[Sigia-l] Book announcement: Intersection

Milan Guenther milan at guenther.cx
Tue Jan 22 10:40:27 EST 2013


this is a plug for my new book about strategic design in the enterprise, 
which just got published by Morgan Kaufmann:

     INTERSECTION: How Enterprise Design Bridges the Gap
     Between Business, Technology and People.

My topic touches quite a number of topics and disciplines, so please 
excuse the cross-posting.

*What is it about?*
Intersection is about applying the practice of Design strategically in 
complex enterprise environments, consisting of an organization and the 
ecosystem it is embedded in. It portrays the Enterprise Design Framework 
of 20 aspects, to align the overarching strategic efforts of Branding, 
Enterprise Architecture and Experience Design on a common course. The 
book aims to give designers, entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders a 
model and a comprehensive vocabulary to tackle complex challenges, and 
explains how to navigate key concerns and bridge diverging views. 
Designed to help practitioners shape tomorrow's enterprises, 
Intersection connects design work on aspects as diverse as services, 
interactions, operational processes and business models, down to 
tangible outcomes such as digital apps or physical buildings.

*What has this to do with Information Architecture?*
Concerned with the design of shared information environments, today's 
Information Architecture challenges go well beyond the web, the screen, 
and even the digital space. People's particular journeys cross the 
boundaries of tools, devices, and environments, and so must design 
practice when organizing and structuring information to reshape 
experiences. This requires us to take design to a strategic level, where 
the intangible and complex mix of goals, processes, structures and 
values take center stage. Such a conceptual design sets the foundation 
for any concrete manifestation in media or tools, by defining their role 
within the larger system. With the Enterprise Design Framework, 
Intersection introduces a map of the intertwined aspects to consider 
when designing for such complex environments, starting with strategic 
considerations and translating design decisions on information, 
interactions or content into usable systems.

*Is it about theory or practice?*
Although being based on some theory, Intersection attempts to be 
practical. In 9 exemplary case studies, it explains how different 
organizations are applying design thinking and practice reshape their 
enterprise. These case studies include SAP, Jeppesen (part of the Boeing 
company), Apple, BBVA, Instagram and IKEA. Moving from strategy through 
conceptual design to tangible results, Intersection shows what is 
relevant at which point, and what expertise to involve when addressing a 
certain aspect or challenge.

Where can I find out more?
Learn more about the book and the framework at 
http://intersectionbook.com, take a look inside, check out our free 
materials, buy it, read it, share it

Join our LinkedIn group at

...and let me know your thoughts!

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