Practitioners as well as 
theoreticians are invited to attend and participate, along with 
consultants, researchers, teachers and students. There will be a mix of 
short and longer presentations, as well as a display of posters. The 
papers submitted will be peer-reviewed and published electronically on 
this website, together with slides and audio recordings.

More details, including the provisional programme and abstracts of the 
papers, can be found on the conference website 
at<http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/>. 34 Presentations are scheduled, 
including keynote addresses from leading lights Patrick Lambe and Martin 
White, as well as six posters. The programme includes demonstrations 
from our generous sponsors PoolParty and Smartlogic, showing how their 
products are adapted to support evolving needs.

Registration fees for the two-day event on 8-9 July are still the same 
as for our 2011 conference, just 180 pounds (full price) or 150 pounds 
(ISKO members)

Leonard Will
ISKO UK Committee
Conference hashtag #ISKOUK2013

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